
The Hokage Married Tsunade's Wife

Ye Chen traveled through the world of Naruto and happened to be attending the Jonin Convention! At this moment, Tsunade proposed to reform the medical system and was rejected. As Tsunade's classmate, Ye Chen said that he is just a soy saucer. At this time, the system appears! "The system starts, and in view of the host's current situation, three start options are given!" "Option 1: Be a salted fish, sit idly by, and stay away from the plot! Reward: An improved version of 8 Inner Gates!" "Option 2: Strongly oppose Tsunade, reward: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan." "Option 3: Agree earlier than Kato Duan, reward: Supreme Novice Gift Pack!" Ye Chen chooses... Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Man in Naruto Marries a Wife Tsunade"; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. I'm changing the mc name Moro cuz I don't like ye chen I'll keep some of the original stuff in but change some of it 1 ch a week maybe https://novelsemperor.com/series/the-hokage-married-tsunades-wife https://wap-faloo-com.translate.goog/booklist_791369.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US

The_Blind_Bandit · Komik
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11 Chs

Shadows of Doubt Meeting the White Fang

Moro considered the three options before him and fell into deep thought.

Logically, he had no ties to Shizune, so choosing the first option seemed straightforward. However, the reward, Lightened Boulder Jutsu, wasn't useful for someone like him who had already mastered the ability to fly.

Moro didn't know how many choices the system could offer in total, so he had to select the best reward each time. Based on that reasoning, he disregarded the second choice. Although Particle Style was alluring, he already had the Thunder Fruit, making this offensive ability unnecessary.

The third option? A day in Hypersonic Lion Tamer was what he urgently needed. His growth potential was high, but he required time to master his devil fruit powers and Garp's physical skills.

One day in Hypertonic Lion Tamer equaled one year of training, allowing Moro to improve dramatically. Despite his current power, becoming an elite Jonin was already difficult. Without continued improvement, he could die in the upcoming war.

Not to mention the looming threats from Madara and Obito Uchiha in the coming decades. Major threats to the Leaf Village.

"Given that, the choice is obvious: the third one. But for now, I'll stay put and find an opportunity to go directly to the Third Hokage's aide," Moro thought.

He still had to complete his current mission, which required him to go to the border and eliminate the Sand Ninja Intelligence Unit.

Emerging from his thoughts, Moro took a deep breath and decided to rest before hitting the road again. Before he could, another group of ninjas approached, this time from the direction of the border station.

Moro sensed them in the dense forest more than a kilometer away. Leading the group was a powerful figure, identifiable by his short silver hair and the iconic short sword on his back—the White Fang of the Leaf, Sakumo Hatake.

Next to him was a ninja riding a dog, clearly from the Inuzuka clan.

"Lord Sakumo, the enemy is just a thousand meters ahead on the left," the ninja reported.

Sakumo nodded, "You guys go around back. I'll scout the situation."

If anyone else had suggested this, they'd be considered foolish. Charging ahead without knowing the situation was highly dangerous. Usually, one person would scout ahead. But with Sakumo Hatake, no one objected.

Thanks to his electric waves, Moro overheard their conversation. He stood up and quickly destroyed the corpses around him. Although the identities were hidden, Moro knew they were Danzo's ninjas. (1)

He didn't know Sakumo's character well, but he knew if Sakumo found out he had killed Leaf ninjas, things would escalate quickly. Moro would be in trouble if he couldn't defeat him.

Moro discharged electricity at full power, reducing the corpses to charcoal and leaving no trace of their human form. Even their belongings were burned to ash.

As he finished, Sakumo arrived. Seeing Moro, Sakumo lowered his guard but didn't approach rashly.

"Are you Moro? I was informed you'd arrive at the border station today. Do you have the mission scroll with you?" Sakumo asked.

Moro didn't blame Sakumo for being cautious; it was the border, after all. Enemies could infiltrate at any time. He threw the task scroll over, and Sakumo, after careful inspection, was relieved.

"Welcome to the patrol. Which village did these ninjas come from?" Sakumo asked, looking at the charred corpses.

"The enemies wore masks, so I can't confirm their identities. The leader was an elite Jonin, and the rest were Jonin," Moro replied honestly.

Sakumo was shocked. "You mean you killed an elite Jonin and the others?"

It seemed unbelievable to Sakumo, given Moro's chakra level suggested he was an elite Chunin at best. Killing an elite Jonin didn't seem possible. However, Sakumo had heard of Moro's sword skills, with many comparing Moro to him, calling him the White Fang with less chakra.

Sakumo subconsciously thought Moro exaggerated the enemy's strength due to his reputation. "I understand young people are competitive, but how was it possible for you, a special Jonin, to defeat an elite Jonin and the others? Is there anything you left out?"

Moro knew he was being underestimated but didn't mind. He wasn't the type to show off. If Sakumo didn't believe him, he'd go along with it. Better that than being assigned too many missions.

Seeing Moro's lack of response, Sakumo decided to drop the matter. He carefully investigated the scene again. Finding no clues, he temporarily noted the incident for later investigation.

On the way back, Moro faced criticism from others. His status was awkward, neither high nor low. He was strong, possibly above a regular Jonin, but anyone leading a team at the border had to be at that level.

"Have you heard? That's Moro, the one rumored to have kenjutsu skills on par with Lord Sakumo!"

"Rumors are just rumors. I've seen Lord Sakumo's kenjutsu. His skills are unmatched."

"Looks like I need to teach him a lesson, ground him a bit."


End of Ch 


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(1) It said heart network so I just assumed it meant electric waves or it might be haki 


Actual Title: When I first met White Fang, I was underestimated.

here is the next ch title so maybe to the people reading can help me come up with a new one so leave you Suggestion on the Title of the next ch

Next Title: Duel with White Fang!

As always see any mistake or anything that can be improve on Lmk!


Hey im back ik its been a while 😭

this is not dropped i just got real busy during may and couldn't translate any ch cuz you know i was busy 😭

anyways I plan to drop more ch cuz I miss a lot 

well thats about it 

all love man ✌

Author note needs to support emojis

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