
The Hidden Gift

Strange things start happening after Maria Summers wins her Tennis Championship Finals. Caleb, her twin brother takes her, Madison, her bestfriend, and Cyrus out to celebrate when suddenly she starts hearing voices. At first she pays them no mind thinking it's just mind games until they come back...louder and stronger which then results in her hurting her brother. Later on she finds out that she's getting her powers back but they were binded when she was young for a reason and that her friends and brother also have powers too. Too many things happening in one day causes her to freak out a little and then a mysterious man shows up holding her mother as a hostage. What is really going on? Five years later, Maria, Caleb and Madison are taking in and training those that are superhumans, mutants and those who can also do magic. Maria's on a search for the man who killed her mother and trying to get to the bottom of whatever he's planning, Caleb worries about his sister's health, Madison tries to keep the house intact, the kids and everyone safe and people from the past start turning up. What's in store for these three? Well start reading to find out ;)

MzMysteryy · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


"You need to get out more your twenty for Christ sake." Madison groaned rolling her eyes at me.

An hour later we'd finally arrived at the club. The music was pretty loud, loud enough you could hear it from 3 blocks away. When we stepped inside a cold feeling washed over me.

I know I said before it was fine but now I really didn't want to be here but Mads and my brother were blocking me from the door and Cyrus was no help.

Clubs are just not my type of fun and I really wasn't feeling this one anymore.

"Can't we go somewhere else?" I sighed pouting at my brother, the smell of smoke and alcohol hitting me.

"No we're already here so let's just try and have some fun alright." Madison lightly squeezed my hand and pouted. I glanced at my brother and Cyrus and then back at Mads.

"Fine." I sighed in defeat.

"Awesome we'll get the drinks, come on Mads." Caleb hurriedly walked over to the bar before I changed my mind.

Cyrus stood beside me, holding my hand and rubbing his thumb gently over my knuckles. "Hey don't worry, I'm here if anything happens alright."

I looked up at him and smiled. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead "Come on let's go see what's on the menu."

We strolled over to the bar, walking past people dancing, some smoking and some just standing around talking. I took a seat on one of the stools near the counter, Cyrus standing inbetween my legs. Mads and Caleb came back with the drinks.

"Here you go." He set mine down infront of me.

I took a sip and nearly spat it out in Caleb's face. Boy was it bitter, a fruit but nasty bitter. I grabbed Cyrus's drink out his hand, took a sip and to my surprise it was a Smirnoff mix.

"I'll be taking this." I winked. He shook his head and took mine.

"Come on guys let's dance." I already knew were this was going so I let Mads take my hands and lead us to the dance floor.

Some mexican calypso song started playing so we swayed our hips back and forth and danced till our hearts content. We laughed and we danced and to be honest I was feeling alot better than when we arrived. Eventually after two more songs played we made our way back to the bar where Cyrus and Caleb had been watching us.

"Enjoyed the show boys." She laughed, leaning on the bar counter.

"That sure looked like fun." Caleb smirked at Mads.

"Yeah it sure was, you should've joined us out there." she sipped her drink looking at him under her lashes.

"Ugh get a room you two." I pushed my brothers shoulder. I sat back down on the stool and downed one of the shots. When I looked up, Cyrus was already looking at me.

"What, do I have something on my face?"

He laughed. "No Maria."

I squinted my eyes at him. "I'm gonna go find a restroom."

Pushing past sweaty bodies on a search to find a restroom in this place was a task. But at last I found it. I walked past a couple or whoever they were making out against the wall beside the door.

How romantic.

I leaned on the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, luckily no one was in here. That cold feeling was coming back but so far the nights been normal and fun. Maybe I just needed to eat something and stop overthinking. I ran a little water through my hair, washed my face and grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser.

I dried off my face and hands and threw the paper towel in the trash, checking my appearance one last time I froze in my spot. I stared at my reflection in shock. My eyes. There were a fiery red.

I slowly brang my hand up to my face. "What the actual fu-"

The door burst open and a group of girls walked in chatting with eachother. When I looked back at the mirror my eyes returned back to normal.

I made my way out the bathroom quickly and back to where my friends were sitting.

"Hey what's wrong?" Cyrus looked at me worriedly, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"M'nothing." I said fumbling with my fingers. "I think I'm just hungry."

He handed me his paper dish of BBQ wings.

"Here, I don't want the rest."

I smiled and instantly started eating them. "Thanks babe." He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead.

Caleb walked over to me, hugging me to his chest. I let out a light chuckle.

"Are you drunk already?" I questioned him.

"Mhm maybe maybe not but we are going to dance." He said shaking his shoulders.

Cyrus nudged me to go with Caleb, not like I had much of a choice. The wings were finished anyways.

I laughed at his silly moves and took the cup he held in his hand downing the rest of the red liquid.

Some pop beat started playing as we went to dance, Caleb doing the worm and the robot.

"What are you doing, that's not even how you dance to these songs." I laughed.

"I set trends girl now follow." He said while-- well I don't know entirely what he was doing but it sure was something.

Shaking my head I took his hands and twirled him around. The song changed as we danced even more.

Oh my god I'm so tired.

I stopped dancing and turned around.

I'm starving.

I need another drink.

She's hot.

His breath stinks.

I kept hearing more and more voices in my head at once. Each one feeling like an electric shock to my brain. I looked around to see if somebody was pranking me but I highly doubted it. I tried not paying it any mind but they kept coming.

This music is lame.

I always wanted to have sex on a beach.

Where is Clay.

Many more voices rushed into my head.

"Agh." I yelled out in pain, holding the sides of my head, the room felt like it was spinning and my head felt like it was about to explode any minute.

I squeezed my eyes shut to ease the pain a little.

"Maria what's wrong?" I could hear my brother asking me although his voice sounded very far away.

Squeezing my eyes shut, the pain was too much, tears rolled down my cheeks at the painful shock as more and more voices entered.

"I don't know." I said to him clenching my teeth.

"Sis talk to me." He gripped my shoulder.

"I DON'T KNOW." I screamed.

My hands gripped my hair tighter and in that moment, Caleb went flying over the bar counter knocking over some glasses and alcohol bottles.

The music stopped and everyone in the club stopped what they were doing to see what was happening.

I ran over to the bar to find Caleb sprawled out on his back, Mads and Cyrus were already lifting him off the ground. A row of alcohol bottles had been smashed and the liquid dripped off the shelves and onto the floor. Madison looked at me with wide eyes, Cyrus came over to me.

"Maria what just happened?"

I wish I knew.

I looked at Caleb, at Cyrus and behind me to see everyone looking at me. I then looked at my hands.

"I-I don't know." I said barely above a whisper. I pushed past everyone and ran to the door.

Once I ended up outside I ran. I didn't know where I was running to but I just needed to get as far as I could from there. Eventually I stopped and leaned against a wall, tears spilling and running down my cheeks "What the hell is going on." I shouted at myself looking at my hands.

Maybe I was going mad. Maybe this was all some sick game or a hallucination. Before today I couldn't hear those voices. So maybe this is some sick prank right?

"Hey there sweet thang." I looked up to see a tall man walking over to me. He reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.

"What's a girl like you doing out here, all alone." He stood infront of me, placing his hands on the wall beside my head blocking me from moving.

I didn't say anything, I pushed him off and started to walk off but he grabbed my wrist.

"Where'd you think your going?" he smirked.

"Let go of me." I tried to free my wrist out of his grip. "I said let go of me."

He pulled me closer to him, as I struggled to push him off again.

"We're gonna have some fun first." He grinned.

Suddenly I saw a metal pole wrap around him and he was flying against a car.

I stood in my spot, looking at the man knocked out. I know for sure that wasn't my doing.

I looked around wondering who was the culprit, that's when I saw him.