
can I go back?

mina, who was working as a designer in xxx company with a hard life died after falling on stairs but she was given another chance to live, thus she was reborn into another world but she didn't enjoy as she was possessing a butterfly body. she went to the river and looked at her reflection on water surface. she was so angry at herself and mourned in anger


while looking at her reflection in river. she mumbled

What happened to my past life"~

she sat on the ground and recalled her past then she clenched her fist pointing sky and she yelled

Why did I come to this world...my past life was

1000x better than this life "sniff..sniff"

she started a non stop cry and layed down the grass. she looked to the sky and hitted the ground with her small fists. and complained

...arg.. just why?"

she started to let her thoughts come out of her mind

and tried to remember just what happened for her to die young and have first horrible memory in the world where she couldn't protect herself without cloudy. Cloudy was a wind spirit who saved her when she first came to this world. she stared at him and thought reincarnation and other worldly things are cool but who wants to be reborn as insect. she took deep breaths and sighed


then went around aimlessly and said in sad tone

insects life can be cruel"

tears started to fall off from her eyes then cried and started yelling saying

why give this life if you will take it back in a few movements ! "

The wind spirit , who was watching her the whole time crying ,come near to her saying

Don't yell too much " it's annoying"

she looked at the wind spirit and grapped him while yelling and complaining

Just how this happened...."

..... before her reincarnation....

*At office

she, who topped 20 in design, mina.

was overloaded by her work. she was managing her designing files that took her many nightover to finish.

she took her design files for final touch and said

Sigh,..finally done let's go home now..."

she stood up from her seat and rolled up the files,

moving her stuff back then she took her bag and left the office. she was already tired from overload work and just wanted to hurry back ank take some time off but today was actually a very unlucky day for her. first her designing files were misplaced ,secondly her dress was stained by junor who spilled the tea on her accidentally and the most horrible was when she was stucked in lift that suddenly broke. so she decided to not go through lift as it was so late. There were chances that she might get stucked in lift again so she moved to the stairs. while crossing the stairs she took her phone out to check incoming mails. While checking , she got a new notification

from her novel updates. Then she exclaimed in joy

finally a good news for me"

she started to move her body around and jumped out of joy on the stairs and but suddenly she loosed her balence and tripped her ankle. she was in the middle of her excitement as she slipped and fell down the stairs. She could only see her papers flattering as if bird's feather which loosed grip from her holds. she was the middle of stairs and her body felt numb and couldn't move but watched her work that she did for her whole week was flying here there , some fell on her body and some fell down the stairs. the watchmen who was checking stairs followed the papers and other people who were going back from work rushed to see. she was dripping with blood from her head wound . she watched people shouting but she began to loose her senses and her breaths became rough and couldn't think of anything. people took her to the ambulance but her heart stopped beating.

...so this was the story of top designer who worked her entire 30 years of her life to get in top 20 designing company lost her life in accident


as she died so young ,she got reincarnated into another world

*At green house.

she was lying on ground and her body was covered in thin layer like butterfly in there last morph stage. She moved her body but as it was covered with thin layer , it became hard for her to move but she didn't give up and continued to do so..and so the thin layer tore off and the sound of tearing was echoing in her head and she became shocked and thought

' did it tear off'

she reached her hands out of the thin layer and rubbed her eye as she couldn't see clearly. she thought whether it was the price of getting in stair accident. she worriedly sighed.


and thought how was she gonna continue her career with her poor sight. Then she turned back and tried to find where she was but the thin layer, on which she was standing, tangled her feet and she fell off. she grabbed it and thought whether she got surgery. but the thin layer that wrapped around her body before she tore it off, was soft in touch as she was touching it and she stood up holding it in her handsband then she thought whether she got full body surgery. she touched her body while thinking it but she felt strange as she continued feeling her body. Her body felt as it had six legs ,her center felt fat and she felt two big wings that actually felt papers. she screamed

what?????" she was shocked to the point where she didn't hear the sound of two big fatty frog coming from her both left and right side but a sudden voice came and she came back to her senses and she saw two giant frogs fight eachother. she tried to sneak out but the frogs noticed her movements. she begun to run as the frogs jumped over her side but her legs were so tiny to move an inch farther. she thought that she was going to die by being the food for those giant frogs. As she give up on running, again a voice came saying ' don't give up'. she looked to the side where the voice came from and suddenly a big air blow came and took her by wind.

she felt her body flying in air. she questioned

'am I saved?"

bye looking at her sorroundings . she looked at her back and saw her wings responding to wind and as if following the windy's rythm. she exclaimed in confusion

but how am I flying?"

she flapped her wings around and as she was playing in air , suddenly a voice came saying

~ cause I am helping you"

when she heard the sound she looked back and she thought

it's the voice from earlier"

but there was no one to be found . she thought maybe she misheard so she kept flapping her little wings but the voice again came and this time it came from her front

~ hey! why did you ignored me? I helped you from those right?"

the thing that was talking to her looked like small cloud piece. when she saw a talking cloud , she screamed out of shock and flew back. she asked from far

who are you? what are you ? how can you talk?"

As she stood far from the cloud. she gazed with a confusion and surprise look . The cloud said to her

~hey don't give me that look

that makes me feel like

I am some kind of ghost .

~you know"

she quickly responded to him

but you look like one!!!! "

the cloud looked pissed at her but she just looked and didn't respond then the cloud said

tsk tsk" you..." but the conversion was cut when the noise came. there was commotion in the place where they were standing. The cloud made a big wind blow and looked her way and said

first let's leave this place"

The wind was so fast her little body felt like her wings were going to scatter and her head was feeling dizzy. she yelled at how fast they were moving with air.


after reaching their destined place. They reached at the mountains where a river was running down. it was a magnificent view that could even capture the tourist attractions. she was out of breaths but when she looked her sorroundings .She was amazed by the view then she wondered around giggling. The spirit who was watching her crying and yelling during the travel was looking her enjoying the scene. The cloud moked her saying:

you change your mood in no time huh"

she stopped when she listened to his mokings then she remembered that how horribly he took her here but didn't reply because she remembered that he saved her life for that sake she just glared at him. looking at how she was controlling her anger the cloud smirked at her. so she couldn't control herself so she bursted out like a bomb and angrily said

argh...you.,want to taste my fist" right"

she said in angry tone that made cloud shut off and she glared at him saying

you better watch you mouth/"

she then looked around and thought why she was possesing a butterfly's body ?and where was she? then she turned back to the cloud who was standing obediently and asked him


she asked him in friendly tone but the bloud turned his back to her like refusing to give an answer. she thought that he was mad at her so she thought for awhile that she shouldn't fight with the one who protected her life and who can be her shield to protect until she could find her way back so she acted to be friendly with him saying

~I am sorry for earlier and thanks for saving my life"~

this was what she thought of saying but this was what came from her mouth

hey I am leaving you this time for saving me "~

the cloud who was already mad at her looked away . seeing him she thought that she forgave him kindly but why was he still mad . she turned and sighed and sat on flowers. she looked at him from behind thinking that there is no way she could makeup with him. she asked just in case that he might answer her

anyway where are we?"

The spirit who was sitting far turned to her way but she suddenly looked at river side. The spirit came closer to her and pointed somewhere.he said

between two boarders"

she turned at him and looked the way he was pointing at . she wondered why at boarders and where were they ealier so she asked him

then where we earlier?"

At her question the cloud made a map of clouds and pointed at some places saying

this is where we were before and this is where we are currently".

she was wondering more about this world so she asked.

tell me more about this world"

he looked at her and started teling her how this world worked[ like this blah..blah..blah and elves, fairies, monsters,demons were normal but spirit can rarely contact human but they do exist just like him as wind ,fire ,water,earth,light , and nature spirits but they are free spirit . blah...blah...blah and how magic works. Magic was of two types one was with forbidden spells 'dark' magic and other was right spells 'light' magic. blah...blah...and how Elves and fairies lived in forest kingdom at eastside separate from human. The demons lived in the opposite of elves forest and between them were two human kingdoms....blah..blah..]

.....so this is what I know "

after hearing a lengthy lecture of that world's history. she was worn off like in her history classes at college. she realized that again in this unfaithful world , she was but just a human soul in an insect body. she started hitting herself saying

it's better to die and wait for next reincarnation"

the spirit told her that it was no use and told her in suggesting manner

you won't have next chance, even if you do have, you might not remember from past"

she was pissed at what he told her was actually truth. she mourned in anger


coming to the present*

she fell down on the ground like half dead on the ground and kept sighing. cloudy sat down with her. mina who was thinking if she could go back so she asked cloudy who was whistling

can I go back?"

cloudy looked at her sudden question

that's impossible "

she turned to the ground, making some shapes but suddenly she realized that she was able to see clearly

and so rubbed her eyes and asked

how can I see clearly?"

cloudy told her that he helped her sight. She looked at the cloudy who answered her question like he could do anything then she asked him

why did you help me?"

cloudy looked at her and said

hmmm..maybe cause I felt strange energy from you ,so I thought it would be bad to let you die aimlessly"

this made mina with no choice but to think like he was pitying her. she changed question and asked

so what's your name?"

he replied back


when she heard his answere , she thought he really look like a cloud anyway as she was staring at him. cloudy looked at her as if waiting for her turn so she said her name



they both talked for the some time and the day passed and soon night came. The sky was already filled with twinkling stars and shooting stars. The night looked so beautiful in other world. she wanted to watch scenero the whole night but her little body was already so tired so she fell asleep as soon as she sat on the flowers.


new chapter will be updated every after two days

Sorry in advance , as English is not my narrative tongue but I still tried to write, cause i wanna share my story to you readers

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nazladycreators' thoughts
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