
The story

Hey, you're probably wondering who I am. Well, you see I was a hero in the future. But first, let me tell you the beginning. The day started nice when I woke up. It was a sunny day and nothing bad happen. I change and everything, and went outside to work. By the way, I live in New York. I was a constructor worker. The day went nice until I saw something strange. It was something covered in steel and something BIG. I didn't get a good look on it until it got closer and closer. I then started hearing citizens screaming and crying for help. I went and ran to the person crying for help and saw. A GIANT ROBOT. Ya, you're probably wondering how I defeated the giant robot. Well, the robot didn't move much but it was shooting lasers. It was like "pew pew BOOM pew". Well, the robot was being controlled by some random scientist who wanted to destroy the city and take over it a long time ago but never had the chance because he was to stupid to figure it out. Anyways, I saw a random door leading to the entrance and I walked in of course. I started looking around and around because the robot was huge but then I found the door to the person who is controlling the robot. I opened the door and saw the scientist on the chair. The scientist then get up and wanted to fight me. So, I did and I did some "pow pow" shit and I managed to stop him and save the city. The scientist did went to jail too and the robot got removed from the city. Then I became the hero from the city.

This is my first story and I appreciate you guys reading it. Have a wonderful day. I didn't reread this story so I'm sorry if I made mistake. Goodbye!

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