
The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country

Wagola, year 3025. A very happy family has three very handsome sons. Felix Walker and Emily's family, along with their three children, Edward, Edric, and Alan, live happily even in simplicity. They live their lives harmoniously on a farm owned by the family. They have everything because the land they own is vast. Felix and Emily manage a farm that is inherited from the Walker family, who was then bankrupt. The two of them had just gotten married when they came to the ranch, and they started to improve things little by little with their hard work, and of course, their efforts paid off. They both started to make money, and by the time their first son was born, they were in pretty good shape economically. Their happiness as a small family with a child and having a fairly good income made their first son, Edward, not lack nutrition and nutrition so that he grew up to be a very smart child. By the time he was in kindergarten, little Edward was already good at distinguishing colors and was also good at counting. His memory is quite strong, and he could read fluently before entering school. The happy family lived in peace until they had three sons who were very handsome and intelligent. The farms and plantations they manage are increasing, and the results are so abundant that they can then send their three sons, who are only two years apart each, to the city. All three are special children who have advantages in their respective fields of education. A few years later, all three have graduated from college, and Edward, the eldest son of the Felix Walker family, mysteriously disappears. Felix and Emily felt very sad and hopeless when they did not find their son's whereabouts. They can't even tell if their son's fate is alive or dead. Edward's two brothers, who then searched for the whereabouts of their eldest brother, also disappeared, and what happened to Edward was repeated. Now Emily and Felix live alone with very sad feelings until ten years later an event that they did not expect. The whole city of Wagola was shocked by the presence of a new country that was very sophisticated and modern. It all started with the appearance of magical items circulating among them. The whole city was in an uproar. Finally, the truth was revealed that there was a new country, a very magical country with various sophisticated and modern equipment and equipment. That country is led by a very genius young man. Felix and Emily, who heard the news, hoped that maybe his son was in that magical land. How did the two of them struggle to get to that magical land? Will the two of them meet their three sons? Who is the real leader of this magical land? What do they find in the land that many call a wonderland? There are many secrets and very mysterious events that occurred during those ten years, follow the full story in the book The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country by author Aveesa Huay

Aveesa_Huay · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Really Very Beautiful

Meanwhile at the plane crash site, Felix and Edrick are currently very worried because the identification process is almost complete but Edward's fate is not yet known whether he survived or not. Although they were not sure that Edward was safe, considering the condition of the plane that was destroyed, it was clear that all the passengers and crew were dead, but at least they could bring Edward's body back to Wagola and be buried properly.

"Father, how is it? How come Edward hasn't heard from him until now?"

Edrick asked Felix who just shook his head. He slightly regretted having allowed his eldest son to take the scholarship. Had she known she would lose Edward forever, she would never have allowed her son to leave for England.

"Can we go back to when Edward asked permission to leave then? If possible I wouldn't let him go."

Felix said regretfully. Edrick really understands what his father is feeling right now, he also feels very much missing his eldest brother. Even though Edward rarely talked to her all this time, they were brothers who loved each other.

"Dad, never mind! We wish Edward the best. I'm sure all the best for us, Dad."

Edrick tried to calm his father down and now they returned to the hotel where they stayed first to rest. They were very tired and also a bit unwell because apart from the lack of rest they also saw many corpses in a very sad condition because the bodies of the victims were dismembered.

Indeed, none of the victims of the plane crash had intact limbs. There are even some that only a few pieces of his body were found. But of course it's better because their family can finally confirm that their family is dead so it's no longer ambiguous.

"Edrick, I want to take a shower first! You better order food for us soon. Even though we're sad right now but we have to keep our bodies fit."

Felix's message to his son who had finished bathing first. Meanwhile, now it was Felix's turn to immediately clean up his body because he had also helped the forensic team carry the pieces of the victims' bodies.

"Okay Dad, I'll be ordering food soon."

Answered Edrick who immediately took the phone that was available in his room and immediately pressed the button which directly connected him to the receptionist. A few moments later Edrick's order was delivered to his room, coincidentally Felix had also finished bathing so he and Edrick immediately ate their food.

Meanwhile, where Arion was, it was already evening, Floryn immediately got ready to go to work. Arion came to Floryn who was about to leave.

"Floryn, are you leaving now?"

Arion asked Floryn who immediately smiled and nodded her head.

"Arion, why haven't you slept yet? I'm leaving for work now and will be back tomorrow morning. So you're doing well at home huh!"

Floryn's message to Arion. The girl was still a little worried about Arion who still had some wounds that were still wet.

"I'll be fine, Floryn. You calm down! And if I may, I'd also like if you find me a job. I'm already recovering so I'm afraid I'll get bored if I just stay home."

Floryn smiled hearing what Arion said. Floryn was grateful that the man she was helping wasn't a bad person. Arion is a good young man and seems quite intelligent, Arion will quickly adapt in this new place. Floryn herself, although she has not yet received certainty about where Arion came from, but she suspects that Arion comes from a world that is above her own.

This afternoon after waking up she had seen news about a plane crash on the internet and the location of the plane crash was very close to the core of the earth where their world is located, so it is not impossible that Arion might be one of the passengers on the ill-fated plane.

"Okay, I'll ask my boss later if there's still work or not."

Floryn immediately put on her shoes and then she said goodbye to Arion. She immediately left for work and Arion then immediately locked Floryn's door after Floryn was out of sight. Arion immediately checked the doors and windows and after that he entered his room. Arion was then about to go to bed when he found something that really caught his eye. Arion got out of bed again and approached what caught his attention.

"What is this thing? Why is it so unique?"

Arion asked himself, he found something really good. There is a glass ball in which there is a world that is snowing. Really very beautiful.

"This thing is beautiful. I'm going to ask Floryn if the world inside the glass ball really exists. If there is I'd like to come and live there."

Arion muttered while gazing in awe at the life inside the glass ball. The small world inside the glass ball seemed real. Unfortunately Arion only caught a glimpse. Even though without Arion realizing it, the world inside the glass ball was the world he was in right now.

Actually inside the ball there are also mini humans, only that Arion doesn't notice their existence because their body size is really very small.