
Lineage test

In the end, their mothers agreed to Nagini starting to live in their home and also agreed to the subsequent placement of Fidelius. They understood that Nagini was essentially something of a bodyguard for their son and after seeing Soisen's concern for his safety, how could they deny him that? It wasn't like they had many visitors to begin with either.

It only took Nagini a few days to get over her initial discomfort and integrate into the family rhythm and she was performing as if she were a maid rather than another member of the family. Ann and Ingta urged her to make herself comfortable, but Nagini couldn't resist, because she felt uneasy if she didn't do her bit and help with the chores. She also saw the family garden for the first time and agreed with Soisen, maybe there were no magical plants, but it was certainly the most beautiful garden she had ever seen in her long life.

Soisen wrote to Silvia and Hermione and while waiting for a reply, he proposed to Nagini to go get his wand from Diagon Alley. He also wanted to stop by Gringotts to check a few things and maybe buy some books or stock up on potion ingredients.

-Do you want to go today? Sure, shake my hand and I'll meet you there.

-Should we get you a costume or something? -Soisen asked as he held out his hand.

-No need, most of the people who know me are either dead of age or half a foot in the grave, not to mention we're a long way from where I used to live. As long as I don't run into people like Dumbledore or Scamander, no one will have any idea who I am," Nagini explained to him, showing off a bit of her renewed youthful appearance, "And if someone stops me and wants to know who I am, why should I answer them?

The two disappeared into an abandoned Lacock alley and their figures emerged from another alley three streets away from the Leaky Cauldron. They entered and walked past the dingy bar, attracting several stares due to Nagini's attractiveness, and exited through the back door that led to the brick wall.

-I don't know if it will work," Soisen muttered as he tapped the bricks in order with his finger while channeling magic. He didn't have a wand to begin with and it would be very annoying to have to ask Tom to open the way each time in case he failed.

But to his luck, it seems that the premise for the path to open is to simply tap with magic, the wand is just the most convenient thing to use. After entering through the open bricks and looking around to get their bearings, they delved deeper into the streets and their first stop was Ollivander. The wand would cost seven galleons and Soisen still had twenty galleons in his pockets after buying the enchanted trunk.

-Welcome! -the old man came out from the back of the tent - How can I...? -His joy was muted when he saw Soisen. Although it was comforting to see that he had corrected his bad habit. Or maybe it was just coincidence that he was caught busy in the back room.

-"Easy, Mr. Ollivander, I'm not the customer this time," Soisen laughed at the old man's reaction and pointed to Nagini behind him, "She's the one who needs a new wand.

-Thanks to Merlin's underpants! -Ollivander muttered, sighing in relief, the black mark Soisen left on his record was a nightmare that haunted him for three months, "In that case, let's get started! What is your dominant arm?

Ollivander took the measurements quickly and was even more reassured to see that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he almost suspected that Soisen brought another person like him. The wand tests took no more than seven tries to find the most suitable one for Nagini.

-Chestnut wood, twelve and a half inches, moderately flexible and with an Occamy feather core. A curious combination, this type of wand is usually preferred by wizards and witches going through big changes in their lives," Ollivander nodded satisfied that nothing strange happened and returned to his beloved routine, "The only difference with the previous wand is that it used phoenix feather as a core, but it seems that Miss Nagini has a greater harmony with Occamy feather.

-I have no doubt about it," Nagini felt a delighted connection with her new wand. Having fingers again and all that felt good, but she couldn't use most of her magic without having a wand unlike Soisen.

-That'll be seven galleons. Would you like to get a wand maintenance kit for the wand in passing? It will only be two extra sickles and wand maintenance is an important thing that any self-respecting wizard or witch should be sure to do.

-Add one, please," Soisen nodded in agreement, handed him the shiny coins and after Ollivander dismissed them from the store, they went for ice cream before reporting to Gringotts.

-What do you want to do here? -Nagini asked as she read the famous warning to thieves, "Your mothers don't have a camera if I remember correctly, most of the money they use from the magical world they keep at home.

-That's true, but maybe I have a vault in my name and I don't know it," Soisen explained as they entered, "I want the elves to check their records with a proof of lineage. And if there is nothing, maybe I will open a chamber for myself to keep my money in.

The elves were at their lecterns, some weighing precious metals, others examining gems with an eye magnifying glass, handling small amounts of carefully stacked coins or attending to customers.

-Good morning, sir... Gornuk," said Soisen after he could see the elf's nameplate in front of him, "I would like to request a lineage test.

Gornuk looked up from the ledger in front of him and looked at Soisen for a second, before speaking.

-The proof is eight galleons," he said as he pushed a small plate for the young wizard in front of him to deposit the money.

Soisen grimaced because he did not expect to have to pay, but still deposited the required amount on the plate.

-Follow me, please," Gornuk's attitude improved a little when he saw the payment and felt satisfied. He stepped down from the lectern and escorted them to a nearby, more private room. He left them waiting for a few minutes before returning with a small knife and a book with a brass cover.

-Hand, please," Gornuk opened the book on the table in front of Soisen and held out his hand while the other held the knife.

-I'll do it," Soisen took under Gornuk's annoyed gaze the knife and made a quick cut on his palm, the blood fell on the pages of the book and the wound disappeared as if it had never existed. He handed the knife back to the goblin, but not before removing the remaining blood on it with a wave of his hand, which earned him a sly smile from the goblin.

Blood was a powerful medium and strongly linked to magic, he couldn't take the chance that someone could use his blood without his permission. That's why he didn't allow the elf to make the cut or take the knife with the blood, because it would be considered "willingly given" blood and there are too many things that can be used without his consent with it.

This was something he didn't know, Nagini told him when she told him of her intention to take a lineage test at Gringotts and he was grateful for it.

-Let's see -Gornuk turned the book which soaked up the blood like a sponge and began to show different comparisons to well-known, not so well-known and almost forgotten houses. Naturally, most of them said: NO PROPERTY OR RIGHTS.

The ink kept dancing and changing until it found a match: GALEGOLD.

-Galegold? -Gornuk frowned not only because the name sounded vaguely familiar, but because instead of detailing the information he needed to continue, it specified that he should call one of his superiors immediately.

-Wait here a moment," he asked the wizard and his witch companion.

Ten minutes later, a groomed elf burst into the room and Gornuk followed him as his subordinate.

-I am Ragnuk, the Seventh," he introduced himself as he alternated his gaze between Nagini and Soisen before at last stopping on the latter, "Are you the esteemed heir Galegold?

-Yes, allow me to introduce myself: Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus," he confirmed as he watched the newly arrived elf with interest, "May I ask, was your ancestor the famous Ragnuk, the First, who forged the sword that Godric Gryffindor requested and subsequently stole?

-That's right!" nodded Ragnuk angrily for remembering the great rogue and pleased at the same time to see that Soisen not only remembered his ancestor, but did not alter what happened as most wizards did.

And if there was one thing the elves hated, it was thieves!

-I'm glad to see that the last Galegold heir is someone knowledgeable and wise.

-Do you know much about my family? -Soisen asked interested. His memories and magic inherited from Cyrah are numerous, but he does not have a complete set of the family past that is detailed.

-You don't know? -Ragnuk looked at Soisen in surprise with wide eyes, "The Gringotts bank was founded by goblins, but your family had a lot to do with it!

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