
Chapter 8: Special Abilities

"Everyone is here, right? Alright, then! It's time to start our training!"

Kenso, Ratel, Aria, Ezark, Kasaya and Tarin were all standing at a small hill a mile behind the school. It had a tall tree on top of it. Kenso made a training field in the area of the hill. There was an obstacle course, some training dummies and some strength training equipment.

"Kenso... You really..." - Ezark started.

"You really are an idiot." - Aria finished Ezark's sentence. Everyone stood still and looked at Kenso with no specific expression at all. Kenso was a bit surprised.

He looked at them from left to right. He looked around the training field. "What's the problem? I think the training field I made is ok!" - Kenso looked kinda sad.

Kasaya moved one step ahead. "So... First, you tell us we are all fools and are supposed to get a revenge for our dead friends, then you tell us we have a week to train, you don't do nothing in the first two days, and then you promise us you will prepare a special training that will power us up a lot, you get our hopes up, and then you show us this. That's just a REGULAR TRAINING FIELD! Oh, sorry, I forgot. We will exceed our limits here, I am sorry.

LIKE HELL I AM! How do you think we will ever be able to get so much stronger by regular training in just few days?! I feel like I had already asked you this question, but it seems I have to repeat myself, because you don't understand!" - No one negated Kasaya's words. Everyone agreed to what she said.

Kenso was disappointed in himself after hearing Kasaya's words. He didn't answer to them. He just stood still and looked on the ground with his head down.

But there was someone who actually wanted to do training. "Kasaya, don't forget, we still have time. It's not like this training field is all we will use. What if we don't even need one? It's all about us. We decide how the training will look like. Kenso isn't the boss, he is our friend, just like you are." - Those words were spoken by a person that Kenso would least expect to say them - Tarin.

Kenso raised his head. He looked at him and slowly began to smile. Kasaya was shocked and got embarrassed.

Ratel laughed - "So, let's not waste anymore time! Let's start our training!" - Kenso has regained his good attitude.

"Okay, so what I want to start with, is - Do you guys have your special abilities?" - Kenso asked everyone.

They all looked at him. "Special- abilities...?" - They were surprised, they were never told of "Special abilities" before.

Kenso started to explain. "Special abilities. It is basically what the name says. It's an ability that only you can use. It can be blood related, mana related, character related, or all at once. That's what my master told me."

"How do we learn them?" - Everyone was curious like never before.

"How should I put it... I don't know. You just have to find out yourself" - Kenso tried to sound smart.

"Idiot." - The group said simultaneously.

"Do you even have a special ability, Kenso?" - Ezark doubted him.

"I do, I will show you. To show you as an example, take this paintball gun and shoot at me on my command." - Kenso pointed at a gun laying on a table under a tree on the hill.

Ezark picked the gun up and pointed it at Kenso.

"Shoot at me in five seconds." - Kenso said as his eyes started to fade from black to white.

after 3 seconds, his eyes were entirely white, except for his pupils. Everyone focused their look on Kenso's eyes.

Ezark shot the paintball gun.

The paintball was too fast for a naked eye to see it. Kenso swinged his sword even faster than the paintball travelled. It was almost fast enough to break the sound barrier. From Kenso's perspective, it looked as if the ball was moving as slow as a turtle, and he swinged his sword like he usually does, but in the others' perspective, the ball was too fast to be seen, and they only saw a trail of the sword swinging.

Everyone was amazed by Kenso's special ability, and they got excited for learning their own special abilities.

"Amazing, Kenso! That was really impressive!" - Aria commented.

Kenso laughed and replied - "I know, now it's your turn to learn some special abilities!"

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