

Year: 2100

Time: 11 PM

"Finally...The day has come. The End of the Mortal Universe is near! I swear upon the Universe of Aeraterra, These pathetic Deities and Mortals will die!" Galatea laughed. She heard the alarms beeping and looked at the monitor. "What the- It's him!"

I landed on the battleship and looked up then smirked. I stood up and summoned my Divine Katana then noticed Galatea's Celestial Army being summoned.

"All Units...Attack!" Galatea commanded.

I dashed ahead and began to strike down the enemies in front of me one by one in one blow. I dodged multiple attacks then my Crest of Oblivion shined then caused a massive dark explosion and blew away the enemies around me. I began to absorb the energy of the explosion then turned it into a condensed ball of energy then threw it ahead and it exploded.

"We are taking heavy damage! We are in need of backup- GRAAAHHH!" One of Galatea's units said as he was caught by the massive explosion.

Galatea glared and slammed her fist against the arm of her chair. "Send in the Artillery! Send the Celestial Goliath!"

I walked ahead and noticed massive calibre guns being summoned and a massive Mecha appeared in front of me. I smirked and awakened my Crest of Mushin.

"Fire!" Galatea commanded.

The calibre guns began to shoot at me and I automatically dodged the bullets with ease. Galatea looked surprised and commanded the Celestial Goliath to attack. The Celestial Goliath gave a mechanical roar and dashed to me. I dodged its attack and my Crest of Omnimancy shined. I snapped my fingers and five magic spikes struck the Celestial Goliath and caused it to explode. I walked out of the explosion and headed to the main area of the battleship.

"Screw this shit! If you all can't beat him, I'll just do it myself!" Galatea stood up and began to gear up. She awakened all of her Crests and fused them into one to create her Ultima Crest. She warped out of her command station then warped behind me. "Hey!"

I stopped walking and looked back at Galatea then smirked. "Hey, you saved me the trouble of having to go to the command station. Now I can end your tyranny here and now. There will be no destruction of my universe!"

I awakened all of my Grand Crests of Divinity and fused them into one. I created my Grand Crest of Godhood then transformed into my True Form. Galatea and I had our staredown for a minute.

I inhaled then exhaled and entered into a perfect state of mind then dashed to Galatea. She dashed to me as well and we clashed. I pushed her back then began to go on the offensive. Galatea blocked my attacks and clashed with me rapidly. I feinted my attack then punched her stomach. She groaned and coughed blood. I sent her flying in the air then flew after her. I began to strike her rapidly and knock her higher in the air then teleport above her and fired a beam at her, blasting her back on the battleship. She groaned and an explosion happened. I flew down to her and dodged a laser beam then grunted as she appeared behind me and kicked me away.

'How is she out speeding my auto dodge..?' I thought to myself.

Galatea bellowed and grabbed my face then slammed me through the battleship and we landed inside the ship. I bellowed and pushed her away with my aura. I grunted and bellowed then my wings emerged from my back and a pure light halo formed over my head. I entered my Third Stage of my True Form. I took a step forward then vanished and Galatea groaned loudly as she was struck faster than she could see. I sent her crashing through the multiple walls of the battleship and flew after her.

Galatea stopped herself and looked surprised as I appeared in front of her. I punched her face and a powerful repulsive force struck the area and I sent her crashing into the meeting room of her battleship then teleported above her then summoned multiple spikes of divine energy above me then sent them flying at her. Galatea groaned loudly in pain as the spikes hit her body. An explosion happened and Galatea yelled as she was sent flying back into the command station. She rolled on her side and coughed blood.

I landed in front of her and prepared to deal the finishing blow. "Any last words, Galatea?"

Galatea slowly sat up and smirked. "Yeah...Just three...I got you." She said then pressed a button.

An energy force began to pull me into the technological cage and energy waves began to drain my energy. I groaned loudly as the energy waves drained my power. The waves forced me back into my normal form and my Grand Crest of Godhood split back into the Eight Grand Crests of Divinity. I tried to use one of my Crests to break out, but Galatea began to use her Crest Destroyer Gun to blast my Crests with destructive bullets. I groaned as I felt the damage the deities felt as their Crests were destroyed.

"This is it, Shiryo! You put on a good fight, but in the end...I, Galatea, Ruler of Aeraterra, always come out victorious! Now say Goodbye...TO YOUR UNIVERSE!" Galatea said and fired a bullet at my Crest of Reality then the Crest shined and stopped time.

"I thought you'd be strong enough to stop her, but it seems we have failed. She comes from a different universe and her durability is beyond anything. No enemy should've been able to survive those attacks. It's alright though. We will have our comeback, for now...I must restart your life to the point of your upcoming. You must reach Type 5 of your True Form if we want a chance at beating Galatea." The Crest of Reality spoke.

"I thought I was strong enough. Tch..." I said, beating myself up.

"Do not worry, with your battle experience, reaching Type 5 shouldn't be an issue. Now I'm going to restart your reality. All of your enemies will be alive once again, your loved ones will be alive again, but the connections you've built will no longer exist as you will start in a time before you met them, but I will give you this." The Crest of Reality said then gifted me the Minor Crest of Ascension. "The Minor Crest of Ascension is a vastly less superior version of the Grand Crests but stronger than your average high ranking beings. Good luck, Shiryo. We will be waiting."

A bright light shined and I grunted and closed my eyes. I was transported back in time before my upcoming as the hero of the universe.

Year: 2092

I felt water being poured on my head then opened my eyes slowly. I grunted softly and opened my eyes then looked around. I looked up and noticed the sight of my grandfather.

"Shiryo my boy! You've done gave us quite the scare!" My grandfather said then laughed.

I looked around and noticed I was in a ranch and slowly stood up. I held my head and looked at who all was around. My father, mother, older brother and twin sister, grandma, and the horse I was spiritually connected to named Blitz were all around me and looked relieved.

"You were just out here passed out on the ground! We told you to take a break, always trying to outshine me huh?" My brother chuckled and wrapped his arm around me then ruffled my hair.

"Heh...whatever.." I chuckled softly.

I was transported 8 years in the past. I had just turned 20 and started working with the family on the ranch after finishing my schooling. I remember slightly what went down here, but the rest of my memory is foggy since it's been a long time...a long time since I saw my family alive. Now that I know the future, I was going to do all I could to change it and for the better.

"Alright, let's all go inside for some supper! Grandma and I made everyone's favorite, Honey Chicken Delight!" My mom said and smiled.

"Oh yeah, boy am I hungry!" My brother laughed and let me go.

"Let's go inside son." My dad smiled at me.

I nodded and followed everyone inside for dinner. My family and I were commoners who lived in out on the country. We were basically getting by off the norm and living off what money we could muster up from travellers by selling crops and animals that we breed.

I looked around the house and noticed a statue of one of the Lesser Deities named Yggril. She was the Goddess of Botany in the Mortal Realm. She offers a Crest upon completion of her trial, and upon praying to her, all crops will grow faster if she answers with her blessings. My parents and grandparents have only ever known the country so Yggril is very important to them.

"So you plan to going the Kingdom's Army, Fujo?" My grandfather asked.

"Yeah. That way, I can get a monthly income and help you all with the money situation. If possible I can move us into the city where the pay is greater than relying on the by the by." Fujo said.

"But what about the ranch? We can't just abandon all of our work here." My father said.

"If it kills you to leave the ranch, I can just use my pay to help do some renovations or move the ranch closer to the city. Adventurers are always in and out the city anyway and with being closer to the city, you all can make more money. Our kinds of crops are pretty rare since they do replenish our aura by quite a lot." Fujo said.

"Moving near the city with more adventurers huh. That don't sound so bad." My grandfather said and gave a laugh.

"We believe in you." My twin sister smiled.

Fujo was always physically stronger than me, but since the Goddess of Reality didn't take away any of my physical attributes, I should be a lot stronger even in my younger form. From what I remember, my brother did join the Kingdom's Army and I formed my own team of wandering adventures. Those adventures were very fun.

"What do you plan to do?" My father asked me and scratched his arm slightly, smiling at me.

"Me? Well I plan to become an adventurer. There's so much to see in this universe and I plan to see it all in its glory." I said.

"Ahh a freelance adventurer eh? Back in my days, I was one too. Did I ever tell you the story on how I stopped a war with my group of ragtags? That's how I met your grandmother." My grandfather laughed.

"Yeah, Grandpa. You told us the story about a million times already." My twin sister smiled.

"Come on, Shira. You know you wanna hear old papa's greatest story again." My grandfather chuckled.

"Well anyway, I hope you complete your dreams. Being an adventurer isn't easy, but I know you will find a way." My father chuckled.

"If it gets too hard, you always have a home to fall back on." My mom smiled.

"I know and thank you." I smiled.

With this restart, I knew I could become the strongest again and this time save everyone and defeat Galatea, stopping her from destroying my universe, The Mortal Realm. The Eight Grand Deities of Divinity were all spread across the universe so getting to each of them wasn't going to be easy, but I had to find a way.

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