
Ch.5 "Is this the right labyrinth?"

[Entering Labyrinth]

[Entering Succeeded]

I looked around, and I asked myself if I were being delusional back there.

I know to myself that this is not a rookie Labyrinth.

"Réme, [Enhanced Senses] now!"

Alfdíes commanded

"[Enhanced Senses] On! What now?"

Réme said

"Wait for my command, [Gust of Wind] on!

Réme, do you sense anything?"

Alfdíes said

"Yeah, up ahead, there's a faint magical aura I sense there."

Remè said

"Wait for me."

Alfdíes said

I look at Alfdies as she runs as fast as the wind, fading from my sight. I never thought that Huntress would be this fast.

"There she goes again, acting on her own. *Sighs* "

Dramire said

"I guess we just need to wait."

Dramire, disappointingly added

We sat on the ground waiting for Alfdies to comeback.

I feel the gust of wind flowing through my skin. It's cold

Is Aldies back?

"Guys, I found the first room. Let's go."

Alfdíes said

"Réme, I need you to cloak."

Alfdíes commanded

"[Enhanced Senses] Off! [Cloak Of The Shadows] On!"

Réme chanted

Réme suddenly fades away right in front of my eyes.

"North, I need you to boost Remé's speed. Do you have the ability for that?"

Alfdíes Asked

I remember that I have the skill [Light Retribution], which can heal and boost the movement speed and stamina of someone who I cast it on.

"Yeah, but where's Reme?"

I asked

"Réme show yourself"

Alfdíes commanded

"[Cloak Of The Shadows] Off!"

Réme chanted

Réme slowly started to show himself.

"Okay, [Light Retribution] Flee! "

I chanted

I noticed that Réme is starting to glow.

"Nice! My body feels light!"

Réme said eagerly.

I must inform him that this ability has a duration of 10 minutes.

"Rémé, this ability has a duration of 10 minutes. Once you started to walk, the duration will start."

I informed him.

"Oh, okay, thank you."

Réme replied

"Here's the plan."

Alfdíes said

"Réme, you take care of the enemy's back line, Dramire, you will tank the damage, North, you keep on the back of the tank and keep on healing him, but don't waste too much MP, and I will stay at the back and snipe the enemies support."

Alfdíes said


I said

"So should we start now?"

Dramire said

"Yes, Reme start killing once you've entered the room."

Alfdíes said

"You can count on me."

Réme replied

"Now, should we start?"

Alfdíes said

[Entering the First Room of the Labyrinth]

[Entering Succeeded]

We stepped at the entrance of the first floor; my body feels heavy, and I don't know

if it's because it's my first labyrinth explored. But I'm certain to myself that this is not

going to be an easy job.

[Spawning creatures]

[Spawning succeeded]

Réme started killing once he entered the room.


Réme shouted as he slit the neck of the lizard warrior.

"O-okay. Should I buff you some more?"

I asked since I don't really know what to do.


He replied

"Stay at my back, north; argh! *shield barging noises* NOW!"

Dramire said,

I stepped back and positioned myself at the back of Dramire,

and started healing him,


Alfdies said, as she shut down the head of the enemy's back line.

"Okay! Please wait a moment!"

I requested to her as I'm not yet done healing.


Alfdies said she stepped back to where she came from.

I gathered my mana, long... and long... to cast [light retribution] at the area of effect.

I don't really know if this is going to work, but I must try it.

"In heaven's grace, [light retribution] flee!"

IT WORKED! I thought. But it really drained my mana.

I must replenish soon.


Alfdies gratefully said

"I feel my mana has drained a lot, but I think I can still keep up."

I saw Remé kill the enemies in the blink of an eye, and I was still surprised at the

fact that I can cast my skill at an area of effect.

"You can rest now."

Dramire said, as he smirked at me.

"Y-you sure..?"

I said for assurance.

"Yes, there are few enemies left. I think we can clear this now.

Anyway, thank you for the buff. I really appreciate that."

Dramire said, assuring me that everything would be done.



I laid my body on the rocky ground to rest for a moment, then I began daydreaming.

How has everything come to this?

I thought;

If I become the greatest healer of this new world, will I become

an important person?

Should I keep on doing this?

I hated my life back then, but this may be my chance.

My chance to finally break the shackles that have

constraining me.

"NORTH! *smack* Why is your face so long?

Anyways, I have good news! Look what I got.'

Reme pulled something from his pocket; it's the exit's gate key.

He laughed while wiggling the keys.

[First room cleared]