
Chapter 177 - Always Aimee

A knock came at the door. Aimee glanced over her shoulder but didn’t move to answer it. If it was Clint, she wanted to postpone the inevitable for as long as possible.

Whoever it was knocked again. Karla stepped out of the hallway, glanced at Aimee, and then moved to answer the door. “You worry too much,” Karla said over her shoulder.

Aimee turned back to the ocean, the curling waves matching the churning in her stomach. She knew she was being dramatic, but she couldn’t stop herself. She hated defeat.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

Karla’s voice snapped Aimee’s attention around. Expecting to see Clint standing there, she was stunned when she noticed Bonnie, the woman ramrod straight, her neck stiff, and one white-knuckled hand gripping her purse strap close to her shoulder. Aimee could feel the confusion furrowing her brow, her eyes squinting, as if trying to make sure she saw what she actually saw. “Bonnie?”