
The great general Nephis

Fantasy Romance
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What is The great general Nephis

Baca novel The great general Nephis yang ditulis oleh penulis Patrick_Ochieng_4116 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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"Queen Ametsa, will you marry me?" A man stood firmly in front of her dressed like a prince. Ametsa covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes filled with tears, because she couldn't believe what she was seeing right now. "Y-you're back?!" The man in front of her smiled, then walked closer to her with a ring in his hand. "I've been waiting for all this for so long, I thought you'd never come back. Or maybe we weren't meant to be together because you and I are in different worlds." Ametsa saw the man in front of her in real and like a complete human being. The girl really did not expect everything that was happening at this time. "It doesn't matter to me, you will still be my last love. Ametsa, will you be queen for me?" *** Dreaming of meeting a man whose face he never knew made Ametsa feel curious. Being treated special makes the girl sometimes feel crazy, because of the feelings she has. Dating is the solution for her to find out who the real man who always comes into her dreams is. Ametsa's main goal is to hold the hand of every man who goes on a date with her. Until her meeting with a tenth man makes Ametsa find it hard to believe, that it turns out that the person who always treats her like a queen is right in front of her. Since then Ametsa never contacted him again and tried to avoid the man's figure. However, one day fate brought her together in a very different way. That's where their story begins with a man fighting for Ametsa, a young girl who doesn't believe in a different world.

giantystory · Fantasi
161 Chs


特工穿越农女小丫头获取随身空间,有一天从空间中蹦出来一只老鼠,说像它这样厉害的还有十一个,饿的头晕眼花的李白莲就知道,她将来有猪肉吃了…… 一、小丫头名叫白莲,外柔内刚。村里的人都说,李家的五丫头最可怜,整天被虐待。极品爷爷奶奶叔叔伯伯觉得有这个霸道的小丫头不好奴役三房,想卖了三房一家。 二、临近的国家发现,最近大汉仿佛开了挂一样。 ①某处大地震前夕,老鼠瞬间泛滥成灾,专门咬那些待在屋子里的人!后来房屋倒塌,老百姓们都说老鼠仙下凡了! ②蝗虫泛滥成灾,老百姓恐慌无比,结果不知道从哪里出现了一群一群的鸡,后来,蝗虫濒临灭绝…… ③某国没粮食吃,想偷袭大汉抢粮食,结果带队的兵马大将军被不知道哪里窜出来的蛇咬了一口,卒。 三、李白莲被人陷害,昏迷不醒,当她醒来的时候,老皇帝抱着自家媳妇准备跑路,太子爷抱着自己,一脸的邋遢沧桑。 “儿媳妇,你醒了?朕一个儿子造反了,华儿以为你要死了,啥也不管了,朕玩脱了,咱们赶紧跑吧!” “你衣服上是什么?”白莲指着老皇帝的龙袍。 “嗨,儿媳妇,这不过是糊弄人的,世界上怎么可能有……” 老皇帝话音未落,一条银白色的龙呼啸飞出,雷鸣电闪,冲着敌军飞过去……

雏田的白眼 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
925 Chs


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