
The first step is to be expelled from the academy.

I was reincarnated in a novel, yes, just as you hear it, but at least I was reincarnated as a handsome guy from one of the most important families in the empire; my life is already solved, right? I wish it was, the problem is that I was reincarnated as Arthur Reclesia, a useless bastard worthy of playing the villain who appears at the beginning to make the main character look good and then dies in a pathetic way, although if that was the only problem then it would be easy; just don't act like a jerk and that's it, but the Reclesia family I come from are not only traitors allied with the demons, but in the middle of the novel they are discovered and the whole family is massacred without leaving anyone alive. Damn, I didn't even finish reading the novel

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43 Chs


After our painful attempt to do the Dragon Race of Professor Lucius, he adapted the technique to a level where we do not stay bedridden for several days due to pain, He told us to improve only the most essential muscles and that the rest we leave aside.

This helped us a lot, although the result is infinitely inferior to the complete version, Even so, it is quite fast and will allow us to condition the body to improve little by little until we reach the maximum point

But even when it is incomplete, it still puts a huge load on the body, I can only use it about 5 times before my muscles start to ache.

Although I have not only been training the Dragon Race, in the classes with Miss Vivian I have also been working hard doing tests to find a way to use my connection with 'The Flow' although so far we haven't achieved anything.

Time goes by really fast when you have things to keep you busy with, Before I knew it, 2 weeks went by and the day of the excursion arrived.

"Alright, everyone ready?"

Miss Vivian asked the students, gathered in front of a large 'door' made of stone, It had a simple design but it had engravings all over it 


Miss Vivian raised her two hands and began to send her mana towards the door, The engravings all around the door began to light up little by little until all of them were illuminated. After that, the light of the engravings concentrated in the center of the door and a portal showing a completely different landscape opened.

The students who saw this let out exclamations of amazement.

"Haha, pretty cool, isn't it?This is a warp gate, its workings are too complicated for you to understand now, but in short, it works by creating a tunnel connecting mana from one area to another artificially, using a lot of super complicated artifacts and formulas, a true marvel of magical engineering!"

After explaining the workings of the door, Miss Vivian walked through it without much difficulty, as if she were going through a normal doorway

"It looks easy but be careful, the mana is very dense when going through, it might cause you some nausea and headaches but nothing serious."

Hearing her words, the students hesitated a bit before crossing, The first to step forward was, of course, Kein

He moved forward and stepped through the door without hesitation, but...


He covered his mouth and seemed to be doing his best not to drop his lunch. 

"Slightly nauseous?"

He said this as he looked accusingly at Vivian.

"There easy~ you'll get used to it."

But she just smiled and said it without concern while shaking her hand.

After that, the others hesitated even more to cross, but after seeing Beatriz's initiative, Leticia and Anisa put their hesitation aside and walked through the door. Many threw up, many others held their heads in pain, and some looked like they were about to faint. I didn't have a very good time either, although I didn't vomit like I was about to, and a nasty headache bothered me for 2 minutes before it disappeared completely.

"If I have to go through this, I'd rather go by carriage or walk."

The experience was not pleasant at all and although it was very practical to be able to travel several miles in seconds, it is not something I would use often

"Hahaha, don't worry, it's always like that The first time, Vivian also reacted the same way the first time she used a warp gate."

A voice was heard and a brown-haired woman approached towards the students, She raised her hand and a green aura enveloped them, calming all their discomfort 

"Hilda, you're ruining my profile as a cool teacher."

Miss Vivian spoke reproachfully to the woman, who was apparently named Hilda.

"Hmp, a person who used to explode alchemy halls because of her experiments for creating a love potion can't be cool."


The two began to discuss, and seems like they have known each other for a long time. They caught up a bit, and Hilda seems to be a member of the wizard tower in an important position. After talking for a while longer, Vivian turned to look at the students and introduced her friend

"Ahem, well, leaving the rest aside, I introduce you to Hilda, a good friend of mine since my days at the academy and a member of the prestigious wizard tower. She, along with her team, will be in charge of making sure everything goes well on this excursion."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, you can trust me, you just concentrate on enjoying this experience."

After the introductions, we were guided to where the three best students of the academy were: We walked a little bit before arriving to the entrance of a huge forest. In front of the entrance, there were 2 people

A young man with dark skin and wild purple hair tied in a ponytail that reached his back, his pants were not those of the academy uniform, but they were harem pants that came a few inches above the ankle, in which he had anklets made entirely of gold like his bracelets. He had a big smile, showing his teeth, and his yellow eyes gave off vitality. He was also very tall, about 2 meters, with well-defined muscles and robustness, and wore no shoes.

The other person next to him, however, was the complete opposite of the young man, oozing with energy.

A young woman with a serene aura about her, marble pale skin that almost seemed to glow in the sunlight, silver hair and mesmerizing red eyes like freshly polished rubies with an impassive expression on her face, it was as if the definition ' cold beauty' took physical form in one person

"Guys, I present to you the top placements of Athena Academy; you could consider them the strongest among all the students."

Miss Vivian said as she pointed at them

"Hello everyone!!! My name is Hari Kushar; it's a pleasure to be with you today!!!"

Shouted the dark-skinned young man with all his enthusiasm, the girl next to him didn't seem to mind him shouting so loudly and introduced herself without having any change in her expression 

"A pleasure, I am Norma Kivelia, and I will guide you on this excursion."

After they introduced themselves, one of the students raised his hand and asked.

"Um, weren't there supposed to be three of you?"


When the student asked, Norma showed for the first time a garter change in her expression and let out a sigh.

"Yes, there were supposed to be three of us, but I'm sure that idiot fell asleep somewhere."

The students, upon hearing this, were surprised but didn't ask any more questions

"But don't worry, me and Hari are more than enough to carry out this excursion."

After that, they explained to the students what they would do on this excursion.

They would divide into two groups, one following Norma and the other following Hari. They would enter the forest and teach the students the different ways to track and identify monsters, how to fight them, their habits and weaknesses, and other things like how to find your way when you are lost or survival tactics.

After explaining everything, the students split up, going half with Norma and half with Hari. I went to the Hari group together with Leticia, while Kein, Beatriz, and Anisa stayed in Norma's group. 

After all the students were in their respective groups, they entered the forest through different entrances, officially marking the start of the excursion and the main event.

'I have a bad feeling'

I don't know why, but I felt that nothing was going to happen as I expected.


In a distant area of the forest, a dark red magic circle appeared on the ground and after a mowing light illuminated the area, four figures covered in dark robes appeared.

"Ugh, how I hate teleporting."

The tallest and stoutest figure of the group spoke in a complaining tone.

"Then walk all the way over here, muscle brain!"

Another figure that appeared to be a woman replied.

"Do you want to die, midget?"

"Say that again."

Their bodies began to emanate a rotten and sinister energy that drove away all the animals within a 2-kilometer radius

"Come on, guys, don't fight again."

Another figure holding what looked like a sword covered completely with bandages tried to stop them.

"Stay out of it; why did you come here anyway? You never participate in any of the fights!"

The woman in the group reproached him

"I just wanted to see if there was anyone worthy of cutting."

"Shit, you're still as crazy as ever; you're worse than this brawny brain."

"I'm going to smash your face in with one hit!"

"Try and see if you've got the balls!"

"Come on."

The two who were fighting stopped instantly after hearing the voice of the figure, who had been silent until now


With a quick movement, he disappeared from where he was, leaving the others behind.

"Sigh~ out of all the demons, I know that guy is the weirdest, Seriously, why do I have to work with you guys."

Wailed the girl

"Stop complaining already; your voice is a nuisance."

Said the dark figure before disappearing, following the one that had left earlier 

"Fucking muscle, brain."

Said the girl before disappearing as well

The only one left was the figure with the sword strapped on her shoulder, Instead of disappearing, she started to walk quietly while humming

"Hum hum hum hum~ I feel that on this mission something very exciting could happen; you feel it too, don't you?"

She asked as she caressed the bandaged sword strapped to her shoulder

"Ah~, I can't wait; I want to cut something now!"

She said ecstatically as she took joyful steps