
The Gamer, Anime Edition

What would have happened if The Gamer happened in the Anime-verse? Shirogane Miyuki, the fortunate young lad, found his life turned into a video game. His whole reality turned into a quest for power, ladies, and grinding. Yeah, what kind of fool would refuse that kind of life? Not Miyuki, for damn sure! ... This is a crossover anime but with The Gamer as the power system and background. I got this inspiration from The Gamer, CHYOA Edition. If you don’t get it, it’s The Gamer from the porn site, not the webtoon. You will find it on Google if you’re curious and want the details.

Fourth_Reich · Komik
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7 Chs

Kaguya and Loligaki

Quest: Miss Kaguya wanted to confess (2/5)

Detail: You have turned your potential enemy who wanted to threaten your position as Council President into your ally and best wingwoman, but is this enough? No, it's never been enough; you wanted her not only to be your helper in the Student Council Union but also your personal helper. Now, what you need to do is raise her affection to 60.

Reward: +10,000 XP, Sword of Caliburn.

What the fuck is with this game? I never thought that far, or I think it was never enough, but whatever, since the reward is generous enough, I think raising her affection and relationship with me shouldn't be a problem.

As much as legend says the Sword of Caliburn is inferior to Excalibur, it should be a powerful enough sword for me at this stage. Yeah, I got it, you're my lucky star, Miss Kaguya!

I smirked inwardly as I scouted her relationship with me.

Shinomiya Kaguya

Lvl 18 Vice President

<Shinomiya Corporation>

Relationship: 30

Okay, it's raised to thirty, from minus five to twenty and to thirty. Is this the power of the game or because I was really that good at raising the affection of women? Whatever the answer was, I rolled with it.

"Is there something wrong with my face, President? You stare a lot," Kaguya Shinomiya glared.

"Ahem... I wanted to say something to you, Miss Kaguya. I don't know whether I should say it or not." I coughed when I realized how impolite my stare was and changed the topic.

"Just say it." Kaguya Shinomiya signaled me to go on.

"Do you know what happened yesterday? Why did my friend suddenly say the road would be dangerous? You didn't seem surprised by it, Kaguya-san." I asked.

"You are not ready yet to know everything, President. When you're gazing at the abyss, the abyss is gazing at you. So, you should focus on your own life and not stick to something that you shouldn't stick to." Kaguya warned.

"Fair enough," I answered simply. Since I didn't reveal my power or my capabilities to her, why should she share her own information with me?

It seems the game is right; gaining her affection is important for my survival in this world. Not only does she know a lot, but she can also be my ally in the future. She seems very reliable.

"I thought you would be mad or press the issue. Surprisingly, your reaction is very mature, President," Kaguya blinked her eyes in surprise.

"No wonder you were selected by the former Council President as his heir to take his seat."

"Anyway, my warning still stands. Don't be too curious; after all, curiosity can kill the cat too."

"I will keep in mind your reminder, Miss Kaguya," I spoke politely.

Although her tone is condescending and sounds self-righteous, I know better. That's how most people with wealth and lack of interaction speak, so I am more tolerant of it. In the past, when I was still wealthy, I was just like her—so self-righteous and condescending when interacting with others. I always thought that I was the right one when others' opinions didn't matter too much to me and were considered wrong because they were just sheep, lacking intellect, and prone to being affected by their emotions and prejudices rather than facts. But being tempered after the bankruptcy of my father and the loss of wealth, I realized how much I sucked in the past.

I learned humility and the harshness of the world through hardship and began to accept others for what they are without judging them unless they sought fault in me for petty reasons like jealousy. Yeah, many people were jealous of me for being accepted into the Council's seat and talking shit behind my back or in front of me.

After all, there is a huge difference between being open-minded and being foolish. I can accept the shortcomings of others, but not when they maliciously want to overstep or insult me and expect me to take it with open arms. No, never.

They say, "I didn't deserve any of this shit," and they will nitpick every mistake of mine just because they can and can escape the consequences without punishment. They do it for nothing more than to fill their fragile egos with newfound superiority by putting down an important member of the Student Council. It's not critiquing; it's maliciously being condescending and arrogantly putting their superiority complex and fragile egos on me.

But now it's different. I am the President of the Student Council, and I have Kaguya Shinomiya as my ally. No one ever talks shit in front of me again; they need to weigh themselves before offending Kaguya or me. After all, it's common sense for people to have the mentality of bullying the weak and fearing the strong, and it applies to this school too.

"You always seem preoccupied and doze off a lot, President. Are you still thinking about yesterday's incident?" Kaguya's voice then woke me from my state, and I replied softly.

"Nothing, I just remember my own past before I sat in this position. You know how unpopular I was because of my commoner status among aristocrats at that time. Every person I met always said I didn't deserve to be in the Student Council seat. Now, I wonder, why has public opinion shifted? Why does no one nitpick me ever again?"

"You have me, President. When they do, they will be dealt with swiftly. You don't have to worry about someone overstepping or offending you. I will deal with them personally. This is my promise to you," Kaguya told me with a serious tone in her voice.

No wonder why many people fear me now and avoid talking to me. It turned out you're the culprit, Kaguya.

I deadpanned when I figured out everything.

Well, whatever. At least she takes care of my problem, and I don't need to deal with the nuisance of people talking shit about me again.

I said, "Since that's the case, I will be in your care, Kaguya."

"Fufufu... Of course, President, you will be in my care." She laughed weirdly, which made me amazed at how quickly her mood changed.

I don't understand what she was implying. Nonetheless, I nodded and didn't bother her again. Instead, I began to organize the messy file information of students on the desk one by one and put it back on the shelves once again as the class bell rang.


When I opened the door of the council room, something accidentally slammed against me. I felt something soft pressed against my chest as the lavender aroma waltzed through the air, filling my nose.

Okay, my life is getting weirder and weirder. Why do I always get into weird accidents with girls in most scenarios like ecchi and harem anime?

Did my gaming power change me into a hentai protagonist?

"Fufufu... It's a coincidence that you're not gone yet, President. I wanted to talk with you." The petite girl with lilac hair spoke as she stepped back and maintained a respectful distance between us.

Fortunately, she didn't act like a bitch and blame me for slamming into her. Instead, she acted so coolly and sprinkled the situation with humor.

I guess I like her already, and my favorable impression of her soared.

"Then let's talk inside." I spoke calmly and invited her inside the Council Room. After I saw her condition and her hand holding the cane, I guessed it would be a jerk move to make her stand outside with that condition. As a gentleman myself, it's my duty to escort her.

"Fufufu... Thank you, President." She didn't refuse, and I prepared a cup of tea for her and poured it into her glass.

With that, I began to comfortably recline on the sofa and said, "Is there anything you wanted to say, Miss Sakayanagi?"

"You know me?" She blinked in momentary surprise when I guessed her identity at a glance. After all, it's only the second day of me taking office. It would be really weird why I suddenly know her if not for the fact I searched her file for recruitment.

"I do, and I wanted to recruit you into the student union, Miss Sakayanagi. I hope you don't mind that I opened your file of information. I apologize if you're offended by this fact." I apologized sincerely. After all, no matter what, it would be impolite if I didn't apologize for searching her information without her permission, despite it being only basic info and for recruitment purposes.

"Fufufu... You're too formal, President. I don't mind." She accepted my apology gracefully and then said, "Since you know me, I will not bother with an introduction. I wanted to request something from you, President, something that only you can do."

"Speak, Miss Sakayanagi." I signaled her to go on.

"I wanted you to become my fake boyfriend, President. In exchange, I will gladly accept your recruitment," she spoke.

"Okay... Wait, what?!" I stood up from my sofa abruptly and raised my voice at her surprising request.

What the fuck?

The hell does she mean by pretending to be her fake boyfriend?

"Care to repeat that again, Miss Sakayanagi? I think I didn't hear you clearly enough," I said.

"I think you did. You just can't accept the fact of my words, President, am I correct? Fufufu..." She laughed haughtily, completely shedding her cute mask and showing her true self, her arrogant and self-assured persona.

Well, I think arrogant is the wrong word; she is confident, but on the borderline of arrogance.

"Okay... I get what you're implying. I need to know the reason, the true reason why you want me to feign being your fake boyfriend?" I asked in confusion as I began to sit back down on my sofa once again and stared at her intently.

"You're very attractive. I'm very sure there are more people handsomer than me willing to be your fake boyfriend in a heartbeat. But it's not me, Miss Sakayanagi, allow me to refuse. I don't want to build a relationship based on deception; it's not very appropriate."

"Of course I know, President. The reason will not be explained; it's a matter of privacy. How about I raise the price? Anyway, we keep this relationship business and nothing personal. I want something from you, and you get something from me in return. That's how it is," she explained with a harsh, pragmatic tone in her voice.

Okay, I get it. The reason why she didn't want to explain the purpose of why she wanted me to become her fake boyfriend is that she wanted all of this to be purely business, not personal or emotional. That's what determined me to refuse. However, before I spoke, the quest popped out in front of me once again, which made me inwardly deadpan.

[Quest: Keep your friend close and your enemy closer (1/3)]

[Detail: You don't know her purpose and what she wants from you. Everything is always not what it seems. She wants you to become her fake boyfriend, but is this really the case? Is becoming the fake boyfriend her true purpose in approaching you? What is her real purpose, or is everything she does nothing more than deception? Find out and investigate all of them clearly. For that, you need to become her fake boyfriend.]

[Reward: +20,000 XP, Golden Gacha Ticket (1)]

Okay, the game makes sense. I am the Council President, and this identity represents a lot. Perhaps what she seeks from me is not becoming a fake boyfriend, but what she gains from becoming the girlfriend of the Council President, my status, or my identity. I don't know, it's too confusing and too annoying. I hope people can be less subtle and more blunt, damnit!

"Explain in detail the reward you're speaking of, Miss Sakayanagi," I finally calmed down from my own impulsiveness in refusing the transaction and wanted to know what she offered for me to be so confident that I would accept her request.

No matter what, I will make the most of it and stand at the top.

People want to use me? I will use their underestimation of me against them and flip the script, making them ever regret using me.

For now, I can only mask my expression with calmness as I wait for the girl before me to speak, as she sips the black tea in her hand.

"It's a good question indeed. Allow me to explain in great detail the nature of our transaction, and you will not regret accepting it, President."

By then, she began to explain what she offered me and why she spoke so confidently. I listened to her proposal attentively.

She then reached out her hand to me, and I accepted her shaking hand.

"Happy cooperation, President."

"Happy cooperation, Miss Sakayanagi, and welcome to the Council Student Union. You are hired."

Achievement Unlocked: Loligaki Boyfriend

You've achieved every otaku's wet dream! You lucky bastard!

Rewards: +1 to all stats

Is she really that great? I don't know. I think she was. Despite her haughtiness, surprisingly, I found her interesting and likable. I guess what? Probably my life is just an anime or a parody written by a cool and great author. The evidence of how great the author was is in creating a dumpster fire world like this and somehow making it work. It's hard to create a complex world and make it work, but it's even harder to turn a dumpster fire into a masterpiece. That's what makes the creator of this world very great.

I stood up from my council seat and began to head to my class, apologizing to the teacher for being late as there was some business in the council that needed to be taken care of. Then, I took my seat