
Ch.3 "Parties?!"


i looked around to see what's happening inside.

"(Is this the place? one way to find out)"

I looked for someone that I could ask to

"Hmm... should I ask the front person? My legs hurt. I should rest for a while."

I sat in the chair.

"My legs are killing me. Wait. I'm a healer. Let me look at my skills to see if I can find something useful."

[Open Stats]

"Hmm, where's the skill list?"

Oh, here, *press* "

[Skill list-

Light Purifier (level 1): This ability can heal an ally and cleanse their debuffs inflicted on them. MP cost: 100

Light Retribution (level 1) heals an ally and grants them a buff that boosts their stamina and attack speed. MP cost: 125

Passive Skills-

Omnilingual (level 1): passively makes the user understand a different language (the higher the level, the broader the languages the user can learn and understand).

"Damn, I really don't have a fighter's skill. Well, [light purifier] on! (swish)

My eye widened as the spell I cast healed the pain in my feet in the most beautiful way possible.

"W-whoah... Okay, that was... something."

I said.

Unnoticed, someone tapped my shoulder.


Damn, don't do that, I'm easily startled."

I said to the persons In front of me, the group consists of three members. Based on my perception, I'll say that they're in a party.

"Ho..ho..ho.. You can speak our language? That's amazing for a bare human."

The bearded guy said mockingly I feel like he's a tank or some sort.

"Stop that, you bearded bastard. Sorry for his ignorance; he's been like that since then. "

The lady with a bow said something to me.

I see that she's an elf, as she has elongated ears.

"No, it's okay."

i said

"What got you here? Are you an adventurer too?"

The man in a cloak said I couldn't tell if he was a mage or an assassin as he wore a dark cloak.


i replied

"Really? "What class are you?"

The woman said

"I'm a supporter, but I accidentally picked it."

They looked confused when they heard my answer.

"Pick??? "But you're supposedly born with a designated clas-."

woman stopped the man in a cloak before he even finished speaking.

"Sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves, right?"

The woman said

"Y-yeah... kinda"

I replied while stuttering.

"I'm Alfdies; I'm an elf. The huntress and the leader of the group

Alfdies replied

"And I'm Dramire; I'm a dwarf, but for my height, I don't really know why I'm not short."

Dramire said

"I'm Reme; I'm half human, half elf; I'm the assassin."

Reme said.

"(He's an assassin? He kinda looks like a mage.)"

I thought

"Now that we've introduced ourselves, why not introduce yourself?"

Alfdies asked

"Oh, I'm North. I'm a support class, a human."

i replied

"Nice. We are looking for support for our party because we're lacking sustainability. Would you care to join us? "

Alfdíes said

"Yeah, of course, since I don't have a party yet."

I replied

"You're new, right?"

Réme asked,

"Yeah, I'm new."

i answered

"Well, then you need to register as an adventurer! follow me"

Réme said.

I followed him as he went to the register to help me get registered.

"Miss, Here's a new adventurer. He's here to register."

Réme said to the registrar

"Sure, let me ask what's your name, mister."

The registrar said


I answered

"Okay, well, then, [takes out a crystal] put your hand on the crystal. And wait to see the result."

The registrar said

I put my hands on the crystal and waited for it to be done.


"Done, let's see, hmm, so you're an F-rank support class. Here's your license."

lends the license

"O-oh, thank you."

I said

"You're welcome. To see if there are any gates left, you can look at the board to see if there's any open gate. You can start your journey now as an adventurer."

the registrar said with a smile

"T-thank you"

I said

"Let's go, Dramire and Alfdies. Let's look for the gate!"

Réme said, while his arms were on my shoulder.

"(For an assassin, he really have heavy arms.) Where should we look?"

I asked while walking.

"Alfdies is good with that, so let's just leave that to her."

Réme answered

"Let's go?"

Dramire said

"Let's go!!" Réme replied.

Please, if there are any gramatical error that I have put, please

reach out to me. Thank you!

Taurisskkeecreators' thoughts