
Chapter 1:

"Wake up kid…"



Slaps harder


Slap Slap Slap

"You hear me?"



Long pause



"Are you agent #1976 Viole…" A new voice said.

The name Viole made his heart race he didn't know why but something about the name felt wholesome. As if that name was his but he had no way of making sure. He could feel himself being picked up but he couldn't struggle even the slightest. The people carrying him must've been strong for he didn't hear even the slightest of a grunt. Something felt so strange he couldn't even describe it to himself. He felt strange that he didn't even know his name nor the man shaking and slapping him before. He was carried into something moving. He could feel an engine start and the ground beneath him started shaking. They placed him him on a seat. He felt exhausted even though he just woke up. He drifted off into sleep hoping after waking up things would be better.

After what felt like hours he woke up a bit more alive than before. He still couldn't recall events before the violent shaking and him being lifted off the ground. He tried sitting up soon realizing he was already sitting up.

"You seem a bit more active but your brain must still be waking up" A voice noted.

His face burned with embarrassment. He tried looking around him he could see things but they were all so dark. He couldn't tell if it was just his eyes or everything really became dark all of the sudden. He felt as fine as he felt he should but his brain felt

"We've put on a thing blindfold" the voice said reassuringly

His thoughts began to race around him reassuring him and haunting him.'Who are they?' , 'what do they want from me?', 'who am I?' was all he thought about until the vehicle came to a slow stop. When he was ordered to walk he got up only to fall back down he could hear a muffled laughter coming from his right. They ended up carrying him all the way to a big building. Through the blindfold he saw what looked like 10 figures practicing their shooting what seemed to be beams of light, fireballs, and maybe balls of water. He noticed the figures look at him and heard a shout but he couldn't hear what the shout was about or see who shouted.

They entered a big room with a single desk made out of wood and two furnished chairs in front of the desk and someone sitting behind it. They made him sit down than proceeded onto removing the blindfold. When his eyes adjusted to the brightly lit room the first thing he noticed was a file with someones face on it with a stamp in green saying success. The man sitting behind the desk noticed what he was staring at than looked at him with a face saying "you do know what this is right?" He shook his head apologetically only to receive a sigh from the man.

"This was your mission. You were suppose to infiltrate the enemy lines and destroy them from the inside which you did exceptionally well at. You were also suppose to find out their plans but because of something that made you not you it doesn't matter. Our job was suppose to take you back here and call it a day." the man said in a calm voice.

But his eyes showed otherwise his face and tone were calm but his eyes didn't dare meet his as if he was scared of something. He wanted to ask him about himself but was interrupted by the door behind them slammed open. Everyone in the room turned around to face the intruder.

"There you are…you little rascal!" The person thundered.

Please don't discriminate

Old_Elementalcreators' thoughts
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