
Wren Frostine

Atop a frozen mountain was a young boy covered from head to toe in snow. The boy sat there peering over the forest below with his blue eyes. He had a full head of white hair, but it wasn't the type you would see from old age. It was a set of silk and luscious bed of hair, it almost had a silver tinge to it. He was wearing a white jacket with white pants, matching the snow in the surroundings. Held in his hand was a spear, it was a basic one, around four feet in length with a spearhead as dark as coal.

" It looks like the sun is starting to set, I should go back and get ready to hunt for some food."

Wren said as he stood up, dusting the snow off him. Making his way down the mounting, he couldn't help but reminisce of the past two months. He had come to the taiga mountain range to train his ice element, and it has proved fruitful.

When he started his training he was at tier five in the warrior realm, but now he was at tier 6. He even felt he was close to breaking through to tier seven. The environment of the mountain range helped speed up his cultivation.

Reaching the end of the mountain there was a small thatch house. Made of wood and straw with snow covering it everywhere, this thatch was his home while on this mountain. The thatch was small, it had enough space for one person. The only thing in the thatch was a bed made out of wood covered in leaves.

"I'll rest for a bit and go hunting at night to get some food for the journey back home."

Wren said as he was making his way to his make-shift bed. He placed his spear in the corner and laid on the bed, drifting into sleep.


Waking up, Wren looked out seeing pitch darkness. " Looks like it's night time"

Picking up his spear Wren made his way out of the thatch and into the pitch-black darkness outside. He walked south straight to the taiga forest.

The Taiga forest was a common place for people of the Frostine clan to train at. The whole forest was the property of the Frostine clan. The cold environment and the numerous beasts created the perfect training environment.

The forest has been split into three areas. The core is where beasts in the noble and royal realms live. The inner where champion and paladin realm beasts live. And the outer where Wren was, which had knight and warrior realm beast.

To enter the taiga forest you would need a ticket which you could purchase from the Frostine clan. Furthermore, to prevent deaths you would need to be in the peak tier for your realm. Tenth-tier warrior for the outer area, or tenth-tier champion for the inner. The core area is only open to clan members.

The only reason Wren could hunt here was due to his status and because he agreed to stay only in the edge of the outer area.

Walking into the forest, Wren made his way to his usual spot. It was a small clearing that had lots of trees and branches covering it. In the clearing there was a small hole that covered the majority of his body, leaving only his head visible. Wren Stood there, waiting for a beast to pass through.

After a good twenty minutes of waiting a beast did pass through, it was a bear. It was two meters tall and covered in white fur. The bear was picking berries from a bush unaware it was being stared at by two blue eyes.

Seeing the bear Wren was a little surprised, this was because it was in the fifth tier. This was usually the upper realm of beasts in the forest, it was a surprise to see one in the outer area of the forest.

Gripping his spear Wren started leaning forward, ready to pounce. When the bear lowered its head to bit the berries. Wren lunged forward at full speed.

Startled by the sound the bear turned around, but it was too late. A spear had already thrust itself in its throat, killing it.

Pulling his spear out, Wren let out a sigh of relief. " Good thing I caught it off guard. If I didn't kill it quickly it would have turned into a long fight and attracted other animals. "

Pulling out a knife, Wren started cutting apart the bear and taking the edible parts away and some part of the fur. Carrying the meat and leaving the rest of the blood-soaked fur, Wren made his way back to his thatch. Once back Wren started making a bag out of the fur so that he could store the meat for his journey back home.

After making the bag and putting the meat inside, Wren made his way to this bed. Sitting cross-legged he started to cultivate, preparing to breakthrough. He had been feeling like he was close to reaching the seventh tier for a while now.

Controlling the flowing ice energy inside his body he started to make it spiral, forming a larger and larger spiral. Once he felt the spiral was large enough he sent all the energy to attack the barrier.

Everyone in the warrior realm had ten barriers inside their body, to reach a new tier you had to break a barrier. This was what Wren was currently doing.

Wren repeated the cycle over and over a gain, forming a spiral, and attacking the barrier. After Seven attempts the barrier finally broke. Feeling the new surge of energy, Wren was ecstatic. He had reached the seventh tier, a feat almost unheard of in his clan. With this, he was now confident he was the strongest amongst the younger generation of his clan.

"It looks like it's time to make my way back to the clan, it's been a long time since I've seen everyone."

Wren said as he stood up, picking up his spear and the bag with the meat for his journey back home.

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