
The Human Maze

"When the soul speaks to you, listen to what it says."

SoulSA · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Part II: Awe




Emotions that have no meaning until you give them a person. A person has no meaning until you give them a soul. A soul has no meaning until you give it a life.

He looked inside his soul looking for a spark. The life should have shaped his soul to have a glimmer that he could see.

Trails of bodies and empty shells follow him around, hindering his speed while his demons chased him. Everything was connected to him like a rope around his neck. The bodies, the shells, and even his demons; he was linked to them like a branched tree.

Even at the worst moments, he never once stopped to take a breath. The legs that hold him are used to such torture, so he became succumbed to the pain. His vision became obscured by a dark cloud making him unable to truly see things that he weighed on his back.

Lying to himself, He never once stopped to shed a tear. His eyes dried up and he became like an old tree, withered at the core and broken at the surface. How can a human live inside such a shell? All those thorns to poke at his feet, the darkness that blinded his mind, and the emptiness that covered his heart.

People cannot see how delirious he became. Emotions suppressed so hard that they became flat, unresponsive, or even perhaps, unavailable. The weight that he bared on his back crushed him, pushed his heart out of his body as he held it in his hands. He walked around with his heart whispering. Every beat sent a wave to his body reminding him that he was still alive; that he was still pushing ahead. The heart was trying to get back to its cage, yet it failed at every attempt. Even though his heart was in his hands, it was not visible to every eye. Many people went and came, and many years passed by, yet only a few saw that heart whispering in his hand.

Many years were lost running away from himself, yet he knew that at the end of the night, it was him, his shell and the 4 walls that kept him in one piece. It was tiring for him to say the least.

"I spend all day running away from myself only to spend all night with it alone. Such an irony of a life"

Ecstasy was an unrealistic goal, or an unattainable venture. A state where you lose yourself completely in your own mind. A dream for him maybe, or rather an end. To be unable to think no more for yourself and lose yourself in a moment of pain, spirituality, or pleasure.

The demons that haunted him were no demons by any mean, but his clouded vision lost the ability to tell demons from shadows. All the bodies that he kept on his back were just the ghosts of his past, yet was he going to stop? How was he going to stop? He was too blind to take a look back; to realize that nothing was chasing him. It was just his mind preying on his poor soul.

"I will just keep running ahead."

"I can manage this."

"Don't look back."

Whispering to himself, he did not want to stop. The fear of stopping crept into his mind like a venom. He did not want to collide with his past. The past was too much for him to handle. No one can run away forever from such history. Everything loops back on itself, even the stars cannot escape their end.

Around and around, aimless he goes. Nothing gained and nothing lost. Just a lifeless shell at this point running around. His eyes can barely see, his ears as weak as his knees. Suddenly, a whisper flies by. He heard its desperate cry as he turned his head. The eyes filled with tears from what was heard:

"The night is still nigh my young dear."

The whole place collapsed, and a wall appeared. He was back at that maze. He can hear millions of whispers fly away. Each whisper as gentle as his tears, and their light bright from his dread. This was no space for joy. Only torture, agony, and fear. A place almost like a fairy tale; a tale from the depths of hell where the demons reappear. He knew exactly one way. Dead end or perhaps a friend.

The only path plagued with corpses and rot. The smell of death led his way to where he sat by and watched the sky being filled with his blood while the whispers kept eating him away. The vines and thorns growing behind each step, making sure that he has no regrets. He reached the dead end. A wall that knows his soul.

"We meet again my old friend. My soul found its way back to you once again." He knocked on the wall.

"How did you find your way here?" The wall asked.

"I ended up in the maze because of a whisper. Then I followed my corpses that laid around since I know they lead to you in the end." He explained sitting down. "I was hoping you could tell me about the whisper that lead me to this hellish place."

He looked above the wall looking for droplets of blood, hoping that she would be on the other side.

"You finally heard her cry after all this time. You stopped coming but she was always here, waiting to see your blood fill the air, waiting for you and her to meet." The wall wept.

He put his back on the thorns that blocked the path to look at the wall. Broken bones, shattered soul, heavy eyes, soiled ears, light glow, and a clear mind.

"I ask you my dear friend, is she drifting on the other side?" He questioned the wall as the thorns pierced harder into his body.

"The whispers ate her yet again, yet she comes back before her old corpse rotted from the inside. She is on her way here hoping for a bloodbath to see." The wall could have filled a lake with his tears.

"Will you move this time or is it going to become a vampire's dream?"

He kept staring at the wall waiting for an answer. The wall was silent. it closed its eyes, taking its face to the other side. He saw blood floating from the other side. His blood started to fill the air, but this time it was different. The whispers did not eat the blood. His and her blood stuck together above the wall.

Everything was calm. Even the whispers became silent to the ears. His conscious slowly faded as the veins laid him on his back. He looked at the blue sky emitting its pure light on the maze. he heard footsteps slowly approaching him as he closed his eyes.

"We finally meet my young dear." She said as she rested on his chest. They stayed together while the blood dripped from their eyes, changing the thorns to flowers as it covered them both from the teary skies.