
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Komik
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91 Chs

Step By Step

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

9:35 AM

Karito Pov

I was in a deep slumber when the sudden sound of my system's notification bell startled me awake. Groggily, I sat up in bed and stretched my limbs, feeling satisfying pops in my back and shoulders. The morning sun was just beginning to peek through the small gaps in the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. I turned my head to the left and saw Kara, reading the new notification message to me.

"System has updated during your sleep Player. Fatigue has been added to the Status Board"

Daily Quest

"Preparation to become powerful"

100 push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 squads

Run 10-kilometers


Status recovery

+3 Status Points

Random Loot Box

I looked at the next quest, which seemed to draw inspiration from Solo Leveling - a story I knew like the back of my hand. With a quick mental rundown of the steps needed to complete the task, I decided to tackle it right away. First, though, a shower was in order to shake off the grogginess of sleep. As I lathered up, I couldn't help but wonder if I might run into Steve Rogers along the way. One could only hope.

Time Skip




Oh my god, I think I'm dying. Is this what it feels like to have the lungs of a smoker? I wheezed, my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. Where's my spider-boost when I need it?

As I stood there gasping for air, a group of pigeons suddenly took off from the nearby street and flew towards me. Oh, great. Even the birds are mocking me now. I muttered between coughs.

I straightened up, still panting, and looked around. Well, at least no one saw that, I thought to myself. As I turned around, I saw a group of people staring at me in disbelief. Except for them. Awesome.

Daily Quest Completed

"Preparation to become powerful"

100 push-ups

100 Sit-ups

100 squads

Run 10-kilometers

Pick your first reward:

Status recovery

+3 Status Points

Random Loot Box

Alright give me that status recovery ASAP, I'm dying here!

"All status have been recovered"

As I let out an audible moan of relief, I realize how it might sound to anyone listening. I mean, one minute I'm struggling like a fish out of water, and the next I'm bouncing around like an over-caffeinated kangaroo. Time to focus, though, and get that +3 status point. Do I go for speed or strength? I mean, Spider-Man's quick moves are what save him most of the time, but his strength is pretty impressive too. But then there's Miles Morales and his electric powers and invincibility. Do they drain my mana? I quickly double-check my status to make sure. Wait, am I really having a mental debate about fictional character attributes? Man, I need to get out more.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 25/100

HP: 15,000/15,000

Fatigue: 0

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 14

INT: 15

DEX: 30

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 3

I glance around my system, searching for any sign of a mana bar. Did I miss something in the explanation? Is there a hidden setting I need to turn on? I turn to my trusty AI, Kara, hoping for some answers.

Aye yo, where my mana at?! I exclaim, feeling a bit frustrated. There's always a mana bar in a gamer system! Why don't I have one? I look to Kara expectantly, waiting for her to explain this mystery.

"Yes, player. The reason why you don't have mana is that the abilities of the character that you are using don't require mana. Miles Morales doesn't use magic he just gets tired when he goes overboard. That is why you don't have a Mana bar."

Well... that makes sense, I didn't know the system was like that. It is depending on what character I use. For instance, if I was in Black Clover I would have a Mana bar, if I was in Dragon Ball I would then have a Ki bar...right?

"You are correct Player"

Ooh, I see. So I just gotta watch out for my fatigue then. Alright, now that has been taken care of, let's get the second reward which is the +3 status points.

"+3 Status point added. Current Status points: 6"

Alright then let's distribute these points.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 1

EXP: 25/100

HP: 15,000/15,000

Fatigue: 0

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 15

INT: 15

DEX: 35

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 0

Alright, so I just added 1 for END making it 15, and the rest I dumped to DEX. Now for the final reward, the random loot box.

"Random loot box has been acquired do you wish to open it?"

Yup, gimme some good shit you box.

"You have acquired Rank E dungeon key"

Of course, I get a key. I'm following the step of Sung-Jin Woo here. Anyways I'll use that later. I have to find this dude (Captain America) first. First, let me shower. I smell like pollution.

Time Skip

Location: In the streets of Brooklin

Okay, now I smell good. Just went with a simple T-Shirt with a Stormtrooper design on it with jeans and red Nautica shoes. Like a typical nerd, but this is my drip. Now...if I was Steve Rogers where would I be? He likes to exercise a lot...wait he likes art now that I remember. Let's see if by any chance he's in an art museum. Hey, Kara can you GPS a nearby museum for me, please?

"Searching for nearby museums...loading...loading...location found on 200 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11238"

Alright, bet let's go there quickly.

A few minutes later...

Alright, now that I'm here...look for a tall good looking man with America's ass...

A few seconds later...

Wow, I wasn't expecting to find him so quickly. This place is like a ghost town, but there he is... Oh, no, no, no, my heart is racing a mile a minute! I'm about to meet the one and only Captain America! Deep breaths, Karito, deep breaths. Don't make a fool of yourself in front of him. I'm practically hyperventilating from the nerves. Come on, pull it together, me! And before I knew it, there he was, walking towards me with a look of concern on his face.

(Steve) "Hey, kid are you okay?"

(Karito) "Dad?"

(Steve) "What?"

(Karito) "What?"

As the silence stretches on, I can feel my face growing hotter and my palms getting sweatier. This is it, the ultimate cringe moment. I wish I could disappear into thin air right now.

(Steve) "Do you need me to call 911?"

(Karito) "Ohnoyoudon'thavetoIamsosorrymynameisKaritowhatisyours!"

(Steve) "Kid slows down you are going faster than I can run." Chuckles

Okay, I need to turn it down by 7,500. Just breathe in and out...in and out...in and out...alright, alright, I got this. But man, my heart is still racing like I'm in a marathon or something.

(Karito) "I'm so sorry, Sir. I kinda freaked out, I'm sorry for giving you a scare."

(Steve) "It's fine kid, you sure you okay?"

(Karito) "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit nervous."

(Steve) "Nervous? What for?"

(Karito) "Well, I get nervous talking to new people. The thing is, I'm new here and I'm just checking around and stuff, hopefully, I can make friends while adventuring."

(Steve): "Oh I see, I can show you around if you like?"

Yes! This is my chance to get acquainted with him and befriend him!

(Karito) "Oh, that would be awesome, Sir! Thank you so much!"

(Steve) "No problem, kid. Anyways, what's your name? Mine's, Steve Rogers."

He extends his hand for a handshake and I take it.

(Karito) "Names, Karito Valdez! It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rogers."

(Steve) "You don't have to be so formal with me, Karito. Just Steve is alright."

(karito) "Alright, Steve! You are my tour guide!"

(Steve) "Alright, haha. Let's start walking shall we?"

I spent the entire day with Steve, he's awesome. The dude is built differently, tho I don't have to say that, I'm just stating the obvious. Anyways, here are some fun facts about Captain America: He is a supersoldier a product of a government experiment, well DUH just in case someone lives under a rock and doesn't know that. Anyways, he fought in World War 2 and punched Hitler in the neck. He got frozen for a few decades. Thawed out in modern times. He's powered by the super-soldier serum. Before that? He was a little geek...like how I currently am...damn he was too cool and I got to spend the day with him? This is a nerd's dream. We helped a few people while he was showing me a car. For example, we helped a person change their wheels, I didn't know how to change them so I lifted the car gently surprising both Steve and the person we are helping. I just told Steve that I'll tell him later and he accepted it. I might've looked very suspicious there but I promised him that I'll tell him later, even tho he told me it was alright but I insisted. After that, we helped an old couple with the groceries and went to the park. Steve played with some people that seem to know him for a bit while I sat on a bench messing around with my phone. The both of us spent the entire day together and I'm relieved that he seems to take a liking to me because he told me if we could keep in touch so we could hang out next time. I didn't even hesitate for a millisecond before saying yes. We switched numbers and now we have each other's contacts. He asked if I wanted to accompany him to the gym to which I accepted and went with him. I luckily left some clothes in my inventory just in case. We both went into the same gym that's in the first Avengers movie, the one where he appears hitting a punching bag while he remembers his past, and in the heat of the moment, he hits the bag a little too hard and sent it flying that scene. We both changed into our gym uniforms and he looked at me seriously which gave me goosebumps.

(Steve) "Alright kid, you mentioned to me that you wanted to tell me something about your abnormal feat of strength in lifting that car?

(Karito) "O-Oh...yeah about that...will you believe me if I told you that I have superpowers?"

(Steve) "Really? You aren't joking with me now?"

(Karito) "No no! I'm serious! I have the abilities of a spider, I can do whatever a spider can but with extra abilities."

(Steve) "Oh? That seems impressive. Show me what you got then."

(Karito) "Alright!"

I demonstrated all of my abilities to Steve Rogers and explained how I got them, even making up a story. He opened up about his past and I listened intently, even though I already knew much of it. However, his next question caught me off guard and made me nervous.

(Steve) "Well, It's been a while since I have sparred with someone with abilities. You wanna give it a go for a little?

(Karito) "I-I umm I'm not sure, you seem like you can kick my butt 500 different ways..."

(Steve) "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you kid I promise."

(Karito) "Oh well...alright then."

As we stepped into the UFC ring, I readied myself for combat. I positioned my left foot to the back and my right foot forward, mirroring the position of my hands, which were angled to the sides rather than directly in front of me.

(Steve) "Karate huh?"

Steve Rogers takes his fighting stance and I can feel the nervousness creeping up on me. I think to myself, "Oh man, I suddenly feel like I have to take a massive shit. Can we postpone this spar?" but I know I can't back down now.

Challenge Quest:

Survive 2 rounds with Captain America


500 EXP

Way Of The Spider Skill

1,000 Gold


Memories of what the Player remembers of the MCU will be erased until the completion of the story

All of a sudden I feel MOTIVATED, did Vergil influence me? WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE CONSEQUENCES, THIS IS BULLSHIT?! I better have Mark Grayson's invincible willpower because I will need it!

(Steve) "We are gonna have 2 rounds for 5 minutes. Alright?"

(Karito) "Ahah...Yeah, that sounds alright!"

The bell rings, signaling the start of the fight, and Steve Rogers wastes no time in taking the initiative. He launches a low kick towards me, but I manage to avoid it by lifting my leading leg and countering with a front kick to his chest, sending him staggering backwards.

(Steve) "Fast one are you?"

(Karito) "Y-yeah."

I watch as Steve slowly approaches me, his eyes fixed on me as if he's analyzing my every move. I know he's taking it easy on me, but I can't afford to get knocked out, no matter what. Suddenly, Steve rushes towards me and throws a right hook, but I duck under it. Seeing an opening, I go for a leading uppercut, but Steve is too quick and dodges it with ease. Without wasting a moment, he attempts to hit the side of my knee, but I lift my leg and block it thanks to my spider sense.

But before I can even celebrate my block, Steve surprises me with a Superman punch that hits me directly in the face. I stumble back, struggling to keep my balance, and mentally call up my HP bar to check how much damage that last hit did. Despite the pain, I recover quickly and get back into my fighting stance, ready for whatever comes next.

HP: 14,500/15,000

That took 500HP?! LORD MY ENDURANCE IS SHIT! Or he's just too strong for me...and this is him not being serious...God have mercy on my soul.

As Steve charged towards me, my spider sense triggered a warning in my head. I swiftly prepared myself for his tackle and braced for impact. As he lunged at me, I shifted my lower body back and grounded my legs, neutralizing his attempt to throw me down. Taking advantage of his close proximity, I rained a series of elbow strikes onto his back, hoping to gain an upper hand. However, in a moment of quick thinking, he seized my shirt, spun around 180 degrees, and judo-threw me to the ground, catching me off guard.

HP: 13,500/15,500

(Karito) "NGH!! SHIT!"

(Steve) "Language! Come on Karito I know you are better than that let's go."

I sprang up from the ground with a kip-up and settled back into my battle stance. As a ninja, recovery is my forte. Feeling a bit frustrated, I closed the distance between us and launched a barrage of strikes - a jab, cross, hook, and a sweeping leg kick. Despite my efforts, Steve was able to dodge and block every one of them. Growing more annoyed, I decided to mix things up and threw a high kick without realizing I had activated my Venom Blast. Steve attempted to block the kick, unaware of the added power it possessed. Upon impact, he was launched backwards and slammed into the fence, leaving him momentarily stunned.

(Steve) "Wow, okay better watch out for that electricity of yours."

(Karito) Smirk "Hell yea you do."

Before we could start throwing hands and legs at each other the timer rang and we both halted our movements.

(Steve) "Alright, that was a good first round Karito. We will have a 1-minute break and go back at it again. Drink a bit of water not too much or you will regret it."

(Karito) "Thanks."

1 minute later...

After the small break, we both stood up and went to the UFC ring once again and went to our sides. The timer started ticking, and we both charged at each other with equal aggression. Steve threw a jumping sidekick, which I swiftly ducked under. Seizing the opportunity, I went for a chokehold as he landed, but Steve was one step ahead and countered with a back kick that sent me flying back to the fence of the ring.

(Karito) "ACK!" Cough Cough "Goddamn it!"

HP: 11,000/15,000

Fatigue: 30

Steve waited for me to stand up, and I managed to do so, albeit unsteadily. I took a deep breath and exhaled, reminding myself to stay focused. I couldn't afford to take any more hits. Steve charged at me, aiming a flying knee at my face. I sidestepped and landed a hook to his ribs, which prompted him to retaliate with a back fist. It landed on my jaw, but the impact felt different from the other hits he'd dealt me. Suddenly, everything began to spin, and I felt dizzy.

HP: 1,000/15,000

Fatigue: 50

"The player is suffering from a concussion from the hit. I advise a more defensive play for the player to be able to complete the quest"

Oh, that's why. I was in bad shape, struggling to keep my balance and focus as Steve relentlessly attacked me. The world around me was spinning, and my senses were dulled. Suddenly, I felt a sharp tingle on my left side, a warning from my spider-sense of impending danger. I couldn't see what it was, but I trusted my instincts and moved accordingly. As the attacks kept coming, I followed the directions given to me by my spider-sense, blocking with my shoulder, lifting my leg, and ducking to avoid being hit. Through this process, I was able to regain my focus and clarity, and I landed a solid haymaker on Steve. The dizziness began to subside, and I was ready to continue the fight.

(Steve) "That was very impressive Karito! You were able to dodge all those hits while dizzy and you landed a hit on my face! Certainly impressive!"

(Karito) "Really? Oh damn, I didn't even know what was going on."

Right then the 5-minute timer rang and we both relaxed each other.

(Steve) "Very good Karito you were able to keep up even tho I was going easy on you."

(Karito) "I could certainly tell that you were holding back a lot. You could have knocked me out in two punches heck even 1!"

(Steve) "It's a spar I didn't want to hurt you too badly."

(Karito) "I'm glad you did. I felt like I was gonna see Jesus when you hit me with that back fist."

(Steve) "Oh yeah, apologies for that one. It slipped."

(Karito) "Nah no worries you're good."

(Steve) "Hey if you want I can show you how to fight better if you want to. I can tell that you have very good potential."

(Karito) "Oh! That would help me a lot Steve thank you. I need to get better if I want to be a hero."

(Steve) "You thinking of being a hero?"

(Karito) "Well of course I want to! I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing when I have these powers to do good. Like a quote that I heard before With Great Power Come Great Responsibility."

(Steve) "Very wise words my friend, very wise. Mind if I use it for some motivational talks" Chuckles

(Karito) "Of course, I don't mind, go ahead. It's not mine anyway."

(Steve) "Alright, noted."

I checked the time and I decided to finally say goodbye. It's already night time and I need to be here tomorrow around the same time as Steve if I want to meet Nick Fury and go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier.

(Karito) "Well, I'm gonna be heading home now. " Yawns "That spar got me sweating like a horse."

(Steve) "Hahaha, alright go and head back kid. I had a lot of fun I appreciated it. You made my day."

(Karito) "That makes two of us. Hey, are you gonna be back here again?

(Steve) "Yeah, around the morning. Wanna have another go tomorrow."

(Karito) "If it makes me get better then of course! Taking fighting classes with Captain America? Who would reject that?"

(Steve) "Aw come on don't flatter me, I'm doing it for a friend."

(Karito) "Just teasing you man. See you tomorrow morning then, right?"

(Steve) "Indeed."

As we parted ways, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for surviving such a challenging day. I took a moment to check Kara's incessant notifications, and I realized I had probably leveled up a few skills along the way. Although the fight with Captain America was nerve-wracking, I knew that he had held back quite a bit during the challenge. I couldn't help but wonder what his stats were, but alas, I lacked the Observation skill. I made a mental note to acquire it as soon as possible, as it would be incredibly useful to have in the future.

As I approached my home, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shrill scream coming from an empty valley. Was someone being attacked? I quickly activated my Spider-Man suit with a command to Kara and rushed to the scene, using my wall-crawling and invisibility abilities. As I arrived, I saw four men pressing a single woman in flashy clothes against the wall.

(Thug 1) "Come on just give me the purse you bitch!"

(Woman) "No! Someone! Anyone! Help me!"

(Thug 2) "Tch, she's really annoying me. Can I kill her?"

(Thug 3) "Hold up, can I have some fun first?"

(Thug 4) "Same, she's fine as hell!"

(Thug 2) "Tch, fine...have it your way."

Thug 1 cruelly kicks the defenseless woman to the ground and snatches her purse, gloating as he saunters over to a nearby corner to inspect his ill-gotten gains.

(Thug 1) "Y'all hurry the hell up alright we don't have much time!"

As Thugs 3 and 4 slowly approached the panicking woman, I knew I had to act quickly. Silently, I crept up behind the furthest one and delivered a shock to his shoulder, knocking him out cold. I swiftly hoisted his body and hurled it at the two thugs, who were caught off guard and sent flying several meters by the impact. The woman looked at me with a mix of gratitude and fear, but I reassured her that she was safe now.

(Thug 2) "WHAT THE HELL?! Who is there?!

The last remaining thug pulled out his gun in a panic and look around desperately. I walked towards his exposed back and said.

(Spider-Man) "Vengeance"

The thug's panicked movement made me grab his face, and I electrocuted him. His body started to convulse and foam from his mouth, so I let go of him. He fell hard on the ground, face-first. I glanced over at the woman, who was understandably frightened by the whole situation.

(Spider-Man) "I won't hurt you, don't be scared. Call the police and report these 4 thugs.

(Woman) "A-Alright...umm...thank you so much...but...who are you?"

I walked away giving her my back but I stopped and looked but not completely at her.

(Spider-Man) "I'm...Spider-Man."

I leaped onto a nearby building and turned invisible, contemplating my recent actions. I realized that, although I share a moniker with Spider-man, I am my own person with my own fighting style. While Spider-man might rely on humor to distract his opponents, I prefer a more serious approach. I just hope my methods don't backfire in the long run. Finally, I arrived at my apartment, changing into my regular clothes after stashing my Spider-man costume in my inventory. I greeted the lobby staff and headed up to my studio for a much-needed shower and meal.

A few minutes later...

Alright, so I'm almost done eating my hamburger...I can check my notifications while I'm eating now I mentally called Kara to check my notifications and saw the following.

Challenge Quest Completed

Survive 2 rounds with Captain America


500 EXP

Way Of The Spider Skill

Alright, let's grab the skill first and see its description.

(1/100) Way Of The Spider: The Way of the Spider is a martial arts style developed by and as a way for Spider-Man to compensate for the loss of his Spider-Sense. Peter Parker (Original Spider-Man) combined his bullying experiences, his superhuman capabilities, concepts from Fighting Form, and his training from Shang-Chi to create it. He also increased his skill with it using his now-returned Spider-Sense. He also combined his mastery of acrobatics into the Way of the Spider. He uses this fighting style to counter all types of combatants and it complements his superhuman powers.

That is delightful~, I can mix this with my karate to be unpredictable somehow. Now to grab the EXP and Gold.

500 EXP obtained

1,000 Gold obtained


Tch, I was hoping I level up at least 5 times but Sike. I also get 3 stat points for each level up, nice. Now to check the rest of the notifications.





Okay, this is giving me a headache.








Note to self. Check where the mute button is.



Damn. I like what I'm seeing here. Look's like getting my ass handed by high leveled characters makes my skills and level go crazy. This is undoubtedly a good thing, If I keep training with Captain America or the other Avengers I will become strong quickly which is what I'm aiming for. I'll become the strongest Spider-Man even after Cosmic Spider-man...that's gonna take a long time but that will be my goal. Now to check my status before doing one more thing...Status.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 3

EXP: 25/300

HP: 15,000/15,000

Fatigue: 0

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 14

INT: 15

DEX: 35

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 9

Seems pretty good to me so far. I'm gonna guess that leveling up these skills will get harder the higher they get. Now that I checked my status real quick, let me get something from my inventory real quick. Inventory.


1,000 Gold

Miles Morales's Spider-Man suit

E-Rank key dungeon

Oh, right. The key. Almost forgot about that thing. Guess I should use it before diving into the main storyline and level up a bit. I take out the key from my inventory and head towards the bathroom door. Surprisingly, there's a keyhole right in the middle of the door. Kinda weird, but whatever. I shrug it off and insert the key, giving it a twist. Click. The door swings open, revealing a blinding white light on the other side. Well, no time like the present, I suppose. I step through the doorway and suddenly find myself on top of a building, overlooking a city infested with zombies. Great. Just what I needed. But hey, I've got my powers, so I should be able to handle these undead creeps with a single punch. I'll figure out the objectives and beat this level in no time. Time to show these zombies who's boss.

"Player, Welcome to Zombie Land"

"This is your first time visiting a dungeon so you won't die inside here. Entering different dungeons you will face death, but let me warn you. You can still feel pain, remember you don't have a gamer's body or a gamer's mind. Once you have enough gold you can purchase the gamer's mind later but not the gamer's body."

Requirements to beat dungeon:

Kill 1,000 zombies

For bonus rewards:

Kill 5,000 zombies

Final requirement after finishing the first:

Kill Zombie Boss

I take a deep breath and brace myself for impact. As I fall towards the sea of undead, I can't help but feel a twinge of disgust at the thought of what's waiting for me down there. But I remind myself that these creatures are mindless killers who would attack innocent people without hesitation. With a surge of determination, I channel my power and focus it into my fist, feeling the familiar crackle of blue lightning. As I land among the zombies, I use hit-and-run tactics to avoid getting overwhelmed. I mute the notifications to stay focused and stretch my body to warm up before each strike. It's not pretty, but I have a job to do.


I created a small explosion of lightning that obliterated the zombies caught in the blast radius, feeling a momentary sense of triumph. But as the smoke cleared, I realized my mistake.

"The Player used a huge amount of energy far more than the body can currently handle. Fatigue levels have dramatically risen to 70."

I had let my guard down and paid the price for it. I was feeling the consequences of my overconfidence, drained of energy, and struggling to stay alert. I needed a break, and fast. I stumbled against the nearest wall and slowly climbed up, searching for a place to rest. Finally, I found a balcony and collapsed onto it, my eyes drooping with exhaustion. What had I been thinking? I'd gotten reckless, and it had nearly cost me my life. I resolved to be more careful when I woke up, and make sure not to underestimate the dangers of this place. But for now, all I could do was rest, and hope that I'd be able to keep going when I woke up.

A few hours later...

"The Player has fully recovered"

I stretched and popped my joints before resuming my grind, determined not to waste my energy too quickly. As I leaped off the balcony, I smashed a zombie's body with my fist and immediately went to work on the horde that approached me. My hypothesis proved correct: one punch from me made their heads explode, and my venom blast cleared space or allowed for a quick escape when I felt overwhelmed. I continued to mutilate the zombies' bodies, the cracking and splattering sounds filling my ears. Adrenaline coursed through my body, and I felt the rush of being a one-man army with superpowers. It was exhilarating! The thrill of the fight consumed me, and I laughed maniacally as I continued to blast heads and bodies, one after another after another. But... wait. Was I enjoying this? The thought gave me pause, and for a moment, I felt a twinge of concern. I shook it off quickly and dove back into the fray, lost in the endless cycle of violence.

"Player come back to your senses! Your psychological levels are dangerously low! Control your self remember why you are here!"

I suddenly come to my senses, looking around at the carnage I have caused. My body is covered in blood, and the streets are a grisly sight. I feel sick to my stomach and run to the side of a building to vomit. My reflection in a nearby glass shows the true extent of the violence I have wrought. I feel like a monster, a disappointment. How did I become this bloodthirsty? The horror of my actions sends chills down my spine. I'm losing my mind...


"Due to Players' mental state, Gamer Mind has been given as a gift from the gods that are concerned for The Players' mental condition."

(Level MAX) Gamer's Mind: Recognizes reality as a game and keeps calm. It keeps the mind calm. Immunity to mental disorders.

My emotional turmoil had subsided as quickly as it had come. It's unsettling how composed I feel now, but it was necessary. If I let my emotions take control, I would have lost my mind before even starting. I take a deep breath and press my fingers against my forehead. I need to focus and not let this happen again. I've made too many mistakes already since arriving here. Damn, I'm such an idiot. I want to complete this dungeon and be done with it. Wait, does time stop outside when I'm in a dungeon, Kara?

"Yes, you also won't get older."

That's convenient. I can just keep going then.

3 Days later inside the dungeon...

Requirements to beat dungeon Completed

Kill 1,000 zombies

bonus rewards Completed

Kill 5,000 zombies

Finally, I finished those damn quests. It took me three straight days of non-stop killing with only a few minutes of rest to keep my fatigue in check. I crashed for a solid 8 hours once I was completely exhausted. Now, all that's left is the boss fight. I just hope it's not some giant zombie or some shit like that.

"Do you wish to fight the boss?"

"Yes or no?"

I hit "yes" and braced myself for the boss's arrival. Suddenly, my spider senses tingled and I pivoted to the south. A deafening roar echoed in the distance, signaling the monster's approach. I leaped from rooftop to rooftop, utilizing my lateral repulsion ability and venom punch to stay airborne for brief moments. As I landed on a high-rise rooftop, I caught sight of the enormous Giant Zombie wielding a massive mace. Of course, I had to go and jinx it.

The Giant Zombie saw me and roared before starting to climb the wall by digging its fingers into the concrete.

I knew that I could still fight the monster while it was climbing, so I decided to wall-crawl toward it. As I got closer, I jumped off the wall and landed on the Giant Zombie's face, forcing it to lose its grip and fall to the ground. I caved in its head with a powerful strike and backflipped away to gain some distance.

As the Giant Zombie slowly stood up, it roared and started running towards me, swinging its mace wildly. I side-jumped as the monster attempted to smash me with the mace, and I swung to the side, landing on the ground.

However, as I leaned back, the mace grazed my cheek, leaving a deep gash. I recovered my stance and started hitting the Giant Zombie with heavy punches and combinations of venom punches. The monster was slow but strong, and I knew I had to keep dodging until it fell.

I was getting in some good hits, and the monster was starting to yell in pain. However, the Giant Zombie suddenly pushed me back with an unknown force, and I staggered for a moment. It was enough of an opening for the monster, who swung its mace with incredible strength, hitting me in the upper body and sending me crashing through a nearby building.

I landed hard on the ground, and everything around me started to blur. I knew I was hurt badly, but I also knew that I couldn't give up. I forced myself to stand up, and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

HP: 14,897/15,000

I gritted my teeth in frustration as the Giant Zombie charged towards me, swinging its massive mace with reckless abandon. The sound of shattering concrete and crumbling buildings filled my ears as the monster smashed its way through the city, intent on crushing me beneath its feet. "Alright, you ugly ass. You've officially pissed me off," I growled, my eyes narrowing in determination. With a quick flick of my wrist, I activated my invisibility, disappearing from view. The Giant roared in frustration, scanning the area for any sign of me. I took the opportunity to grab a nearby table and fling it at the beast, watching as it smashed against its chest with little effect. But it did the trick - the monster was enraged, and it started charging toward me once again, its footsteps echoing like thunder through the empty streets. I ran up the stairs of a nearby building, my heart pounding in my chest as I heard the Giant's heavy breathing behind me. I reached the top floor and turned to face the creature as it burst through the door, sending splinters flying everywhere. The monster's eyes glinted with rage as it barreled toward me, and I braced myself for the impact. At the last moment, I leaped upward, using my lateral repulsion skill to send myself crashing toward the falling monster. I hit it with all my strength, using my momentum to propel us both through the air. I kept repeating the process, my heart racing as we fell faster and faster toward the ground. Finally, we reached the point of no return. With a fierce cry, I launched myself toward the Giant, my fist glowing with venomous energy. I slammed into it with all my might, sending us both crashing into a gas truck with a deafening explosion. The shockwave knocked me back, my body slamming against the pavement as flames and debris rained down around me.

The deafening blast from the gas tank explosion sent me crashing into a nearby car, causing the vehicle to crumple under the force of the impact. As I pulled myself up, I felt the searing heat from the explosion scorching my skin, and my shirt was reduced to nothing more than a few charred shreds. I couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration as I looked down at my ruined outfit.

My eyes scanned the area around me and took in the devastation left in the wake of the battle. Smoke and debris filled the air, and the once-bustling streets were now deserted of roaming zombies. I let out a heavy sigh, finally feeling a sense of relief that it was over.

"Zombie Land Dungeon has been beaten!"

"The player will now return to the MCU fully recovered."

As soon as I finished speaking, my vision was consumed by a blinding white light, and the next moment I found myself back in my studio. I took a deep breath, feeling relieved to be home at last. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten in what felt like forever. "Finally," I muttered to myself, "I'm fricking starving." I stumbled over to my fridge, eagerly opening it to see what I could find to eat.

A Few hours later...

Okay, I might've almost devoured my fridge for a while. I almost forgot to check my notifications, let's see what's up.


Requirements to beat dungeon Completed

Kill 1,000 zombies

For bonus rewards Completed

Kill 5,000 zombies

Final requirement after finishing the first Completed

Kill Zombie Boss

Loading Rewards:

10,000 Gold

Web-Shooters with 100 stacks of web fluid

Skill Accelerated Decoy: This allows The Player to move so fast that he can leave behind a body double for enemies to attack.

....Oh my god...I finally have web shooters! I thought I was gonna be a Spider-Man with no web shooters! HA! and Also, I have one of the abilities of Spider-Man 2099! Holy crap I got lucky here! The skill is so useful! Now for the level-ups!



Ahhh... here we go again...











Oh my god, this system is fucking annoying!!!



I'm gonna have a headache reading all this... Thank God I found something that doesn't just destroy my eardrums and give me a brain aneurysm. I'm just gonna open my status and see. Status!

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 13

EXP: 0/13,000

HP: 15,000/15,000

Fatigue: 0

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 20

END: 15

INT: 15

DEX: 35

VIT: 15

(Stat Points) SP: 39


Spider Physiology: Gained the proportionate abilities of a spider that had been genetically modified with the Oz formula.

(Level 11/100) Superhuman Strength: Possesses superhuman strength, making him capable of lifting at least 13 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.

(Level 15/100) Superhuman Speed: Possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

(Level 15/100) Superhuman Stamina: Players advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods before fatigue begins to impair him. In his best condition, Karito can physically exert himself for several hours before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

(Level 8/100)Superhuman Durability: Player's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans.

(Level 12/100) Superhuman Agility: Agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.

(Level 14/100) Superhuman Equilibrium: Possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He can adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

(Level 14/100) Superhuman Reflexes: Reflexes are enhanced and are currently about 20 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Wall-Crawling: Can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet.

(Level 15/100) Spider-Sense: When danger is present, The Player feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His spider-sense offers him near-complete awareness of his surroundings, and in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. His spider-sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of the original Spider-Man. For example, being able to see visions of the future before it even happens.

(Level 13/100) Venom Blasts: Can generate and manipulate a form of bio-electricity that his body produces, and can utilize the energy for multiple purposes. These energy projections vary in power and can affect the nervous system in humans and destroy technology. Depending on the intensity of the Venom Blast, some opponents can be simply dazed, while others can be completely incapacitated. It's also more effective on people with genetic alterations.

(Level 3/100) Mega Venom Blast: Able to emit a larger scale burst of bio-electricity from his entire body. It is powerful enough to repel a large group of opponents and destroy thick ropes and chains. This ability will leave Karito exhausted after using it and can be triggered by extreme stress.

(Level 10/100) Venom Beam: Player can channel his bio-electricity outward as a direct burst of electrostatic energy to knock away enemies in a stunning/concussive manner.

(Level 10/100) Venom Punch: Player can enhance the power of his punches by infusing his fists with bio-electricity.

(Level 11/100) Energy-Thread Generation: Player can produce threads of bio-electricity from his hands. Said spinnerets carry the same tensile prehensility of his web fluid, allowing him to swing from place to place or yank and flail around his opponents. He can also send a debilitating electric shock which disrupts their nervous systems as his Venom Blasts do.

(Level 11/100)Lateral Repulsion: By projecting a controlled Venom Blast, The Player can launch himself in the air with greater force than when jumping or web-swinging.

Spider-Camouflage: The Player, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

Skill Accelerated Decoy: This allows The Player to move so fast that he can leave behind a body double for enemies to attack.

(Level 5/100) Regenerative Healing Factor: Can regenerate his injuries at a much faster rate than normal humans can.

(Level 15/100) Karate: (Japanese: "empty hand") unarmed martial-arts discipline employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Emphasis is on concentrating as much of the body's power as possible at the point and instant of impact. There are four main styles of karate in Japan: Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, and Wado-Ryu.

(Level 15/100) Way Of The Spider: The Way of the Spider is a martial arts style developed by and as a way for Spider-Man to compensate for the loss of his Spider-Sense. Peter Parker (Original Spider-Man) combined his bullying experiences, his superhuman capabilities, concepts from Fighting Form, and his training from Shang-Chi to create it. He also increased his skill with it using his now returned Spider-Sense. He also combined his mastery of acrobatics into the Way of the Spider. He uses this fighting style to counter all types of combatants and it complements his superhuman powers.

(Level 1/100) Hacker: This skill enables The Player to hack any kind of technology. The higher skill the more things The Player can hack.

(Level 2/100) Cooking: The skill to be able to cook the finest of meals, The Player will develop a more refined taste buds because of this skill. The higher the skill the better you will cook and be able to put buffs in your meals.

(Level 1/100) Cleaning: This skill will allow The Player to clean all surfaces and materials. The higher the skill the more efficient you will clean to the point where you will be able to add buffs to the surfaces or materials you cleaned.

???????????: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Alright, Alright. Good, I leveled up most of my skills. I should distribute my status points it's been collecting a lot.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 13

EXP: 0/13,000

HP: 20,000/20,000

Fatigue: 0

Prestige: 0

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 32

END: 20

INT: 20

DEX: 40

VIT: 20

(Stat Points) SP: 0

As I settled into bed, my mind raced with anticipation and nervous energy. Tomorrow would be a big day, and the thought of meeting Nick Fury made me feel both excited and anxious at the same time. But before I could tackle that challenge, I needed to rest and recharge my batteries.

I quickly took a refreshing shower, feeling the warm water wash away the sweat and grime of the day's battles. As I dried off and changed into fresh clothes, I couldn't help but think about all the new skills and abilities I had acquired. It was a reassuring feeling, knowing that I was better equipped to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As I climbed into bed, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. I reminded myself that I had prepared as much as I could and that I was ready for whatever the next day would bring.

With that, I drifted off to sleep, ready to face the challenges of tomorrow.

"The Avenger's story has started"

To Be Continued...

Dear readers,

I would like to take a moment to extend my gratitude for your interest in my story. I am pleased to inform you that this particular work was initially published on Wattpad under the pseudonym "Mr. NobodyThe100th." Today, I have decided to share this story with you here, despite its fan fiction nature. It is my hope that you will continue to follow along, as I assure you that the subsequent chapters delve deeper into an increasingly captivating narrative.

Rest assured, your continued support and engagement are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.



ElectricWritescreators' thoughts