
The Heroic journey of Roshan and Dragon girl

She's a dragon little princess who is forced to go into running and hiding after her mother died her father married another woman not knowing she was a wolf in sheep's clothing driving wedge's between everyone in the whole clan Goddess of Mercy. Tian Roshan's master. Male lead - Roshan Female lead - Dragon princess Water Spirit - Keeper of the Golden Trident. Fire Spirit - Keeper of the Silver Trident. Kiyan - Roshan's weapon the flaming spear Oliver - Roshan's weapon the flaming rings Noah - Roshan's weapon the Universe ring. Jiya - Roshan's weapon the fire Queen . Silk - Roshan's weapon the Heavenly Silk. MONSTER CLAN Dawooni - she's the snake princess/demon princess daughter of Monster king. Jinjong - Monster Emperor king of Monster clan. Black emsasary - Monster Emperor's right hand man Lady Fish - Snake princess hand maid. DRAGON CLAN Halmahera - King of the E. C Harry - Crown prince of the E. C. Henry - Fourth E. C prince. William - North dragon prince. Stown - king of the South C. Minyan - King of the Noth C. Tomlin - King of the West C. TORTOISE CLAN Tarto fairy. Leader of the tortoise clan.also she was there when the world was being created she saw each and everything and knows everything in this world. General Gwao . General of the tortoise clan FLAME ISLAND. JIYA - Queen of the Flame island.known as Fire queen Daisy - her right hand. Peacock - her left hand. MAGIC MOUNTAIN. Blanch - Elder princess and leader of the magic mountain she can foresee the person's inner power and everything that happens outside magic mountain. Kirian - Second princess. General Dawg - general on the magic mountain. Join me on this journey of Roshan and Dragon girl trying to stop Monster Emperor from destroying the four dragon king's getting more power to control the three realms.

Phoenix_Spirit · Fantasi
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6 Chs


Looking at her son she couldn't help but ask

"Roshan why are you back so late and why is your face so dirty "

" Mother , I went out not for fun but for... " Before he could finish he was interrupted by his mother.

"Why is your hand injured ?"

"Young master why are you so injured ? I will go get you medicine "

" No.... I'm fine. Aunt sit down , Mother you too sit down "

" Roshan why are you injured did you have a fight "

" No fight , listen i'm a big hero today , I saved a baby from the fire today. You know what the fire was popping up and I flew into the house without hesitation the fire reached the beam, then the house collapsed then i stopped the fire with my own hand then... "Before he could continue with his story like he was narrating a movie his mother stopped it. " Ok my big hero please safety matters most, ok? "

" Ok mother don't worry "

" Silly boy come... If the General gets to know about this, he will be so angry does it hurt "

" I'm famished "

" You look at your hands so dirty fo and wash it first "

Like a spoiled child he turned to his mother while pouting his lips "Mother"

But she didn't fall for it this time " Do as aunt says , go get changed, your father will be back soon , Go"

" You all bully me hmph "He said before going to his room.

" Sticky boy but he's grown up he can save someone now "

" Yeah - it's enough that he listens to his father, i didn't expect him to save people now" she said with a sign.

" No , i see him grow up and I am sure he's very enterprising "

" Of course like father like son but the father and son can't get along well with each other "

" Roshan "the General came shouting his name.

" Husband - General" They both stood up

"Is Roshan back yet ? "

" Yes he's changing his clothes now "

" He still has the guts to come back " he said going straight to his room.

" Husband "

"General" seeing him walking away without talking to them they followed quickly.

After having a bath and changing his clothes he tidy up his room and turned around only to face his angry father.

"Roshan come here"

"Father" he called coming closer to his father.

"Kneel down"


"I said kneel down" he said again this time almost shouting.

Looking confused but still he asked "Why"

"Roshan do as your father says and apologize first" his mother said.

Hearing his mother he kneeled down with a long face " I'm sorry father i was wrong"

"For what "

Looking at his father like he was looking at some funny creature he asked.

"How could i know, you asked me to kneel down right ? "

"How dare you!?!! So you don't know why, let me tell you.. you didn't study at home,

you disobeyed the family rules,

you stopped the army it's disruptting morale, You embezzled the water without permission , You show no respect for the military discipline you can't be forgiven"

Hearing all this he couldn't help but exclaim " it's not like you said "

"I don't need to hear your explanation a military discipline is a military discipline no excuses will be excused. Roshan from today on, you will be grounded for a month otherwise i will break your legs"

Standing up he can't accept this. " No , i did a good deed outside why I'm i grounded..

Mother, Aunt Mary, I'm i right? "

" Master "

" Roshan say sorry sorry to your father he will set you free when he has a good mood"

" I won't set him free"Mr Maximus shouted turning his back on them.

" Husband"

"No need, I can go as i want no one can stop me "

"You dare" Turning to face his son.

" I dare" the moment he finished those words he got a tight slap from his father.

Looking at his father in anger he touched his cheek before asking " You slapped me?"

"Husband how can you slap him you never slapped him since childhood "

"Ok i will go "he said turning around before continuing. "Your not my father "

"Roshan "

"Young master"

"Ungrateful son, come back "

They shouted following behind him.

" Come back Roshan "

" Stop right there , guards stop him , you ungrateful son where do you think your going "

" No, you are no longer my father " he said looking back at them.

" You!! You are ungrateful " the father shouted back.

" Roshan, how can you talk so to your father like that?" Mrs Maximus asked.

" Mother , he doesn't give me a chance to explain , ask him when he sees me as his son? "

" Surrender and do as i say"

" You keep suppressing me with your military orders you don't see me as your son"

" Roshan my son don't go your father doesn't blame you "

" Young master don't go"

" No"

" Guards take him down "

"Father why are you so unreasonable?" Turning to face his father.

" Unreasonable?... I'm every reason take him down and lock him up"

" Husband "

" General "

Hearing orders the soldiers drew their swords, looking at his parents "mother" Aunt Mary , bye. " Saying that he turned around to leave.

"If you walk out now don't ever come back"

He walked out of the gate without saying a word or turning back


"Young master" they called going after him .

"Close the gate"

"Yes" the guards started closing the gates.

"You two come back and here "


"Your highness" walking inside without answering them.

She looked at her father and step mother showing public display of affection she felt disgusted they didn't even notice her.

"Is it sweet"

"Not as sweet as you"

Walking in between them she shoved her step mother away and sat in her position.

"Father , I'm back" she said throwing herself in her father's hands.

"Your back, i missed you so much"

"Uncle" William greeted bowing his head.

"Tomorrow is your birthday the princess comes back now, full of sincerity "Dawoon said and before Dragon can answer her the King cut them off.

" Enough, I'm happy to see my daughter come back"

" Father i was busy recently, tomorrow is your birthday , I'm practicing my dance so hard , I'm i right? brother William"she said looking at her brother.

" Look , I'm i more like my mother "she asked turning around for her father and she snorted at Dawoon.

Looking at her William remembered something "Uncle , sister was under attack when she was practicing "

" Yes father "

" What, how could this happen, come let me check if you are injured "he said looking at his daughter.

" No , Brother and my friend came to my rescue in time " she said sitting at her father's lap.

" Good to know.... "

"Majesty, the premier could protect the princess well" Dawoon said acting like she care.

But Dragon can't fall for it. "Save your hypocrisy "

"Princess stop acting like a child, the whole palace is busy preparing your for the King's birthday banquet your father will be worried if you get lost"

Looking at her Dragon said" Get lost ? I grew up in the palace since childhood how can i get lost, Also I'm a princess i can do whatever i like, even if I'm childish" after saying that she wicked at her before " Father, see someone is bullying me"

"It's okay my daughter, my queen is just worried about you"

Seeing her throwing at her father like that Dawoon also did the same.

" Majesty, princess has such a big misunderstanding it's so ridiculuos "

" Hmph "

" Hmph "

" Hmph "

" Hmph "

Looking at each other like they are about to fight anytime the king interviened.

"Okay.. okay . Enough stop it.. daughter.. "

" Hmph "

" Daughter it's time to eat" getting up .

Looking at them leaving her behind " humph"

"Daughter what is wrong"

"I don't want to eat with you"