In the beginning, god produced a brilliant plan, to create humanity. His own children that he wanted to live in his way. He wanted love and forgiveness to be what they lived by. He did not want war, anger, and fighting. He did give them free-will so that they could make their own choices. He wanted them to feel as though they were in control of themselves but worshipping him at the same time. Angels argued with him for countless days, telling him that it was a mistake, and they would become corrupt. Vile creatures, that carried nothing but hate and violence. He disagreed, telling them that they are wrong.

Seven days, that is how long it took for him to create the world. Us angels watched as he created the humans and the animals. We had been in awe when Adam and Eve were created, along with the beautiful forest they were living in. It made some of the angels jealous since they could not live in such a beautiful place like that. Some of us are simply better at not speaking aloud about it than others. Those that kept quiet, only sat back, and watched, letting their father do what he wanted with the planet. Either way, it would not have mattered what they said since he is their father.

Before he began his creation, there was only one angel that openly disagreed with god, and that was Lucifer. He had been the sidekick, the angel closest to him. He kept trying to convince god, but never was able to get him to listen. Eventually, had had given up and produced a stupid idea of overthrowing god and taking over. We all know what happened with that situation. That was how hell and demons came to be. Our father had to see that creation and was not incredibly pleased to say the least.

After that, for centuries, Angels and Demons have been going in and out of constant war. The humans following suit. Their hate and greed continued to grow, as the angels forced love for them decreased. They still protected them of course, because of their father’s wishes. Even after he sent his son, Jesus, my older brother, to rescue them and they took advantage, he still wanted to protect them. No one could understand why and the reasoning, but they also did not ask questions either. They knew that eventually he would grow angry from being questioned all the time. So, the best possibility was to let it go. For now, anyways. Eventually, everything they have been telling him, would be proved right by someone down there on that planet that he loves so much. Some of us considered that he may love them more than us. That cannot be true though. He has done too much for them as well. Of course, they would never say that aloud because then they would feel guilty. Honestly, it would be a good thing for them to feel that way.

We have all watched over the years as the humans began to prosper and develop more into life. They began to develop homes and buildings, and even come out with something called money. Of course, that only made their kind even more greed hungry. Disease had become too regular to their kind, that when someone died, it made no difference to them. Seeing things like that made us angry. The reason being that they should care for one another the same way that us angels do. It always made us want to cry, causing it to rain on the earth beneath us, and that would be how they produced weather. They had no clue where it came from, so that is understandable. The main thing that bothered them the most about humanity, was when they created guns and weapons. That is when most of the bloodshed began and humans started murdering each other.

Our father was so forgiving that, when a human died, if they repented for their sins beforehand and lived by his ways, then they would be allowed to live in the heavens with him and the angels. The angels did not like it at first, because they were worried that humanity would destroy their home. As the humans started coming in, we made sure to watch them to keep anything from happening. As we watched, we have learned they are different when they come to heaven than they are on earth. In heaven, they are nothing but peaceful. They show no signs of anger or violence like they did on earth. When it continued to be that way we finally stopped watching and let them be. Our father did decide for the people who did not repent or did something that was not forgivable, then their souls were damned to hell for eternity with Lucifer. We were fine with that.

All of this took place years ago. Since then, no one has seen god. Older angels have passed away, and new generations have come. Now, all those things from the past are bedtime stories to us new generation angels. We also train endlessly to be ready for wars that would happen with demons. It has been years since the last war, and there are rumors that demons have been leaking out, possessing humans, and taking control of them. We do not know how true that is, so we are training some of us to go down to earth and pretend that we are human, so we can work the field and hopefully clean everything up. They had two weeks to go before leaving for their trip on earth. They would be there for a while. They would need to be ready for anything that could happen. For them though, this was something that they were already prepared for.

I happened to be one of the one of the lucky ones that gets to go down to earth for field work. Everyone had partners, but I am happy to be going alone. I would be sent to California, close to a spot that humans and demons did not know about, Sanctum, California. At night though, I would be staying in Avalon, California. Avalon is a small town right there at a beautiful clear blue ocean that I always wanted to take a dive in. I sighed, imaging myself floating on top of the water. I shivered, feeling my angelic body cool down just from the imagination. I pushed my long, curly, mahogany brown hair behind my ear, and sat back against the tree I had perched myself on. I stared down at the earth, as it slowly rotated underneath me. I dreaded going down, but at the same time, I was also excited. It would be a new experience for me, that I have never experienced before. Of course, they were told not to interact with humans unless they had no choice, which was disappointing to me because I honestly would love to learn more about them. Orders are orders though and I had no choice but to abide by them. Even with me being the princess, these orders came directly from god, from what I was told anyway.

I looked up from the earth, glancing ahead into the distance of the heavens. It was beautiful here, that I could not deny. It did not mean that I could not long to be somewhere else. I knew things where how they were in the beginning, but times have changed now, and whatever life they had to live, they needed to live it. In my head that did anyway. Others may not agree with me, but I have always thought like that. My mind has always been different than others. Of course, they do not judge me on it because for one; I am the princess, and for two; It is not their place to judge. Well, it should not be anyway. Without god around, my generation angels are quick to judge since there is no one there to discipline. The parents should, but they produce the excuse of, “Oh, they are angels, they do no wrong like the rest of us.” I must fight to not to roll my eyes when I hear excuses like that. Just because you are an angel, does not mean you cannot make mistakes like everyone else does. None of us are perfect except for god. Everyone knows that. Even the inexcusable parents.

I, on the other hand, am not like the rest of my generation. I would prefer to stay to myself to try and keep out of the shenanigans they create or produce. Participating in those mindless-child- games was not something that fell in her style. Do not get me wrong, they would invite me to take part, but I always kindly turned them down and went the opposite direction before they could say anything else. Most of the time, I would turn in the opposite direction before they even noticed me walking that way. Normally that gets me away from them unless they happen to spot me. Then I am doomed. I have been so half-tempted to yell at these belligerent parents walking around here about their disrespectful children. I forced myself not to say anything so I would not seem so …. Condescending. My mother use to always preach that I “needed to be the better person” and walk away, because it is not worth it. She always said that stooping to their level would make me as bad as them and she was correct, In the end, I knew avoiding those inferior behaviors would pay off and not judging them for it.

There was only one person in this generation that had an identical personality to mine, and her name is Alessia. Ironically, we happen to be best friends. In the beginning, her parents and mine were also close friends, aside from my father so It is only natural that we became friends. Alessia had this long blonde-golden colored hair that fell down her back that matched her crème-colored skin. Her sky-blue eyes were always flawless, especially when the light glared against them. Ninety percent of the time she wore shorts, showing off her long-tanned legs. I always envied the color of her skin and how her hair was always perfect. I also had tanned skin and perfect hair, but not like hers. Nowhere near like hers. She could say that she is jealous, but not in the way that it would be bad. Alessia did train for the trip to earth just in case I decided later that I wanted her to join me. Its highly possible that I would.

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