1 Prologue

He woke up in a cold sweat, tears streaming down his face. He looked over in the dark room looking for the light switch but only found black space and a hard stone wall. "Ah, that's right I'm no longer home." BANG. He looks over to where the sound came from to see a faint light in the distance and figure walking towards him. He looks around for his blade only to find nothing, the only thing he felt was his clothes. He searched some more looking for anything else he can use as a weapon only to find nothing of use. "Hello", the person who came with the light had reached him, "Shit", he thought to himself, "I got to distracted looking for something I didn't notice him get so close". He stayed facing away, "You must be confused as to why your in a cell Swordsman, or should I say Wolf?" Wolf turned around upon hearing his alias he was using in order to stay hidden. "So", Wolf looked at him, "What is it that you want?" Wolf looked the guy up and down only to realize that this guy was actually a girl, though it would be hard to tell at a distance because of how flat chested she is he thought. "Oh, and before you answer my first question, who are you?". The girl seemed to fidget at first then was able to compose herself. "My name is Feena and I umm, I want your help so I can get stronger so I don't lose anymore people I care about!". Wolf was dumbstruck at her answer that he couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "Hehe, so you want to get stronger? Then before I help you, please tell me how I ended up in a cell?".

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