
The Harvester's Scion: A Tale of Death and Destiny

"SILENCE", " TOTAL DARKNESS " This were the thought in his mind as his consciousness slowly drift away, taking along with it his dreams He could help but reminisce the words his father told him, "death is the only true path to life" For the first time he felt the truth in those words as there is nothing more relieving than dying at this moment After fighting alongside his kid sister tirelessly against an enigmatic evil threatening to consume the world, only for them to meet a tragic end at the hands of betrayal. miraculously he got a second chance, setting forth on a quest for vengeance against those who wronged him. But as he grapples with his newfound abilities, he realizes that the line between hero and villain is blurred, and the path to redemption is fraught with unforeseen dangers." With each step he takes to embarks on his quest for vengeance, he discovers that the enigmatic evil threatening the world has only grown stronger in the century he was dormant.

umukoro_prosper · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

strong resolve

Lying within a luxurious room is a vegetable state Damon, one of his arm's missing, severed from his shoulder.

He is in a coma state, living on energy life support.

Beside his bed is an elf Lady around mid-age, her resemblance similar to that of Damon.

She had a pained expression on her face watching the pain and suffering her son was going through.

Black veins like lines had spread out from the severed arm point down to his entire body, his face and neck included.

"Are you still going to play silent at this time Roman?" her voice low and filled with pain as she asked, seeming to no one as it looks like there is no one else in the room.

Just then a figure stepped out of the shadows from one end of the room.

Stopping behind her as his eyes fell on Damon's agonizing figure on the bed.

"I'm not silent, Aroa," the figure said, his voice deep and resonant. "I am always here, watching over you and Damon. I feel your pain and your sorrow, and it grieves me to see you suffer in this way."

Aroa turned to face the figure, her eyes filled with tears. "I do not understand why this is happening, Roman. Why did my son have to suffer like this? What have we done to deserve this fate?"

Roman stepped forward and placed his hand on Aroa's shoulder. "You have done nothing, absolutely nothing. Our only crime is being Aerendil." Roman's voice was filled with deep sorrow as memories flashed past his mind.

"Then why don't we fight back? Why don't we make them pay for all they've done to us?" That's Elena's goal, her vision..."

"Elena is no more," Roman cut in rather harshly, visible rage could be felt in his tone.

"My daughter is gone, and her dreams unfulfilled and you are asking me to make them pay. Hell no, they aren't just going to pay. I'll make them wish they were never born."

Aroa looked at Roman, shocked by his sudden outburst. She had never seen him so angry, so full of rage.

She understood his pain, she felt it too. Watching her beloved son suffer and her dear niece gone.

She fully resonant with his rage at the moment; nothing would soothe her more than watching the world burn.

"You've decided then?" she asked and got his nod as an approval.

"I still don't trust him, but..." Roman paused as if reminiscing over something. "Elena once trusted him, so I should give it a chance. I've also heard Luke's report and that of Damon. He hasn't gone against us in the past three months we kept him locked away either.

Most importantly, he carries the same pain as we do."

Aroa nodded in agreement; they had tried many tests on him in a bid to determine his true intentions and all.

Every single test has proven him worthy according to his testimony, an unshakable resolve tested and tried.

But Roman still wasn't convinced. Being the one in command, he wasn't in a position to make rash decisions on impulse.

Especially with the fact of losing his very own daughter, he had to be cautious.

Luke's testimony further improved his opinion over the issue, still his resolve wasn't fully set till this moment.

Aroa, on the other hand, would have long since made the decision but she knew that she couldn't make the decision on her own, so she decided to wait on Roman.

"You are invited to the meeting of the great council in four hours' time, we'll know how to proceed there."

With that, Roman turned and walked away with a heavy face, he couldn't bear to keep watching Damon's condition anymore.

Roman's steps were heavy as he made his way to his quarters. He was filled with a sense of foreboding, as if something terrible was about to happen.

He knew that the council meeting would be a difficult one due to his decision, but he was determined to do what was right for his people.

As he approached his door, he hesitated, feeling a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him.

This wasn't the path he had wished to tread; it's not the way he wants to restore the Aerendil name and prestigious status, but his hands had been pushed. He had been shot at a spot he couldn't stop the bleeding, so why hold back anymore?

Right now, he doesn't care if the council decided to go against his wishes? Wanting to follow the elven nature and path?

His hands trembled as he reached for the door handle, and he took a deep breath.

If this is where he had to become a monster to achieve his goals and bring justice to the world, he isn't holding back. "I am the servant of justice, punishing those who have strayed from the path of righteousness."

This had always been the way of the Aerendil leader and the leaders before him, serving this same cause. "I will avenge them all. I follow the law, and I will not rest until all who have broken it are brought to justice. I, Roman Aerendil, will not be denied my purpose."

As he spoke, Roman felt a surge of power coursing through him, as if he was being imbued with a new sense of purpose.

He felt his resolve hardening, and his resolve to see this through was unshakeable.

He opened the door to his quarters and walked in, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

He was doing the right thing, he was sure of it.

No matter what anyone else said, he would see this through to the end.

He would make the Aerendil great again, and he would bring justice to all those that had hurt and hunted the Aerendil family till this day.

Roman's quarters were austere and simple, with only the bare necessities.

He sat down at his desk and opened a drawer, revealing a small box.

He lifted the lid and took out a small object, a ring made of pure gold, with a ruby set in the center.

The ring was a family heirloom, passed down to him by his mother, and it held great power.

From what he was told, this ring is a pair, made from the same beast core. One half is with his father he never had the opportunity to see while the other was currently now with him.

It's said once both rings are close or worn by the same person, the power it held skyrocket.

Roman placed the ring on his finger and felt a surge of energy flow through him.

He knew what he had to do, and he was ready to do it.

With his resolve now stronger than the world's most durable metal, he made his way out of his room, heading for the council meeting hall.

The council meeting hall was a large and imposing structure with a high ceiling and a long table in the center. The walls were covered in tapestries depicting the history of the Aerendil family, and the floor was made of polished stone. The large U-shaped table, placed on a raised platform at the far end of the hall, was made of dark wood and surrounded by twelve chairs, one for each member of the council. The center of the room was left empty, giving the hall a well-designed and fashioned courtroom-like appearance.

Roman arrived and waited for the other members to join him. As he waited, he thought about his mother and what she would have wanted him to do in this situation, her guidance lingering in his mind.

Soon, Aroa arrived along with other members of the Aerendil family, all standing around, waiting for the council leaders to arrive.

The first to enter was the Aerendil grand patriarch, Varg Aerendil. He was an imposing figure with a long white beard and a crown of gold upon his head. He took his seat at the table and nodded to Roman in greeting.

"Roman, it is good to see you," Varg said, his deep voice echoing in the hall. Despite the friendly words, his tone was void of emotion, laced with indifferent affection.

"And you as well, Varg," Roman replied, nodding in return, using the same tone and indifferent expression.

The rest of the council members began to arrive, and soon all twelve seats were filled. Roman stepped forward to address the council.

"With all that said, I want to request the right to take matters into my own hands," Roman declared firmly.

The council fell silent. Roman had just given a short briefing and summary of the Aerendil family's predicament, leaving them filled with rage.

The council members looked at each other, exchanging glances. Some seemed to agree with Roman's request, while others appeared unsure.

"What do you mean by taking matters into your own hands?" one of the elven leaders asked, her voice laced with concern. They were among the few elders of the family remaining, having survived the past slaughter incidents. They were cautious with their choices, striving to avoid allowing rage to cloud their judgement for the betterment of what remains of the Aerendil family.

"I mean to say that I will do whatever it takes to protect our family and our people," Roman replied firmly.

"Even if it means going against the law?" another leader interjected, his brow furrowed.

Roman fell silent, considering how best to answer that question.