
The Forgotten Crimson

In the world of Avalon, where many monsters have started to pop out, Avalon was once a world with 4 continents, 4 continents that try to oppose each other, the continent Ignis of humans, the continent Sylvana of elves, the continent Ferrok of dwarves, and the continent Aquapolis of Mermaids, each nations has their own specialty, but then they were forced to have an alliance because monsters one day unknowingly appeared. As the monsters appears... dungeons and a new unknown continent appeared as well... They are also known as, continent of monsters, where orc, goblins, ogre, lizards, and many other monsters lives. As monsters appeared, gods as well, and Legends whisper of a hidden civilization, where crimson skies cloak a forgotten magic; whispers speak of a forgotten power, a crimson legacy shrouded in shadow. The Forgotten Crimson plunges you into a heart-stopping adventure alongside Rowan. When the secrets of the past resurface, he is thrust into a thrilling battle against hidden forces. Prepare for a story where danger lurks around every corner and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Rowan unravel the hidden mysteries of the world, he discovered one day, that he can travel through different worlds and realms because of his ??? skill. It's as if he's dreams are always coming true, because of this, all of his schemes has always been successful and none of them disappointed him. Not only that, he has the most ridiculous and insane growth.

RonSupremacy · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The One-Man Army (7)

Garen has finally gathered all the 50,000 troops and informed his king, Rigurd. He informed Rigurd that the soldiers are ready for to depart.

"Your Highness, the troops are ready to depart, we are waiting for your command."

Garen spoke in a low voice while he was kneeling outside Rigurd's room.

"Alright, I'll get ready, stand by for a minute..."

"... Understood, Your Highness."

After Rigurd ordered Garen to stand by outside, he stared at the corner of his room and said.

"You must eliminate that person if you want to become a '2-Word Titled' High-Holy Knight. Do you understand?"

Rigurd asked the man from before (It is the man who revealed Admir's whereabouts). While he's eyes is wide open.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The Mysterious man said, while he's on his knees.

'Yes..! Finally.!'

'I can finally become a High-Holy Knight! And to think I will be given a 2-Word Title?'

The Mystersious Guy thinked while he was in a state of satisfaction.

'Hehehe~ I can finally... I can finally shine!'


With a satisfying thud, the last buckle of his armor snapped into place. Rigurd flexed a hand, the metal plates responding with a faint metallic whisper. Satisfied with his preparedness, he strode out of his quarters, his destination: the soldiers waiting for their leader.

Rigurd stood at the top of a stage, and started his speech to motivate his soldiers before they leave and attack Admir.

"Soldiers of Ronterra! We gathered here today for one purpose! It's to eliminate someone! Though, you might think that sending 50,000 troops just to eliminate a one man is ridiculous, but if we send less than 50,000 troops, Ronterra could be on a huge loss."

"The man that we will kill this evening, is an old comrade of mine, I treated him like my brother... but he... he broke my trust by taking everything away from me.! He even took my father's approval and got a '3-Word Title' That was supposed to be mine!"

Rigurd dramatically shouted these words to destroy Admir's reputation in front of the soldier and to motivate them to have bloodlust.

"But today! I am going to going to eliminate the leech that has been in the kingdom for 16 years! I am going to end his legacy!"

Rigurd yelled as he motivates the soldiers of Ronterra to boost their pride and have more confidence; though, the soldiers were confused on why their King is preparing too much just to eliminate one person, they were motivated by Rigurd's speech.

"Soldiers of Ronterra! We stand here united, to confront a grave threat."

"A shadow has fallen upon our land. A man we once considered one of our own has turned his back on everything we hold dear. He has betrayed our trust, manipulated the system, and seeks to exploit the very foundations of Ronterra for his own gain!"

"Can we stand idle while the future of our kingdom hangs in the balance? The stakes are high. The path he walks threatens the very core of what we believe in."

"This situation demands decisive action. We must ensure that those who seek to undermine the stability and integrity of Ronterra are held accountable."

"Together, we stand as a bulwark against those who threaten our way of life!"

After Rigurd delivered his motivational speech to motivate the soldiers, he succeeded on motivating and boosting their pride.

"Long Live the King!" 

"Long Live the King!"

"Long Live the King!"

Soldiers shouted after hearing the King's Speech.


Mephisto and Admir sit by a crackling campfire, their faces illuminated by the dancing flames. A comfortable silence stretches between them, broken only by the occasional snap and pop of burning logs.

Suddenly, Mephisto stiffens, his gaze shooting upwards as if sensing something unseen. A deep furrow lines his brow, and his eyes narrow. He glances at Admir, a flicker of concern crossing his face.

"A shift… a definite shift in the air. Do you sense it as well, Admir? It's like a cold wind has swept through, chilling me to the bone. There's something… different about Rigurd's presence now. A darkness, a discordant note that wasn't there before. It's like the world around him has dimmed, the vibrant colors muted by a creeping shadow."

"Indeed. There's a… dissonance. As if the very essence around Rigurd has changed. It's like a discordant note in a familiar melody, a wrong brushstroke in a masterpiece that disrupts the entire composition. The balance, the harmony… it feels fractured."

Mephisto places a hand on his chin, his brow furrowed in deep thought. His gaze flicks from the distant horizon to Admir, a silent question hanging in the air.

"A disharmony, a discord in the way he interacts with the world around him… it feels… unnatural. Not simply a change, but a corruption of something fundamental. The very essence of who Rigurd is seems… tainted. As if something alien has taken root within him."

Admir raises an eyebrow, a flicker of concern crossing his face. He clenches his jaw, his expression hardening with resolve.

"Unnatural is putting it mildly. The implications… they are far-reaching. The very fabric of reality could be… stretched thin, like a canvas straining to contain a force it was never meant to hold. If this corruption takes hold… the consequences are unthinkable."

"Mephisto: (interrupting) We cannot afford to ponder the specifics any longer. We must reach him. Quickly. Every fiber of my being urges us forward. Time is not our ally in this. The longer this darkness festers, the harder it will be to purge."

Mephisto gestures towards the direction they should go, his face etched with urgency.

"Then let us not delay. Time is of the essence."

The fire crackles, casting flickering shadows on the faces of Mephisto and Admir. Their conversation trails off, replaced by a tense silence. The air hangs heavy, thick with an unspoken dread.

"(Eyes widening) A surge of power… a pressing need for immediate action. Rigurd's situation has taken a drastic turn."

"(Eyes widening in response) Indeed. The very ground seems to thrum with a sense of urgency. We must act swiftly."

"Agreed. Every moment is crucial."

Recognizing the critical nature of the situation, Mephisto and Admir waste no time. Their movements are swift and purposeful as they gather their essential supplies. A silent understanding hangs between them, a shared sense of the gravity of the situation.

With a final glance at the dying embers of the fire, they head towards their horses. Their steps are measured but determined, their expressions resolute. They mount their steeds with practiced ease, a well-rehearsed response honed through years of experience.

A curt nod is exchanged, and they urge their horses into a gallop. The powerful animals surge forward, their hooves pounding a steady rhythm against the ground. The wind whips past their ears, carrying the unspoken weight of their mission.