
The Hybrid Awakened

John is a 14 year old who one day discovers that he is not a human and that he in fact is a rare hybrid, a mix between a vampire and werewolf. John now has to learn how to control his new found powers.

MikeTheWriter · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 24- Caden

John shook Elena "come on Elena get up".

Elena made no movements; she made no sounds of waking up and blood was leaking from her left shoulder, John retrieved a piece of cloth from his storage ring and covered her wound, with great fear he looked at the direction to where Jones was kicked and without thinking he picked Elena up from the ground and started running.

John ran deeper inside of the forest as he was afraid that Jones will come running after them. He looked back once and awhile to see if nobody was chasing them, the deeper John ran into the woods the thicker the trees and plants got, he ran aimlessly with no direction. John probably ran for 3 hours without resting until he came to a water stream, when he looked up, he saw a cave "perfect". He needed to get a place so that he can look after Elena who was gravely injured, when he entered the cave, he started to move deeper in, it was dark, but his eyes later adjusted itself to the dark and John had no problem navigating in this unknown place. He moved to the deepest part of the cave and carefully put Elena on the cold floor, he slowly removed the cloth from her shoulder. John saw that the bite wound was still deep and did not heal like the other wounds "what is going on" John had the expression of great concern on his face.

"Maybe if Elena drinks some blood, then her wounds would probably heal" John then retrieved a plastic bottle that was full of blood and poured a little into Elena's mouth, he waited a few minutes in to observe the wound but no changes occurred "what is going on?".

Meanwhile, Jones who was laying in the woods did not move after 3 hours, he came to the conclusion that the dagger he was stabbed with had a type of poison that left him immobile, when he stood up, he sensed that they were long gone but he did not know in which direction they went, he began to smell the ground and followed the scent that was still present. However, not long as he was busy finding their scent, the weather began to change, clouds were forming and it began to rain heavily "great, just great".


Thomas Crimson, after how many hours came to the Crimson castle, his clothes was all bloodied and Reina who was nearby saw Thomas in an awful state, his wounds was still present but most were healed "what happened?"

"Someone attacked us". Thomas told Reina everything and she delivered the information to Anna and Leonidas Crimson. "Who would dare to attack our family?" Anna asked with rage in her voice

"Leonidas, we need to go find John". Leonidas sit there in deep thought, he looked at Anna "Anna there is probably a chance that the boy is dead by now"

Tears began to form in Anna's eyes "Don't you dare". Leonidas began to slam the table "Anna you got to think, the enemy probably planned this and wants us to send most of our men into the forest, they would probably kill all our men or they want us to send our men out there and then attack us when we are at our weakest"

"Leonidas, what about the promise you made to our daughter, do you even remember"

"Of course, I remember! But the forest is big and it would take a lot of men to cover a lot of ground".

"So, you are going to do nothing, is that what you are saying" Anna asked but Leonidas did not give her a reply.

"Then I will go there myself" Anna wanted to leave and Leonidas grabbed her "You will not go anywhere, you hear me", Leonidas then walked out of the room.

Leonidas then called one of his best knights called Lava "tell all the men to stay alert and no one is to let my wife leave the castle". "Yes, my lord" Lava said.

Anna who was still in the room was angry and pacing up and down in the room, thinking of a plan to save her grandchild "Reina" Anna called.

"Yes, my lady, how may I be of service". Anna went up to her "your second son Caden is one of the best trackers we have, I want you to secretly go underground and awake him from his slumber". Reina couldn't believe what Anna said but she closed her eyes and nodded her head. "My lady, what if John is dead?"

"Then I want to see his body for myself! Now go"


Reina went to the underground without letting the guards know she was there, in this underground area were a lot of coffins with vampires that were in a deep sleep, waiting to be called upon for their services. Reina went to her second son Caden's coffin. She opened the coffin and saw her son in a deep sleep, she couldn't help to give her son a kiss on the forehead "Hello, my sweet baby, it's time for you to wake up", Reina cut opened her wrist and allowed the blood from her wrist to flow into her son's mouth. In about 45 min did colour begin to form on her son's face, he opened his eyes slowly and he saw his mother's lovely smile.

"Hello mother, it's been a long time since I've seen your lovely face" Caden got up from the coffin and his mother gave him a tight hug "My dear boy, mother loves you so dearly".

"Why did you awaken me mother" Caden asked his mother. Reina cupped his face and kissed him on the check "Mother has a mission for you".

When Caden and his mother got to her room, he saw that everything was already prepared by his mother. On the table there was 4 throwing knives, a samurai sword, a light black hooded coat with black shirts, leather boots and pants.

"Caden your grandmother asked me to wake you from your slumber, she wants you to go to the endless forest to find your cousin John, he, Thomas and one of the vampire maids was attacked by a mysterious man."

Caden crossed his arms and started thinking, he couldn't remember a cousin called John "who is this John mother".

"Oh…I forgot to tell you that your aunt Angeline came back after so many years and she got a son who is currently 14 years of age, he only gotten here recently and encountered an unfortunate event and now this, he is not raised like you and is not used to violence. I trained him for a couple of months and I do not know if it is enough to help him survive".

"I can see mother that you care about this boy, he must be special. So, what must I do mother?"

"You must go and find out if he is still alive and bring him back safely, however, if he is dead then you must bring his body back." Reina said.

"What about father or grandfather, what did they say?" Caden asked. Reina then turned around and walked to the window "to be honest your grandfather does not like his new grandson very much, he refuses to send men as he thinks that we will be attacked if we sent out too many men to search for John, we don't know of its true but if it's true then we don't know who the enemy is and how powerful they are. Furthermore, your father is currently on a mission and we don't know when he will come back"

Caden then walk to his mother's side and did not ask any more questions "what does John look like" Caden asked, Reina then turned around and she touched Caden's forehead with her index finger and she transferred an image of John into Caden's mind".

After getting a picture of John in his mind Caden then started to equip himself with all the items on the table "I will leave immediately then". When Caden got to the door, his mother called out to him "Caden!", Caden opened the door and turned his head to look at his mother "come back safe" Reina said, Caden did not say anything, he only nodded his head and disappeared as soon as he closed the door.