
The Hidden Phoenix - 숨겨진 불사조

In a seemingly ordinary world, there lies a great secret hidden behind ancient history: the extraordinary power derived from the 13 Chinese Zodiac signs. While 12 Zodiacs are known to everyone, there is one forgotten Zodiac, erased from history due to its uncontrollable and formidable power. The 13th Zodiac, the Phoenix, is a legend that lives only in myths and folklore. Ahn Joon-woo is a quiet 15-year-old who is often bullied because his Zodiac is considered worthless. Along with his childhood friend, Kim Hye-jin, Joon-woo strives to live a simple life in a small village in Korea. However, his life changes drastically on his 15th birthday when his Zodiac power is unexpectedly awakened. Though appearing as an ordinary bird, Joon-woo's Zodiac possesses extraordinary potential. He begins studying at a Zodiac academy in one of the big cities, where he meets various new friends and some rivals. Among them, Park Dae-hyun, a tough young man with the Tiger Zodiac, becomes an important ally on their journey. During training at the academy, Joon-woo starts to show the hidden potential within him. With the help of Hye-jin and Dae-hyun, he learns more about the history of the Phoenix and how to control its power. However, their journey is full of challenges and tough trials, including political intrigues and betrayals within the academy. As they face various obstacles, Joon-woo discovers an old book revealing important secrets about the Phoenix and its power. With each step forward, he gets closer to the truth about his Zodiac and the great threat lurking in the shadows. The Hidden Phoenix is an epic tale of rising above challenges, friendship, and fighting against evil forces. Joon-woo must find his true self and face the greatest challenges to protect the world from destruction while delving deeper into the secrets of the forgotten Zodiac and its formidable power. With his friends by his side, Joon-woo is ready to face whatever comes, proving that even the hidden can shine brightly and powerfully.

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The Forgotten Legend

Thousands of years ago, in the land of China, there existed a legend about the 13 Zodiacs that possessed extraordinary powers. Each Zodiac represented an animal in the zodiac cycle and was bestowed upon humans by the gods to maintain the world's balance. These Zodiacs first appeared on 13 chosen individuals, who later became known as the Zodiac Protectors. Each of these individuals had a Zodiac mark that appeared on different parts of their bodies, such as the palm, head, abdomen, back, arms, or legs. This mark not only signified their power but also connected them to the natural elements they represented.

The First 13

[Rat - Mark on the palm, granting cleverness and cunning]. [Ox - Mark on the arm, granting strength and steadfastness. [Tiger - Mark on the chest, granting courage and protection]. [Rabbit - Mark on the feet, granting speed and agility]. [Dragon - Mark on the back, granting power and bravery]. [Snake - Mark on the neck, granting wisdom and cunning]. [Horse - Mark on the thigh, granting speed and strength]. [Goat - Mark on the shoulder, granting creativity and calm]. [Monkey - Mark on the head, granting intelligence and mischief]. [Rooster - Mark on the wrist, granting bravery and precision]. [Dog - Mark on the back, granting loyalty and protection]. [Pig - Mark on the abdomen, granting strength and luck]. [Bird (The Hidden Zodiac) - Mark on the chest, appearing as an ordinary bird without any notable special powers].

The Status System

Along with the emergence of the Zodiacs, the status system was also introduced. Each individual with a Zodiac could mentally summon their status to view their level, abilities, and personal statistics. This status helped them understand and control their powers better. The system became an integral part of their lives, allowing them to grow and develop as the world's protectors.

Seoul, 2017

Ahn Joon-woo is a 15-year-old teenager living in Seoul with his family. He is a quiet boy often bullied at school because of his unknown Zodiac. In a world where everyone has a Zodiac that grants them special powers when they turn 15, Joon-woo feels isolated and worthless. His best friend since childhood, Kim Hye-jin, is the only person who always supports him. Hye-jin, also 15, has the Rabbit Zodiac and has already shown signs of her powers.

Today is his 15th birthday, and Joon-woo wakes up feeling anxious. He hopes that his Zodiac will awaken and prove that he is not the weak and useless boy everyone says he is. He walks to school with mixed feelings. At school, he is greeted with jeers and mockery from his classmates. They often taunt him, calling him "the boy without a Zodiac" or "useless kid." However, Hye-jin is always by his side, providing the support he needs.

During lunchtime, Joon-woo feels something strange within him. His body feels hot, and he senses a strong energy flowing through him. He runs out of school, seeking a quiet place to cope with the changes happening within him. Hye-jin chases after him, worried about her friend's condition.

In a secluded park, Joon-woo feels the peak of the transformation. Suddenly, a bright light envelops him, and he feels his body changing. When the light fades, Joon-woo realizes he has a Zodiac mark on his chest. However, this Zodiac appears to be an ordinary bird without any notable special powers. Though relieved to finally have a Zodiac, Joon-woo also feels disappointed because his Zodiac seems ordinary.

Hye-jin, who witnessed everything, is shocked but also happy for Joon-woo. "Joon-woo, you're amazing! Your Zodiac has finally awakened!" she says excitedly.

However, Joon-woo still feels confused and scared. "But what does this mean? What Zodiac do I have? It looks like an ordinary bird."

Hye-jin shakes her head. "I don't know, but one thing is clear, this is the start of something big. We'll figure it out together."

With Hye-jin's support, Joon-woo begins a new journey to understand and control his Zodiac's power. Although it appears to be an ordinary bird, Joon-woo is determined to uncover the secrets behind his power. However, this journey will not be easy, as many challenges and dangers await him. Joon-woo must face a world full of intrigue, conflict, and adventure while searching for his true self and understanding the hidden power within his Zodiac.