
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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341 Chs

Eventful Morning - Unreasonable Jealousy - Affection - Intervention - Portal to the Spirit Mines

After a few minutes of walking, Philip has already dusted most of the dust and dirt on his clothes. He arrived at the front door of the Genesis Class and he was about to enter

He opened the door and took a step in. He was met by the stares of everyone in the classroom, including the worried Yuze, after she was teleported by Yozu instantly in the classroom which caught everyone's attention and by surprise

Now that minutes later, after events that has transpired from the shaking of the Core Academy, to the sudden appearance of Yozu and Yuze, then the arrival of Philip, one couldn't help but piece together the clues that fell in front of them

All that just happened now has something to do with Philip and that's the reason why everyone stared at Philip with curiosity as he entered the room

Of course the others who are deductive and sinister started to form conclusions and solutions from what they can gather. Depending on the results, they will act as they please and use the opportunity for their own needs and desires

Philip ignored the stares of the students because he found it annoying and bothersome due to his anger. His eyebrows are more furrowed than it used to be and Yuze noticed this, along with Alex and Nana. He walked along the isle staircase up to were he is supposed to sit

He sat down on his chair beside Yuze. Yuze had closed her eyes and meditated. She is aware that Philip is somehow angry at the moment

Philip looked to his right, it seemed that Wendy and Lyre are not here. He predicted that Wendy was a part of the Cartel, but he doesn't know where Lyre is

Then, speaking of, Lyre entered the room from the front door. She seemed rather more serious than usual as her eyes wete devoid of emotions and the atmosphere around her is kinda down

She walked along the isle staircase and stopped behind her seat. She looked at Philip and stared at him for a few seconds

She then smiled softly and proceeded to sit down next to Philip, as per the seafing arrangement

Several of the students caught Lyre smiling after seeing Philip. Rumors began spreading and imaginations ran wild

Meanwhile, Philip was blankly looking forward as he fidgets a little. He felt Lyre staring at him from his behind and he couldn't help but keep looking forward and not turn around to look at her

With this, at least Philip's anger lessened a little bit... Just a little bit

On the other hand, Yuze's right eye was open as she was taking a peek at Philip and Lyre

"Are you okay?" Alex turned his head around and bravely asked Philip

Philip looked at Alex with empty calm eyes. He just nodded softly as he closed his eyes

Then, Philip felt another presence behind him. He knows the identity of this person without him looking behind

"Deja Vu?" Philip exclaimed to which his group heard him

Yuze, Lyre, Alex, and Nana looked back towards Philip's behind and saw a familiar person

"I heard a rumor..." It was Cedric. "You slept with Yuze and Lyre in one night?!"

The whole class heard Cedric and they gasp audibly from the absurdity of his claim. Other students couldn't believe his statement while the others gave Cedric a chance to explain further as they were interested in his claim

Alex and Nana were also surprised as Nana, for some reason, blushed and Alex, even though he almost doesn't care about anything, felt slight envy

Philip was irked about the question. What he wanted to know is how he knew about that

"And? What about it?!" Philip said with annoyance as he tilted his head backward to look at Cedric's distorted face

Philip was disgusted at his show of ugly face

At this moment, a blur appeared in front of Philip's head as an impact force smash him down to the ground that broke his chair. Philip slammed on the floor as he held his face in pain

"You dare sleep with my woman?! No one sleeps with my woman except me!!" Cedric declared loudly which made everyone earn their disgust on him

Then, Cedric slammed on the wall after Yuze pointed his two fingers on him. He was pinned on the wall. Lyre stood up and faced Cedric with her transformation

Lyre was sad for the past day, she was angry at some point. Her negative feeling dissipated after she saw Philip in a better condition. Now, she became angry to the point he chose to transform and show her power in front of everyone

On the other hand, Yzue had yellow lightning circling around her right arm as her cat hair ears stood up. The tips of her hair started to turn yellow

Alex and Nana also stood up as they prepare for what's going to happen next

"Uuuggghhh! Yes!! Hit me more with you ability! Uuugh!" Cedric said passionately as he was being pinned on the wall while moaning

Everyone that saw this scene had their face distorted from disgust. Even his lackeys looked at him with fear and disgust

A masochist?

Everyone had the same thoughts. It made them irritated on the fact that one of the most serious person in the class had this image with his face full of ecstasy

At this point, everyone's attention was caught by the rising dread that they were feeling

"What was that?!" A scared student said as she began to tremble from fear

The front door opened wide with a bang as Yashida entered the room

"What's happening over here?!!" Yashida shouted as he felt another danger coming from the Genesis Classroom this time from his journey in the hallways

From the front door, he saw Philip slowly standing from the far back room as he faced the pinned Cedric on the wall. He could faintly see dark mist around Philip that made his Sixth Sense scream

Nana slowly raised her right arm and aimed at Philip, she tried to manually restrain the expanding aura from Philip as she has the Aura Master ability

The aura wasn't resisting after Nana tried to restrain it. Looks like Philip wanted for her to contain his aura as he can't control his own aura. It just leaks everywhere

Anger increased after his face was bashed for an absurd reason. He wanted to kill Cedric to remove an eyesore. He was considering it but he still has some consideration for the others behind him

He looked at Cedric with wide eyes as his pupils swirled from anger

"Are you entitled to take Yuze as your own?! Who are you anyways? You are the lind of people I hate the most. Selfish, entitled, ignorant, and foolish." Philip calmly said but with power

Cedric's ecstasy disappeared after he felt some sort of dread coming from the rising Philip. His face also distorted after he mocked him and called him names

"Don't you know?! I am the son of a prestigious company!!" Cedric shouted and boasted his status for the first time in a while

Philip just stared at him with empty eyes. At this point, Yuze flicked her fingers at the window to open it and flicked the other fingers that was pinning Cedric towards the opened window

Cedric screamed as he flew out on the air from a high floor. Yuze then flicked and closed the window and let him fall down

Yuze then powered down and Lyre released her transformation. They then looked at Philip. Philip's anger and aura still hasn't decreased and lessened. Nana had a hard time restraining his aura

The others that watched the scene returned back to what they were doing and a few of them returned to their seats

Yashida arrived after the situation died down

"Are you okay, Philip?" Yashida politely asked Philip

Yashida became wary of Philip ever since his Sixth Sense always tell him to be careful of him. That's the reason why he seemed to act close and show respect to Philip

"I'm fine, thank you." Philip tried to calmly reply so he could not show his anger. His words came out as irritation

He then looked around and tried to find an extra chair for his broken one. Nana grabbed the chair next to her as there was no one sitting there. She caught her breath after she restrained Philip's aura with difficult

She then lent the chair to Philip to which he grabbed it and placed it down

"Thank you." Philip casually said as he sat down the chair. Yuze and Lyre followed suit as both of them sat down at the same time

Alex and Nana also sat back down

It was like nothing happened at all. Only Yashida was left behind standing as if he's expecting something to happen. Ultimately, nothing happened and he awkwardly returned to his seat at the very front. He's having second thoughts if he should transfer seats close to them as he would also like to have close friends

Silence filled the entire classroom with a few murmurs and quiet chatter here and there. They could feel the emanating dreadful aura from Philip and they didn't want to trigger him. A few people doesn't care at all so they kept quiet, minding their own business

After a few minutes of waiting for Chihaya to arrive, Lyre suddenly leaned on Philip's right shoulder. Her left shoulder touched with his right arm and her long hair fell along his arm and left side of his body

Philip stiffened and didn't know what to do. This is the first time in a while that someone did this to him. He then decided to let her lean her head on his shoulder as his right side of his body is stiffened hard

Yuze felt something wrong as he abruptly opened her eyes and looked to her right. She saw Lyre leaning on Philip's shoulder. She refuses to let Lyre do the first moves and she decided to act quickly

She doesn't want to mimic Lyre and have her head to lean on his left shoulder. She reached out to his left hand, which is conveniently dangling on his side and held it

Philip almost jolted and surprise as worry filled his eyes. He opened his mouth and gasped with no sound as he tries to call for help towards no one

Yuze ignored his surprise as she closed her eyes and smiled softly

The few people that saw this scene couldn't help but feel envious. How many days has it been since Philip has transferred here and the three of them has gotten this close. They're having thoughts whether what Cedric said was true after seeing this scene

Alex and Nana looked behind them and saw the sweet scene. They then looked at each other with empty eyes. They looked away at tge opposite direction. Both of them had a tinge of red on their cheeks. It is unknown if they had feelings for each other. Well, they are also childhood friends with some sort of history which can be told in another time

After a while, the front door opened and Chihaya came in as she valiantly walked across the room towards the table from the other side

"Alright class!" Chihaya skipped the morning greeting and slammed her hands on the table alerting everyone in class. Her eyes widened after she realized that the class were quiet as she entered the room. She expected to enter the room with the class being noisy as usual

She looked around and assessed the room only to find a ridiculous scene. Lyre's head leaning on Philip's shoulder, Yuze's arm intertwined on Philip's arm, and Philip's face stiffened like a hard rock

She now had a clear idea at what happened. But there was someone missing and Chihaya wouldn't miss that

"Where's Cedric?" Chihaya asked

All of the students pointed at the window all at the same time and Chihaya looked past the windown. She completely understood what they meant. The only one in the class who could throw Cedric out of the window was Yuze with her Shift ability and seeing Yuze being close with Philip, looks like Cedric confronted him again and it did not end well for him

"Oh no! Anyways..." Chihaya comedically covered her mouth with his hands and continued to move on. This earned laughter and giggles from the students

Philip also almost let out a giggle but it was quickly erased by his anger. Nonethless, part of the anger was reduced due to the positive emotion

"This is a special day! For the first time in a while, we're going to a small trip!" Chihaya said excitedly. The students let out a gasp after hearing a trip

"We're going to the Spirit Mines where the Spirit Stones are located! We can gather and mine Spirit Stones there for free! If we get lucky enough." Chihaya said with extreme excitement. Looks like she was looking forward to this trip after she learned about it

The students became slightly more excited. They didn't know what to expect in the Spirit Mines because they have learned so little about it. But they are aware and they know the importance of Spirit Stones, so they were excited

Philip's eyes widened after hearing the Spirit Mines. He was looking forward to find a Spirit Stone. A heartbeat was heard due to excitement

Lyre sat up straight and looked at Philip while Yuze also looked at Philip upon hearing the heartbeat

Yuze's cheeks flushed due to a misunderstanding while Lyre was confused why she heard a heartbeat coming from Philip

'He has no heart right now, right?' Lyre asked to herself towards Sonar

[Yeah! There shouldn't be any heartbeats!] Sonar was also confused

'That's a heartbeat, right? It's not some sort of an ability the generated a heartbeat?' Lyre wanted a confirmation from Sonar since she can accurately differentiate sounds from each other

[Yes!! That's why I'm so confused right now!] Sonar said with a flustered voice

Lyre became speechless and leaned her head back on his shoulder as she thought deeply about his heart

Even though the students, and probably Chihaya, knows that the purpose of the Spirit Stones is to act as a battery for Mana to control their abilities better or to empower it, Philip knows the true purpose of thr Spirit Stones

He knows that Spirit Stones can act as a medium for Mana to flow through and transfer Magic. He could make magical items with it or he could use it as a one-way battery for actual scientific circuit boards

That's the reason he was excited for this trip

"Chihaya-sensei, when will the trip be?" A student asked

"I'm glad you asked!!" Chihaya slammed his hand as she was waiting for that particular question, "We're going now!!! Let's go!"

Chihaya then walked towards the front door and exited. The students were surprised from the sudden trip. They were glad, but they were not prepare

"What are you waiting for?! Let's hurry up!!" Chihaya peeked back at the door and urged for the students to hurry up

Everyone then stood up and started to assemble outside the room. Alex and Nana also stood up and looked at the three

"Uhm..." Philip couldn't help but express as the two of them were looking at them and waiting for them

"Let's go?" Philip asked, not just towards Alex and Nana, but to Lyre and Yuze as well

Lyre removed her head from his shoulder and slowly stood up. It was the same for Yuze, but she didn't released her hand from Philip's

Upon seeing this, Alex and Nana's eyes rolled as they started to walked out of the door. It was the same for the three of them as Yuze really didn't have any plans on removing her hand

Lyre could only look in envy as she walked beside Philip on his right. She isn't brave enough to hold his hand yet she had the guts to lean her head on his shoulder

"Is everyone here?!!" Yashida asked everyone with a loud voice. He took responsibility since Chihaya seemed lost in her own world due to the trip to the Spirit Mines

"Well, Cedric's not here!" A student shouted

"Oh yeah, that's true... Well, carry on!" Yashida said as they began to walk and follow Chihaya to the outside of the Core Academy


As an invisible red blur passed around the Core Academy, Sunstone started to surveil around the academy and confirm everyone's position. Until he felt a burst of concentrated energy

Due to curiosity, he decided to find the source of it and inspect it. He found it weird that a burst of concentrated energy would randomly happene in this time of day

A few second later, another burst of concentrated energy swept him, which made his eyes turn into a brilliant striking red that has different dimensions of lines and depth

His ability was forcefully opened and this made him locate the source of the burst easier. He was alarmed at first but he decided to go to the source first and find answers

After a few seconds of dashing around, he found the location and he heard a loud noise that sounded like something was smashed

He saw a man that looked too handsome to be true and a man with a broken dead rabbit mask with his arm being held by the person he pinned on the wall

He heard the conversation between the two men and he concluded that the man that was on the wall was dangerous

Then, another burst of concentrated energy swept everyone as the man on the wall retaliated

Sunstone was impressed by the strength that the man on the wall is showing. He deemed that the masked man was very strong yet the man on the wall was crushing his arm with his grip alone

The situation then became a full on brawl after the man on the wall grabbed the masked man's mask. The masked man became angry and overpowered the man on the wall. Even so, the man on the wall was showing great resistance

Later on, he was startled after the masked man was suddenly swept across the hallway. He saw the source of the change in the Mana in the air found a girl with a white glint on her eyes

He knows the identity of this individual, it was Yuze, the Headmaster's daughter. He carefully studied the papers that was given to him by the higher ups

His eyes then shook after the man on the wall, who is the man on the ground right now, stood up and intense anger could be felt coming from him

Sunstone shivered even though the anger was not directed at him. The angry man then swung his fingers like a blade and he closed his eyes by reflex

He then opened his eyes after nothing happened. He saw the Headmaster stopping and holding the angry man's hand that he swung

He was alarmed by the sight of Yozu and he immediately concealed his presence even more using the power of Sunstone and the Morning Sun so that Yozu can't detect him, which turned out to be effective

Surprise filled his face after seeing the scene, not because Yozu stopped the angry man's swung fingers that was filled with some sort of an extreme intent, but because he could see that cuts and lacerations appeared along Yozu's hand and upper arm, which he immediately hid behind his back so no one could see

After a while, the commotion died after Yozu made the handsome man unconscious with a slap and the masked man unconscious with a heavy chop on his right shoulder

Later on, Yozu disappeared along with Yuze, the handsome man, and the masked man after the angry man didn't accepted Yozu's hand of help

The angry man then stood up and Sunstone was confused at was happening. He was then extremely surprised after he saw the Mana in the air, with his gem eyes, began to swirl around the man. The Mana then became compressed and became pure, it then condensed altogether

The compressed pure Mana then seeped inside his clothes and into his body. Then a burst of wind blasted the hallway

Sunstone was incredibly confused as to what happened and before he could make a conclusion, the angry man left and Yozu came back while inspecting his injured arm and hand

He then left and dashed around the academy while talking to himself

"That angry man was more dangerous than I thought! He managed to injure the Headmaster!" Sunstone expressed in a flustered manner

He then had a realization

"Is that angry man the one that Tanzanite saw that was more powerful than the Headmaster? It couldn't be!" Sunstone doubted Tanzanite once again

"But he injured the Headmaster! Looks like we do really have to use the device on that angry man! I need to tell this to Tanzanite after a surveil everything" Sunstone made a decision

After a few more minutes of surveillance, he then felt another wave of angry aura. He immediately knew that it came from the angry man

"What is it this time?!" Sunstone grouchily said as he decided to have a look due to his curiosity

By the time he arrived there, he saw a man that was thrown out of the window and let him fall to the ground

He knew that Yuze did this with her ability. He saw inside the classroom through the window the scene of Yuze, the angry man, and a pink haired girl facing from a wall that had the embedded figure of the fallen man

He immediately knew what happened because his Sunstone eyes hasn't returned to normal yet

He then followed the fallen man and saw blur after blur appearing in front of the man which created intense winds

The fallen man then landed on the ground safely

"Oh man! That woman of mine is so stingy. She almost killed me!" The landed man said with satisfaction on his face

Upon hearing this, Sunstone smile went wide and he came closer to the landed man


As everyone exited the Core Academy through the Door of Recognition, Yashida came towards Chihaya, who was still fidgeting from excitement

"Uhm, Chihaya-sensei, which direction are we going? Is Yuze going to transport us there also?" Yashida asked while feeling akward by the different display of behavior by Chihaya

"Huh? Oh! Ah, Yuze won't be doing anything. The Headmaster himself will join us." Chihaya was distracted from her daydream after she was asked a question

Then, as if it was his cue, Yozu appeared in front of everyone through a portal that swirled blue and white particles towards the center of the circle in a spiraling motion

Yozu had his left arm and hand wrapped in bandages. The students were confused at this sight, especially Chihaya and a few suspecting students

"Alright then, is everyone here? We'll travel quite a distance to the Spirit Mines so we don't want anyone left behind." Yozu asked as he felt that someone was missing

"Ah! It was Cedric." Yashida said diligently. No one wanted to answer Yozu's question because they wanted for Cedric to not to come and that would be the best for everyone

As Yashida answered Yozu's question, a figure arrived from the side, at the outside walls

"I'm here!" Cedric said as he placed his right hand behind his head, as if he just came from a hard work

Everyone internally sighed upon seeing Cedric, even Chihaya, but not Yozu as he only looked at him with no emotions

Cedric then scanned everyone present and saw Philip's group at the rear. He saw Philip with Yuze and Lyre at his sides. He especially noticed that Yuze and Philip seemed to be hand holding

This made him very mad with jealousy, he was about to throw Philip and make him unhand her but he decided not to because Chihaya and Yozu is here

He then decided to approach them and stand close to Yuze's other side. Before he could get close, Alex blocked his way and stood beside Yuze. He looked at Alex in the eyes with piercing eyes and distorted face. Alex only looked down at him with a cold glare and arms crossed

Nana then moved in front of Alex, a little bit to his right which made Cedric's vision in Lyre disappear. This made Cedric even more mad as he looked at Nana with a distorted face. Nana could only look at him in disgust as she released a fear-inducing aura that is only directed at Cedric

Cedric felt the aura and decided to step back. He clicked his tongue and walked away as he mumbled something, "You'll all have your end later anyways. At that time, I'll make Yuze mine!"

Even though he mumbled in a very low volume, two people heard what he said. One is someone in the class, and the second one is Lyre that was heard by Sonar inside her head

Lyre narrowed and crumpled her eyebrows from confusion and suspicion. She became worried at what he meant by that and decided to be careful of the surroundings. She will tell Philip about it later

Meanwhile, Philip has his eyes closed this entire time. He only slowly opened his eyes after Cedric has left

Yuze only has her eyes half open due to happiness that was flowing inside of him. She never felt this feeling and it was her first time. She thought to herself that this isn't so bad and she wanted to cherish every moment

"Alright! Since everyone is here... Let's begin our journey!" Yozu said as he saw Yuze with a happy smile. He then saw that she was holding Philip's hand

He felt jealousy seeing that his daughter has someone that he likes, he also felt happy for some reason after seeing Yuze this happy and not having the emotionless face ever since her mother died

"Yay!! Let's go!" Chihaya screamed from excitement. Everyone present looked at her with confused faces after seeing the usual strict and witty teacher became like a child

Yozu shook his head as he knows how this woman was very obsessed about the Spirit Stones

He then opened a big portal that swirled light blue in a spiraling motion, enough for everyone to fit through

"Come, everyone!" Yozu insisted everyone to enter as he walked through the portal

Chihaya joyfully skipped through and the students nonchalantly, but excitedly went through

Almost everyone has walked through the portal and Philip's group are the only ones left. Alex and Nana went ahead and passed through

Yuze, Philip, and Lyre slowly walked and passed through the portal. Before they passed through, Philip felt something and reflexively turned his head to the right in a small motion and looked behind him at the corner of his eyes

They then passed through and the portal behind them abruptly closed, reavealing a yellow wall. A grand and majestic scene greeted everyone

The girls seemed to be being more assertive and this made Cedric jealous for Yuze

From whom did Cedric hear the rumor?

Well, only Yuze could handle Cedric in the room and she got rid of him

Outside the window, Sunstone was watching

What did Sunstone say to Cedric?

What will the Spirit Mines look like and where is it located? Is it smart to leave the academy at this time?

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts