
Chapter : 15 Rabid animal

He didn't want to stop... couldn't stop. Anthony was now like a rabid animal, not going to stop until his prey was subdued or killed.

He no longer cared what he was doing, he just needed something to take his anger and sadness out on, and Raynare was the perfect punching bag.

Even with the Twilight Healing, Anthony caused more damage to her body than she could repair.

As she looked into Anthony's eyes, she could've sworn she saw a transparent image of a dragon... though it might have just been a hallucination out of fear.

She needed an alternative... something to get him to stop and distract him long enough. Pulling back after the 29th punch, Anthony prepared to strike again...


Anthony stopped himself. Raynare had the audacity to change into her Yuuma persona. "I'm sorry... I really am! Like I said, I didn't want to kill you, but I had no choice! I truly loved our date, Anthony... and you.

If I really didn't love you, why do you think I spared you all those times? It's because you really showed me a good time, I couldn't kill you... it broke my heart. I love you, Anthony. Please understand, Azazel's the leader, I couldn't go against him.

But with you... I can leave it all behind... we can be together, forever..." Yuuma/Raynare said, also crying while she spoke.

"I... I..." Anthony stuttered.




"I know the game..."

Yuuma/Raynare gasped.

[EXPLOSION!] The Gear's gem glowed bright-green with power. "Resquieta in pace, sole al tramonto" said Anthony and with a roar, he continued his attack as Yuuma/Raynare screamed.


He and Yuuma/Raynare were engulfed in green light, and the harsh blow generated a huge wind, blowing the clothes of the other members of the ORC.

When it faded away, the wall was completely destroyed with Anthony's Sacred Geared fist in the middle of it... all that remained of the Fallen Angel... was the Twilight Healing on the floor... and black feathers raining around.

Raynare... was no more...

Tired, Anthony deactivated his Gear, but he still had one thing left to do. Picking up the Twilight Healing, he ran over to where the deceased Asia laid, and slipped the rings of her gear on his fingers.

"Come on, Asia. Come on!" He ordered, using the gear to try and bring Asia back somehow. Of course, it didn't work but still... he had to try.

The rest of the ORC watched as Anthony did this. Once he realized his effort was futile, he took off the ring and gave them back to Asia's corpse.

"Once the Sacred Gear leaves the body, its like pulling the heart from its strings... I'm sorry, Anthony... she's gone" said Rias, honestly feeling bad for her newest servant.

He was on her, grabbing her shoulders and pulled her face up to his. "Bring her back" was all Anthony said, not blinking.

"Anthony, I..." Rias was saying, but Anthony quickly interjected. "PLEASE! Rias..." Anthony sobbed, putting his head down. He was so exhausted, that he could barely stand anymore, his face also landed in her bust.

"My mom... my dad... she's all I have left... please... bring her back..." Anthony begged, but then lost consciousness and slumped over. He boosted too many times and used way too much power from his Gear.

His battle with the Fallen actually explained allot. This wasn't a Twice Critical, but a Longinus... the Boosted Gear, otherwise known as the Red Dragon. No Twice Critical was capable of that power and even if it was, it would have destroyed itself in the process.

Rias will have to explain this to Anthony when he wakes up. As Kiba and Koneko took the young Italian off of their King, she eyed Asia's still form before making a decision...




"Ugh... feel like merdaaaaaaaaaaaaa" groaned Anthony, waking up. After stretching his muscles, he got out of bed to brush his teeth and stuff. As soon as he exited the room however, he smelled something good.

Was Rias making him breakfast this time? When he got downstairs, he looked at the person in the kitchen... did Rias dye her hair yellow? No wait, could that be...? "Hmmm? Oh, buongiorno Anthony; I..." Before 'Rias' could finish, Anthony rushed over and hugged her tight.

"Asia... thank God... your alive. I'm so happy. Your home" he cried, tears of joy streaming down his face.

At Kuoh Academy...


Anthony slammed the door of the ORC open, seeing Rias drinking some hot tea. "Oh, good morning.

Sorry I didn't sleep with you last night, I..." she said, but stopped when Anthony rushed over and hugged her just like he did to Asia this morning. Rias dropped her tea as a result, but she could always get more.

"Thank you... thank you, so much..." Anthony cried again. Rias couldn't help but blush, she didn't expect him to be THIS happy.

"Your... your welcome. Would you mind having a seat, there's something I need to speak to you about" said Rias.

"Oh... sorry" Anthony apologized, but he couldn't contain his happiness. Taking a seat on the opposite sofa, he and Rias got down to business.

As you already know, once a Devil decides to reincarnate a human, Evil Pieces are used to bring them back to life" said Rias.

"Except this guy, did you ever figure out why yet?" Anthony said, thumb pointing to himself.

"Unfortunately no, but I have a theory it might have something to do with your Sacred Gear" said Rias.

"My Gear?" Asked Anthony, looking at his hand were his item was stored.

"Anthony, did I ever tell you how many pieces I used to revive you?" Asked Rias, getting off her sofa and sitting on the arm of the one Anthony was at.

"Um... no, just that I'm a Pawn. So you can have 7 more, right?" Asked Anthony. He then started blushing when Rias wrapped her arms around his neck from behind him, her breasts against him.

"Your the only Pawn I'll ever need, or want. To be honest, before reviving you; I had a Rook, a Bishop, a Knight and all 8 of my Pawns" she said.

"All eight... so you used all of them... on me?" Asked Anthony, reading the content clues on her choice of words.