
The Forgotten Crimson

In the world of Avalon, where many monsters have started to pop out, Avalon was once a world with 4 continents, 4 continents that try to oppose each other, the continent Ignis of humans, the continent Sylvana of elves, the continent Ferrok of dwarves, and the continent Aquapolis of Mermaids, each nations has their own specialty, but then they were forced to have an alliance because monsters one day unknowingly appeared. As the monsters appears... dungeons and a new unknown continent appeared as well... They are also known as, continent of monsters, where orc, goblins, ogre, lizards, and many other monsters lives. As monsters appeared, gods as well, and Legends whisper of a hidden civilization, where crimson skies cloak a forgotten magic; whispers speak of a forgotten power, a crimson legacy shrouded in shadow. The Forgotten Crimson plunges you into a heart-stopping adventure alongside Rowan. When the secrets of the past resurface, he is thrust into a thrilling battle against hidden forces. Prepare for a story where danger lurks around every corner and the fate of the world hangs in the balance. As Rowan unravel the hidden mysteries of the world, he discovered one day, that he can travel through different worlds and realms because of his ??? skill. It's as if he's dreams are always coming true, because of this, all of his schemes has always been successful and none of them disappointed him. Not only that, he has the most ridiculous and insane growth.

RonSupremacy · Fantasi
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20 Chs

The One-Man Army (3)

As Mephisto and Admir continued to talk, they agreed to leave a letter for Rowan to read, Kenta didn't need the letter because he was the one who bids the farewell to Admir.

But before Admir left, he told Mephisto to guard him for a while because he is going to basement and take something important.

"Mephisto, guard me. I'm gonna down the basement to get something important before we go to a journey."

"Alright Admir, I'll guard this door for you."

Admir then lights up a torch and goes down the basement, at first glance it looks like a normal basement, just any typical basement, but something was off...

The basement was full of explosives and paints that Rowan accumulated for his pranks, Admir was surprised to see it.

"Woah, woah! That was close, I almost blewe the entire basement off."

'Okay, I gotta go find the passage and open it up, I have to hurry, because Mephisto is guarding outside.'

'Alright, Imma start with getting this torch away from explosives because it might explode'

After Admir set the torch far away from Explosives, he then cleared an area in a corner.. Admir then chants something and after than there was a little earthquake that's going on..

A small door then appeared in front of admir, it was a dimensional door that leads to an unknown place, the place was dark.

Admir then pulls another torch and lights it up revealing a massive amount of webs and dust.. after a while walking, Admir arrived to a small library where there was full of magic books and martial arts..

'If I can remember correctly, this is where I hid my armour and weapon.'

'Now I just gotta chant it..'

Admir then chanted another time and there was a mechanics that is working and revealed an armour with a Great Sword in it..

The Great Sword is called "The Slaughterer". As Admir looks at his Great Sword and armour, he remembers the days when he was a High-Holy Knight with Rigurd and the others...

It was then revealed that Rigurd was also a former comrade of Admir, but the only difference is, Rigurd was a royal and received a lot of advantages against Admir.

Admir's flashbacks flashes before his eyes, it was then out of Admir's notice, but he shedded tears remembering the good old days training with the others.

He then wiped his tears and took the great sword. He then left with a determination on his face..


'Where is Father Admir? Did he left on a journey already? '

'Oh, there's Mr. Mephisto, I gotta ask him where did Father go.'

"Uhhh.... Excuse me, Mr. Mephisto, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure! And stop calling me Mr. Mephisto, just call me uncle!"

"Oh, okay! Well uh, did you know where Father Admir go?"

"Yeah uh... He went down the basement because he took something."

"Oh, I see. Thank you Mr. Mephist- No, uncle!"

Mephisto smiled at Kenta with a relief to see Kenta listened to him.

'Father went down the basement? But why is he down there? It's just full of explosives and Rowan's toys for his pranks.'

'There's literally nothing there.. but oh well, who cares.. You know what, I'll go sleep, it's late at night already...'

After a while... Admir finally got out of basement with a great sword on his back, he then informed Mephisto that he just needs to write a departing letter for Rowan to read...

"Oh, there you are! I've been waiting here for a while- Woah woah, you really took your great sword just for this journey?"

'Why did Admir bring his great sword out? Is he planning to that 'Guy'? Ah, I see Admir should've been bored for the past 16 years without any fights, I bet he's eager to meet him.'

"Oh really? Well, sorry about that, you know that dimensional doors runs 30x slower than original world..."

"You used the dimensional door we installed 17 years ago? You know that it takes a lot of mana for you to open such door, why did you do it?"

"Oh, I hid my armour and great sword there along with the magic spells and martial arts you and I wrote."

"Oh, I see. So, you putted it there huh? You found a great place to hide those precious gems."

"Yeah, hiding it there is more convenient than giving it on the hands of Rigurd... he bacame too greedy after he became the Crown Prince that day..."

"Rigurd that bastard..! Don't open up Rigurd on our matter Admir, he treated us like a trash after he bacame the crown prince, especially when he became the king, he took away my titles and ranks, not only that, he also exiled me from this Kingdom!"

"Calm down, Mephisto, I know how much frustrating it is for you, but you have to calm down because we still have a journey, and you should control yourself or else Rigurd might sense your mana and attack us here."

"Yeah you're right.."

After Mephisto and Admir talked for a while.. Admir then wrote a letter for Rowan, and he hid it one of Rowan's explosives, he then told Kenta to say something to Rowan.

"Hey, Kenta!"

"Yes father?"

"I got a favor for you."

"Oh, a favor? What is it father?"

"Tell Rowan later when he's back to check all his explosives for me, okay?"

Kenta was confused on why Admir asked him to do this, but he just agreed and do as his father Admir asked him to do.

"Ahh... yes father, but anyways father, are you leaving already?"

'Father's leaving already? But it's midnight...'

"Ah, yes. We are leaving because Mephisto and I is in a hurry.."

"Oh, well then, please be careful on your journey and please return safely!"

After a heartfelt farewell to Kenta and the children, Admir turned to Mephisto, a silent understanding passing between them. With a final wave, they departed, vanishing into the horizon.

Sixteen years had passed since their last adventure together. Time had etched lines on their faces, a testament to countless battles and hard-won victories. Yet, the spark in their eyes, the unwavering determination to face any challenge, burned as brightly as ever. The Archmage and the One-Man Army, a legend whispered in taverns and feared by monstrous hordes, were back together.