
Chapter 3


I stood by Arias throne, she was seated gracefully looking out at her suitors. I looked over them, all three were physically perfect. Tall, muscular, chiseled features. One of them stood out to me… The blonde he was the closest to Aria. My guard went up, he looked just like the guy from my dream. Lord Cyril addressed the room as he stood up, "Welcome! I want you to feel at home here in the palace of Gods. This here is my son, Jedrek. He is one of our mightiest warriors and earned himself the title, God of Strength, on the battlefield." Jedrek stood up, as he did the three Gods before us bowed their heads in respect.

Lord Cyril turned to Aria, and offered a hand. Aria took it as her father guided her to stand, "This is Aria my daughter." The Gods smiled and bowed to Aria. Aria was smiling gently at the men, "Hello, it is nice to have you here." She bowed her head to them.

The first God stepped forward, he had short black hair and dark eyes to match. I couldn't tell if there was any white in his eyes at all. "Hello Lady Aria, my name is Amell. I am the God of Avians. It is a pleasure to meet you." Amell dropped to one knee and bowed.

The second God matched the paces forward to Amell and introduced himself. "Lady Aria, I am happy to finally meet you. I am Quillian, I am the God of Battles. I will lay my sword at your feet and swear loyalty if you wish." Aria giggled, "Thank you Quillian." Quillian smiled and bowed to one knee just as Amell did.

The Blonde was last. The way he moved almost reminded me of a snake. "My Lady, I am Zale. I am a God of the Sea. Even the blue of the sea cannot compare to the beauty in your eyes." Aria smiled at him but didn't react otherwise.


Zale took a knee next to Quillian and Amell. All three Gods were there, displayed for me. I wasn't sure what to do next so I looked to father. He smiled at me, I gave him a half smile back. I wasn't going to pretend to be happy, but I could put up a front for my fathers sake. He spoke to the Gods, "Thank you for the introductions. You are staying here for some time young Gods, you will have your time to get to know Aria. She will give us her choice within the next few weeks."

My heart sank, "W-weeks?" it was like father hadn't heard me, "The guards will show you to your quarters. Thank you." The Gods were ushered out, and once the doors were shut, Jedrek stood and walked over to me. "How do you feel about them?"

Aria sighed, "They seem like fine Gods, I'm just not sure about being married in the next 'few weeks'. How long is that in your mind father?" Father smiled, "Figured if I don't give a solid time frame it will give you some time." I looked from my father to my brother, "Time for what?" Jedrek smiled, "For you to make your name. Father and I, know how important that is for you." I smiled at Jedrek and father, "Thank you, I will do my best to use this time."

"Off you go Aria, go about your day as you normally would. If any of them choose to seek you out, talk to them a bit. Get to know them." Father smiled at me one more time before looking to Dario, "You keep an eye on them and report any wrong doing to me." Dario nodded at my father. Jedrek and father left the Great Hall, it was just me and Dario in there. I contemplated staying in here all day, but that wouldn't be fair to the deal.

"Shall we go to the garden, Dario?" Dario smiled, "Anywhere you go, I go Lady Aria." I smiled at my warrior.


In the garden, Aria was examining the flowers and plants. Watering them as she went along. She stopped to observe a blue rose, examining it checking the petals. She reached into her flower basket and grabbed her cutters, as she clipped the stem and placed the flower in her basket, Quillian approached.

I was only a couple paces behind Aria watching this suitor with my Goddess. He cleared his throat and Aria looked to him and stood straight holding her basket in one hand. "Hello Quillian, how are you enjoying your stay?" Quillian looked around like he was scouting his area, "I'm enjoying it very much. The grounds are beautiful, especially the garden. Must be because of you?"

Aria loves the garden, but it wasn't her doing. The garden was her mothers hobby, she just takes care of it as best she can. "Oh! No, this was my mothers garden, she had a love for flowers and plants in general." Quillian smiled and nodded, "I think they are lovely. However, nothing compares to how beautiful you are." This guy isn't going to get anywhere just complimenting her.

"Thank you Quillian. So tell me about yourself." Quillian smiled and started blathering on about how he earned his title of God. Like nearly all Gods, it has something to do with a war, fight, hunt, etc. I had tuned out but came back in on the conversation, "- and when the battle seemed most bleak, I was able to summon my great eagle that swooped down and took out the remaining fleet."

Aria was kind as always, "Congratulations on earning your title. How did you know that was your moment?" Quillian looked puzzled, "What do you mean? It was a battle…" He looked at Aria like she was simple. Aria sighed, "Never mind. It's not important. What happened to the eagle?" Quillian smiled again and whistiled, three short high pitched bursts.

When the air around us began to blow I looked up and saw a giant bird flying toward us. I instinctively, blocked Aria when the bird landed a few feet away from us, in a gathering spot in the center of the garden. Quillian smiled, "Hello Artemis. How's my boy today?" The eagle, apparently named Artemis, screeched at Quillian and shook out it's feathers.

The bird stood at least 4 Gods high, but Quillian walked over and was rubbing the beasts belly! "Artemis is a faithful companion. He is loyal to anyone who is loyal to me. Anyone else- well they don't last long." Quillian had an almost playful smile. Aria seemed fascinated by Artemis and took a couple steps forward.

The bird looked down at her and lowered it's head. I grabbed the hilt of my sword ready to attack, when Quillian took out a strange looking blade. "I warn you, if you attack Artemis, I will not hesitate to take you out." Quillian in that moment looked like an angry warrior.

Aria put her hands up, "Dario is very protective due to my fathers orders. To be fair, this is a giant bird that could swallow me in one gulp, if it wanted." Quillian chuckled, "I understand that, but Artemis has been with me since he was a baby, I will not allow any harm to come to him."


Amazing, it seems like Quillian is almost a parent to Artemis. He protects hims as a father would. Although I am sure, Artemis could take care of himself. "I can see where you are coming from Quillian, please forgive me." Quillian put the blade away, it wasn't a weapon I had ever seen. I'd have to ask about it later.

"Thank you Artemis, you can go back to whatever you were up to." The bird took off, the strong flapping of his wings nearly knocking me to the ground, when strong hands were grabbing my elbows to steady me. "Lady Aria, are you okay?" Dario helped me steady myself. "Thank you Dario, I am fine." I smoothed my hair down from the wind. Quillian walked back over to me, "Sorry about that My Lady." Quillian smiled at me when he suddenly waved and said, "I will see you around Goddess to be." He walked off without another word.

I looked up at Dario, "That was strange right?" Dario let out a small chuckle, "That was indeed strange, My Lady." I giggled a little bit. "You know what that eagle reminded me of?" Dario looked up thinking.

We have been together since we were young immortals, I had another warrior as a guard, Maximus, who was also Darios trainer. They were with me always. Then when Dario was deemed ready by his superior warrior he was my warrior from then on. We did a lot together, I think I have loved him since the hawk we saved. "The hawk you saved, when we were young." I smiled, my warrior wouldn't have forgotten."Yeah, poor girl. She made it though, we got her healthy and back out into the realm."

All I could think about was Dario running into the forest with no concern, Maximus was angry with him until he realized he was saving a hawk from a Morphling. Maximus killed it while Dario shielded me and the injured bird. We cared for her making sure her wing was healed properly and feeding her. Dario tries to give me the credit for saving her, but I couldn't have been able to face a monster at that point in time. Had it just been me, she would have died.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Please leave me any feedback, I would love to know what you're thinking.

WolfWitchcreators' thoughts
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