
Money is my Prime Focus!

Being poor doesn't automatically make you a good person

[You discovered a new recipe.]

[Successfully crafted a basic health potion.]

[Intellect increased by 1.]

[Combined Poisonous Candle and Troll's Blood. New catalyst combination achieved.]

[Intellect increased by 1.]

[Combined poisonous herb and magical essence. New catalyst combination achieved.]

[Combined Poisonous Grass and Orc Molar. New catalyst combination failed.]

Alchemy was a mystery to solve. It was clear that my craft followed the logic of technology. Every aspect of the synthesis magic circle needed to be carefully planned, including the best time to initiate it, the best magic circle type for each catalyst material, the influx of magical power into the circle, and the combination of catalysts and materials. The procedure resembled carrying out experiments, which by their very nature carried the risk of failure.

Success in alchemy requires prudence. Given the high cost of experiments due to expensive materials, I formulated multiple hypotheses through extensive research on potion-making and catalyst combinations. Based on these hypotheses, I simulated virtual experiments and, judging their outcomes, decided when to take action.

This standard methodology, however, didn't suit me. Why? Because I possessed ample wealth. My plan was to use this wealth to indulge in countless combinations of catalysts and potions through virtual experiments. Abandoning theoretical frameworks and suppositions, I would solely rely on my logical deductions for results.

Of course, my approach differed from that of a typical alchemist, who would practice with a rare catalyst before attempting novel combinations.




"Damn," I muttered under my breath, aware that dwelling on failure wouldn't prove productive. Instead, I needed to focus on reversing my unsuccessful outcomes.


In a week, I'd likely spend around a thousand gold – a considerable sum.

However, the investment wasn't in vain. Gradually, the default potion recipes available in the market ingrained themselves in my memory. Furthermore, my intellect and magical abilities had seen enhancement.

Effectively, I had purchased stat improvements with the gold I possessed. Yet again, I poised to pour more gold into my alchemical endeavors, but a voice from outside interrupted.

"Kee Miyoung!" Jung Hayan exclaimed.

"Ah, come in. Just remember to disinfect using the artifacts…" I replied.

"Okay." She agreed.

The door swung open, revealing Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan. Their presence didn't surprise me; their intentions became evident as I spotted bags in their hands.

"Why are you bringing this in? Other guild members have volunteered to organize my belongings. I've also informed the lobby attendant, so you needn't move anything next time."

"No, it's not that. If we don't help you, Kee , we'll never get to see you. It's strange to live on the same floor yet barely cross paths. Can I leave your luggage here?"

Park Deokgu said.

"Sure, you can leave it there. Thanks, Deokgu," I responded.

"Heh, well, it's no big deal."

"Oh, Kee Miyoung. Have you had your meal?" Jung Hayan asked.


Checking the time with a slight cringe, I realized I'd lost track due to my intense focus.

"Ah, I've been quite occupied...," I admitted.

"Ah, then let's have a meal together!" Jung Hayan suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea!"

Their cheerful expressions made me chuckle. After a brief pause, I headed to inspect the luggage, confirming that my ordered items had arrived as expected.

"By the way, where did you order all these items?" Hayan asked.

"They're catalysts for various alchemical purposes." I replied

"I see. Can this potion you made save people on the brink of death?"

"No, it's effective only for minor wounds. Oh, Hayan! Be careful around those items. Don't even consider consuming them."

"Yeah... Yeah!"

"Since I know very little about alchemy, what exactly are you attempting to create?"

"Well... for now..."


"I'm aiming to earn money."

Suppressing a laugh at their puzzled expressions, I stuck to the truth. Money was my prime focus, given that expenses should be balanced by earnings. If I wanted to be a worthwhile investment, I needed to bring substantial wealth to the table.

After all, it wasn't just Kim Hyunsung who had invested in me; there was also Cha Hee-ra.

Although I'd already submitted the list to her, it remained essential for me to prove my usefulness.

Of course, the exact nature of my creations was my secret. Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan needn't be privy to those details.

"By the way, what's Hyunsung up to these days?" Park Deokgu inquired.

"Same old, same old. It's been a while since I last saw him."

"Well... We train together at the training center. Afterward, he heads to the slums, carrying food with him."


"Oh, I know I've always thought he's a good guy, but is he truly that altruistic? I'm not sure about the nature of his volunteer work, but it's been a week now... I can't decide whether it's impressive or a bit foolish. Well, it's a mix of both, I guess. Seems like he plans on maintaining this routine daily."

"He's doing it every day?"

"Seems that way. Ah, there are rumors about new dungeons as well. Anyway, Hyunsung roams the city, searching for someone or something. One thing is certain – Kim Hyunsung is genuinely kind."

'Volunteer work?' It was fitting for him.

I'd expected him to recruit new talent, but it appeared the process might take longer than anticipated. If swift recruitment were possible, there'd be little reason for him to engage in volunteer activities at this stage.

"I don't know what your perspective is, but sometimes there's more to worry about than just the frowning aspect."


I sensed impending trouble.

'Should I join them, even just this once?'

The situation didn't appear excessively dangerous.

In any case, my alchemical endeavors had reached an advanced stage, and I was curious about my fellow party members' activities.

Observing Park Deokgu and Jung Hayan's expectant expressions, I made up my mind.

"I think I'll go too..."

"Really?" Jung Hayan asked.

"I'm a bit curious. I wonder what life is like in the slums."

"Well, then come with me, Kee."

"Is that alright?"

"Yeah... Yeah!"

It was refreshing to act on a whim. My busy schedule hadn't allowed me much exploration, so I relished the opportunity.

Boarding the carriage that would transport us, I held Jung Hayan's hand. Her face lit up in response; the experience felt like a city tour.

The view changed as we traveled through the city, going from lavish and beautiful to run-down and boring. The change in the climate, with dampness hanging in the air, was reflected in the coachman's uneasiness.

"Why are you heading to this area?" the coachman inquired.

"Nothing in particular. I'm relatively new to the city. I'm just curious about this place."

"I see. Looks like you've received an offer from a friendly guild."

"Heh, embarrassing, but yes."

Spotting a young man on the sidewalk, I noticed his nervous demeanor as he glanced our way. Were these people those who had been rejected by guilds? Or were they just too afraid to join one? While I couldn't discern each person's circumstances, the overall atmosphere was undeniably bleak.

"The atmosphere here is quite different from the West Square," I observed.

"You feel it too?" Now I was genuinely concerned. Riding in a carriage through the slums could be seen as flaunting wealth in front of those less fortunate.

Nonetheless, I knew no one would dare attack us. Whether out of fear or the knowledge that guild members were formidable, hesitation marred their expressions.

The moment I disembarked from the carriage with Jung Hayan, I became acutely aware of the tense atmosphere. I instinctively positioned myself protectively beside her, wary of potential threats.

My attention was drawn to a woman dressed in finer clothing, surrounded by people in ragged attire.

[Check player Sun Hee-young's Show Details and talent level]

[Name-Hee-young Sun]

[Title-Saint of the Forsaken]


[ALIGNMENT-Ideal volunteer]

[Job-Priest of the Sun-Hero Level]

[Occupational Effects-Acquisition of basic divine power knowledge]

[Occupational effect-intermediate knowledge acquisition of divine power]


[Strength -30/Growth limit: Normal or lower]

[Agility-28/Growth limit: Normal or higher]

[Health -30/Growth limit: Hero or lower]

[Intellect-45/Growth limit: Hero or higher]

[Durability-32/Growth limit: Rare or lower]

[Luck-45/Growth limit: Hero or higher]

[Holy-69/Growth limit: Legend or higher]



[Talent-Saint's Prayer]

[General review-It is not an exaggeration to say that she was born to become a priest. The difference between her and Kee Miyoung, a rotten player, is also very clear. Please do not think about approaching her by any chance. Unlike Kee Miyoung, she is a clean person.]

Surprised, I observed her legendary divine stats. She somehow reminded me of Jung Hayan.

Amongst the crowd, I spotted Kim Hyunsung. He wasn't the focal point; Sun Hee-young claimed that attention.

Notably, her attire and insignia differed from his. Though I couldn't decipher Kim Hyunsung's motives, it was clear that she was his target.

The gathering indicated that numerous individuals sought to recruit her, and my observer skills picked up on the intensity of their interest.

'Oh, is everyone trying to win her over?'

It seemed highly probable.

Apparently, Kim Hyunsung's goal wasn't unique; many coveted this particular talent.

Surprisingly, someone of Sun Hee-young's caliber remained unaffiliated. This insight illuminated Kim Hyunsung's frequent visits to this locale and the presence of guild members seemingly uninvolved in volunteer work.