
The Great Magic Era

In the world of Aureum there are 3 main continents, the vast Verdant, the ancient Antana and the land of gods, Midrass. Since the fall of the ancient elven empire of Lefheim 5000 years ago, the once unified continent of Verdant was now fractured in many nations, all in constant war with one another, where only the strong can carve it's own place amongst the victors, leaving the weak to be forgoten, only to be found as footnotes in the books of history. "Chronicles Of The Broken Sword - Gladius Relicta 2534 h.c.".

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Emergency message.

September 29th, it's been 2 weeks since the news from the capital reached Dragon Pass. Prince Felix originally planned to keep the news from the troops on the fortress, but decided against it and officially announced them the next day in the morning.

Since then, the fortress was in a merry mood. Though very far from the conflict, every soldier have been unusually tense from the begining of the war, how couldn't they? Even though the Kingdom has seen a crecent growth in power since King Alexander's coronation, the Sorh Dynasty remains still as the undisputed most powerful force in the northern plains. That's why, when hearing the news that their King had overcomed the mighty sorhian army inna direct confrontation, not only were they surprised but also overjoyed, feeling proud to be part of a country, that despite being many times weaker, it still defeated a stronger enemy.

So even if the war hasn't officially ended, everybody belived the Karg Kingdom to have become the undisputed winner this time. And so belived prince Felix also, although feeling somewhat vexed for having lost an opportunity, he also recognised the Kingdom's victory as an absolute fact already.


Prince Felix was currently in his temporary office, in the Dragon's tail section of the fortress, he was acting as the current supervisor of operations. Of course that was nothing more than a guise Felix himself used as to not lose face for having been sent to the rear due to his brother schemes. But that information was something only those aware of the competition for the crown knew, the normal citizens and soldiers were in the dark, and although used as a cover, the work as a supervisor that Felix has to do was the real deal, and so were the responsibilities that come with it.

As one of the most important defensive positions and an important trade rute on the whole Kingdom, the amount of trafic that goes through the fortress everyday were in the tens of thousands. Being the supervisor of operations in Dragon Pass was a heavy responsibility, even more so in times of war, and since more than 3 months ago that Prince Felix took charge, he himself had come to know just how difficult of a job it was.

Because of the many wars of the Sorh Dynasty with the original countries that bordered the Karg Kingdom, they ended up being defeated and assimilated, turning the Dragon pass fortress in the Kandrian region in the only land conection of the country with the rest of the continent, with exception of the Dawn Kingdom. For that reason, in the last 100 years, Dragon Pass, not only has seen an increase in the flow of merchants and foregin travelers and refugies, but also fugitive criminals and smugglers.

Of course, not just anyone could go through Dragon Pass, by being also at the border, in order to be permited access, a proper documentation is needed. All suspicious individuals are cuffed and brought to interrogation in the special cells in the lower section, and as a merchants luggage and merchandise needs all the recipts and the sealed permits allowing its circulation. Even after going through all kinds of procedures and successfully making your way into the country, you'll still would have needed to trod through the complex mountainous paths of the southern Kandrian region for hundreds of kilometers before reaching any major city. Or at least it used to be like that, but since more than 30 years ago, the Kingdom, taking into account the growing number of people accessing from Dragon pass, decided to stablish a town 20 min of the fortress.

The town, then recibed the name of Augusta, in honor of the former King Augusto Eustas[1] Vista, Father of King Alexander. Since then, it grew from the small town it once was, into the city it is today.

"Another case of smuggled goods huh?" Prince Felix said while looking at the report on his desk. After 3 months of working in this position, the amount of cases of simmilar nature that Felix experienced could all be piled into a small hill.

"It's no wonder then. When i came here, that man, Casta wasn't the least bit unnerved that i took his post from him"

Said Felix annoyed as his words turned into a scowl.

"I mean how could he be mad? The bastard was more than happy to dump it on me!" Sarcams oozed from his words as he took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself.

"Still, it takes a serious amount of patience and dedication. I've only been doing this for 3 months, but the man had endured for a whole decade" after calming a little, Felix commented.

"Also that baron Casta is a bastard your highness!" With a hearty laugh, a tall man in light, black armor covered in silver patterns echoed across the room. He was one of the 10 royal knights serving as guards of the Prince, his name, Dom.

"Oh, my!" Exclaimed another voice, this one coming from the side of Felix.

"What?! Don't tell me you have anything good to say for that Loufus scoundrel?" Viciously countered Dom.

"Oh i wouldn't! To dare to be as vulgar as you, soiling the name of a 'respectful figure' as it is lord Casta" said the voice in a frivolous tone.

"Though I've got to admit the man is an opportunist in the purest sense of the word. He has barely made act of presence since his highness came to this fortress" agreeing with Dom, the voice spoke of baron Casta with a hint of disdain in his words. The voice in question, came from a man wearing dark red robes inscribed in silver patterns also, he was Gauss Ferim, Omar's former magic teacher, a high ranked magician and guard of Prince Felix.

"Humph... The slimy motherfucker was all smiles and praises when we came, but in the first month, he only came once a week and then completely disappeared from the second month onwards, only present when the new troops reached the fortress and then puff!" Growled Dom in outrage.

"From what I've heard in rumors coming from the city, Lord Loufus has been holed in his manor this whole time, probably indulging in his wife and concubines" as angry as Dom was with the baron, he didn't even move from his position by door, mantaining a relaxed posture and with his left hand always in his scabard, holding his sword.

Slightly amused by Dom and Gauss rant of the baron, Felix said in a neutral tone:

"Oh well, the man has been going at it for 10 years straight, hes probably taking this time as vacation. However, it seems he doesn't have much time left, one of this days the war is gonna end, and he'll have to come back and take his position" a small smirk was in the face of Felix, as he thought of how to get back at the baron.


That day prince Felix continued to work past dusk, skipping dinner until around 9:30 pm when he was almost done.

*Step* *step* *step*

That was until the sound of hurried steps came feom outside the door.

*Toc toc*(x2)

The sound of knocks came from the door, pulling felix's focus from the documents in his hands. Looking at his side, he questioned Gauss with his eyes, but this only shook his head, so the prince said:

"Come in"

Hearing the Prince's response, a soldier in black and red armor, with the crest of the city of Augusta and Baron's Loufus entered the room.

*Step* *step* *tumph*

Taking a couple of steps and reaching the center of the room, the soldier kneeled on the ground and took his helmet.

"His highness, by orders of Baron Casta, I've brought an emergency message" said the soldier with his head bowed.

"Hmmn!?(x2)" both Dom and Gauss attention was drawn to the soildier after hearing his words

(Emergency message? Did something happened in Augusta?) Was what both of them thought.

"An emergency, you say? What is it?" Asked Felix while frowning.

"The city of Augusta is under terrorist attack right now, Lord Casta is requesting his highness to send some reinforcements feom the fortress to quell the chaos" ~soldier.



Everyone in the room looked at the soldier in shock after hearing his words.

"Terrorist attack!?".

[1] Any one piece fans here? If you know, you know. Hehe.

soon, it's coming.

blacheavencreators' thoughts