
CHAPTER 1: Sorrowful Cry

Han Xiang was quietly walking in the national book store to buy some pile of bondpaper when a certain book captured her interest. The book cover was exceptionally plain looking with a title of Endless Tears. 

It's a novel book. A sudden temptation urge her to scroll through the pages of the book. Han Xiang, Han Xiang is the name of the villainess. She quickly get her purse and decided to buy the book despite it's plain looking cover. 

Sometimes, Extravaganza hides in the chasmic simplicity. 

It's past midnight but Han Xiang, she couldn't seem to stop reading the book. The villainess really did a good job in driving her up the wall. The fortitude and bearing of the villainess is truly lacking and despicable. 

She stopped reading the story reaches when the Han's clan was executed due to some undermine schemes in the imperial court, her concubine status was again shaken. Han Xiang has been ripped off the rights of being a mother and was beaten with rods until it shuffled her mortal coil. 

"  X-xu yuhan h-how can you be so heartless? " The villainess said before coughing up blood " y-you already have the power to rebuke heaven and earth yet you still want to take away this lowly one's life. Why are you so heartless? "  

The villainess means of action are truly despicable but what kind of woman would ever condone her husband for having a myriad of concubines and bed servants? but still, her actions are not within her grasp. She's wicked and Jealous contrasting to what an ancient woman are expected to be, A virtuous wife. 

It only takes an incense stick to burn before Han Xiang finally hit the hay. 


From the moment Han Xiang heard a sorrowful cry. A crippling anxiety arises within her. She cannot see anything but pitch-black, like a bottomless pit of darkness

" W-who are you? " Han Xiang asked while stuttering 

" help me " she again heard a melancholic voice 

" Where are you? " She asked and continually walk. The more she walk the louder the voice. 

" Help me, you need to help me " the voice in the midst of darkness, said. More likely a plea. A sudden burst of memories passed through her mind. On the spur of moment she recalled the scenes in the novel, Endless tears. It was so vivid and seemingly like reality. 

" H-han Xiang " she uttered in a small voice 

" It's me. Save my family " she said with a sobs in between her words

" Save your family? Do you view me as a paragon of virtue? " She sarcastically said 

" Han Xiang, y-you must know that my heart yearn for something I cannot obtain, but you can. I have been trapped in this nightmare for how many decades, my sould cannot achieve tranquility in the yellow spring when my wish will be left unfulfilled. It will only be a cycle of torment, reincarnation with the same pain at the end. You are my only hope. " 

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