
The greatest gamer alive

Monkeisded · Game
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Game

One day the (PGC) or the (Penguin Gaming Company) made an online game called

"The Forbbiden Key". It was so popular that the gamers all over the world doubt it the "Best game ever". Its a online game about slaying monsters to level up, clearing dungeons, creating a clan, and find the lost forbbiden key that will open to the mystery room it has not been opened in

2 months right after the game was published.

The graphics was realistic its almost like your living in an another world full of magic and mysteries, Many gamers tried to find the hidden key but they came back empty handed some say that the key is impossible to find and the game developers tricked them into finding the key even popular gamers searched for it in a month and they came back empty handed.

The developers announced that

"The key is possible to find if you found the four clues each of them resembles where the key and the next clue could be and the mystery behind the room will be opened"

The developers announcement made the gamers of the game filled with hope as they search for clues and after a few months the developers updated the game new monsters new dungeons and larger world to explore this update made the game more exciting as millions and millions of gamers still hunt for the key.

" I am sorry if this is short this is my first time writing in webnovel hope you enjoy :)"