
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

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37 Chs

Formula and who could she be...

Earth - 38 - T minus 38 hours till operation beat down bad boyfriend.


Maxwell" You like trains, Agent?"

Alex" No, physics. You're using electromagnetic propulsion. The lack of friction allows us to reach speeds of 500 kilometres an hour. So how do you keep the mag-coils from overheating? Is it... liquid helium?"

Maxwell" Yeah. No hazardous byproduct. Tell me, Agent Danvers, why are you wasting that brain kicking down doors for the government?"

Alex" Why do you mistrust the government so much?"

Maxwell" Answering with a question, keep the subject talking."

Alex" Basic field agent procedure."

Maxwell" And here I thought we had something special."

Alex" Okay, fine. I work for the government because I believe there's no higher calling than helping others. "

Maxwell" I feel the same way. Only I do it without a gun. The world needs a new kind of hero."

Alex" I thought we just got one."


Maxwell" Supergirl's just a glorified fireman. She's not going to solve the underlying problems that are actually destroying this planet.

Alex" You really don't trust anyone, do you?"

Maxwell" Never met anyone worth trusting."

Alex" Well, that is a very lonely way to live."

Maxwell" You have no idea." sudenly a call comes from his office phone.

Paulina" Mr Lord?"

Maxwell" Yes, Paulina?"

Paulina" Could you come down to Level Three?" both Alex and max look at each other before heading down.

Paulina" Security discovered it during a routine sweep of the floor."


Alex" Clear the building. Don't move that, it could go off!"

Maxwell" That never happened with the fulcrum weight of a helium core."

Alex" We need to evacuate."

Maxwell" I've got a lab full of people at work, here. I'd like to keep it from going up in smoke."

Alex" Then, move over. I'm not going to let your bravado blow the both of us up."

Maxwell" This lunatic is trying to kill me with my own technology. While I appreciate the irony, I don't plan on giving him the satisfaction."

As he was going yo cut the wires, alex looks at him with worry.

Maxwell" Trust me, I know which wire to cut. It's not a problem."




Maxwell" We may have a problem."


Kai had finished shopping and called his brother to tell him something important. 5 minutes later barry arrives home and looks at his brother who is finishing another painting.

Kai" Ill be leaving in a day or 2 s so I just wanted to tell you two things. one I'll be gone for a while but if you need any help or something goes wrong you can contact me and I'll be there as fast as I can."

Barry nods as he's used to kai disappearing for long periods of time

" The second thing is this." kai proceeded to give barry a note reading it barry said in his mind' 3x2(9YZ)4A=?.' what he dident notice was lightning crossing in between his irisies.

Barry' what is this a formula. To what tho.' He looked up to his brother but the moment he did he knew whatever I held in my hand was serious business. I knew as the only time he had this sort of expression is when he was dealing with the people who tried to put their father in prison.

Kai" listen closely barry because I will only say this one. Rule one, once you memorize that formula burn the note and let no one see it. Rule 2 once you've memorized it never tell anyone you know of it. don't even say it out loud."

barry" Alright kai, but I should at least know what it is right." Barry asked his brother sincerely.

Kai smiled and said" when you think you've lost it think of this formula. That's the only clue I'll give, oh and Joe messaged me, he wants to see you. oh and Barry, carefully out there." Kai hugs barry before he speeds off.

Kai' This is the only help I'll give you little brother.'

Buzz buzz buzz

looking down at his phone kai starts sweating bullets as he sees the caller ID. Answering tho reluctantly he puts it on speaker

kai" Its been a while, Anders, how's life and grandpa."

Anders" kai thank God you finally picked up. You have to talk to the senile old bag of bones he just won't leave me alone."

Anger" what did you call me unicorn, face this old man I may be old but at least I wasn't a 40-year-old virgin."

Anders" Shut up, I told you to stop calling me that. I'm just waiting for the right girl."

Anger" sigh I have such a useless son who can't even get a date. I remember the old days were my friends and me..."

Anders" ahhhhhhh I'm not listing."

And that's were kai cuts off the call completely.

Kai" April block Anders number for a month." 'sigh why do they always have to bring me into there weird conversations.'

Sigh well, I'll say goodbye to everyone and check up the bomb girl before heading back finally.

EARTH - 38

Kara was talking to carter when her cell phone rang.

Kara" Yeah, what's up?"

Alex" I am at Lord Tech with a bomb that is gonna go off in a minute."

Kara" On my way. Carter, um... I have an emergency errand to run." He shrugs not really caring and goes back to his tablet.

Kara" I need you to watch Ms Grant's son."

Winn" Whoa! Like, really? 'Cause I am not good with kids."

Kara" You eat cereal for dinner, and your desk is covered with toys."

Winn" They are not toys. They are adult collectables." He says as he was going to show kara but by the time he turned around, she was gone.

Kara" Yeah, okay. Yeah, I got it. sigh."


Alex" There's no time!" she says as she sees max trying to stop the bomb. When suddenly kara apears.

Alex" Supergirl. Thank God you're here."

Supergirl" Not a problem. Any time."

Alex" This bomb is like a high-tech daisy cutter. If it blows, it'll produce an overpressure of 2,000 pounds per square inch."

Kara" That'll level 30 square blocks." kara was about to fly as far away from the city in thirty seconds but before she could someone from behind covered her eyes.

Amora" guess who."

kara" Amora, what are you doing here... scratch that I need to go this bomb will blow in less than a minute."

Amora" I came as I finished my business, so here I am and you don't need to worry about such a thing." With just a snap of her fingers the bomb in karas arms disappeared.

Kara wanted to ask where the bomb went but the next second she got her answer, as she could hear an explosion high up in the sky. She sighed in relief knowing no one had gotten hurt.

While kara was talking to amora, both Alex and Maxwell were standing there both dumbfounded. Max because he was enamoured by Amoras beauty. And Alex... well she was the same, taken back by amora appearance.

Tho Alex and maxwell didn't get along. At that moment the couldn't be any closer to each other.

Alex/maxwell' who is she.'

Please tell me if there are any spelling mistakes or parts that don't quite make sense even after reading.

Anders is angers son and I'll start writing more frequently now.

Thanks for the support and reading.

Etiger789creators' thoughts