
A Dual Duel II

"Your magic is versatile" Yoza told Pyron.

"So is yours." Pyron said. " That shape shifting Mercury is bad news." Pyron made no mistake in judgement. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature which makes it easier to mould that other metals. Their allowed Bantam to use it was both a shield and a weapon. But the real problem was how he can disassociate the mercury at will. This gave him a chance to attack from all directions. Pyron had his fair chance of battles in training but even those couldn't prepare him for this fight. Not unless he used IT.....

Light was taking his toll against this crazy dude Ceray. " Looking at him,he looked like the typical beach guy with like a ton of girlfriends whom Light could imagine saying cheesy pickup lines like " I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me instead." But fighting him, Light could see his experience. His armament magic was well trained. And he was really good with swords. Just as Light was thinking, Ceray summoned a second sword and took an almost fatal swing at Light. Light quickly turned into defense mode on muscle memory.

" Sorry, niño, killing is part of the job." Ceray said and took five more swings. All this time Ceray was on defense and Light had to spam his thousand swords technique. If Ceray went into offensive,then Light was as good as dead. Light took a deep breath and observed his surroundings.

Pyron was holding well a good tie. As much as hated to admit it he was only this strong because of his training with Charlotte. He hated her. She trained him up to this point and betrayed him when he needed her the most. She knew his sister was going to be taken for whatever the fuck Yety needed her for. But still, his combat senses were only due to her training. She helped him learn how to use that power…..

While Pyron was lost in his thoughts, Yoza struck him with a knife. It went into his left arm and missed just a few centimeters from his elbow. The wound was bleeding but it was nothing his fire couldn't fix. The problem was that the mercury was still in his arm. If he closed the puncture without removing the mercury he would give Yoza a change to destroy his entire nervous system. Pyron silently pulled the knife out of the arm and held it up.

"STOP! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING KID?" Yoza screamed but it was too late. Even his control wasn't fast enough to stop Pyron.

Light knew he had zero chance to fight Ceray. He needed to escape and do that fast. He could take control of the confusion to quickly sneak in the crowd and somehow get to Pyron. Even then he would try to avoid a fight if he could.

He almost started running when Ceray said " Run when you can kid. Guess Gourge was braver after all." Light knew it was a taunt. He had to prove himself even if he was stupid. He had no strategy but he had to fight. He screamed and charged at him. Ceray put away his swords and summoned a huge crossbow. It wasnt as detailed as if it was made of matter. It looked like a weapon made of holograms. It was green but light could see him other side like it was made of glass. It was floating in the air and as big as Ceray. Ceray pulled his arrow with one hand and he left it. Light knew he couldn't dodge it. He put his sword up and charged towards it.

Pyron cut his arm off. "Stupid leverage." He said and got up without another sound. "But how...." Yoza's voice trailed off.

" I know you wanted to use the mercury left in my arm to make me surrender. So I just cut it off."

Yoza made all the mercury into blades and stabbed him. " Take another step and I'll crush everything in you."

Pyron simply said "Killing is better than taking me leverage." And kept walking towards Yoza.

Yoza stabbed deeper into Pyron's body. Pyron changed his leg a phoenix leg and kicked Yoza vertically down. The floor gave in and they fell to the next floor. Pyron was satisfied as the fight was over before he used IT. " You'll live " Pyron said "and remove the mercury…or else." He said and his hands produced a flame . It wasn't a golden flame like he normally use but was a dark blue flame. Yoza quickly did as he was told. But he still he had one more question.

"Are you ...invincible?" He said referring to how Pyron kept standing and walking despite bleeding that much.

" Hmm? Oh that! That was my training. My trainer had magic which affected the mind. She used to stimulate pain in my body. So she trained me to take pain. It's not that I can't feel pain, I just keep it in."

Yoza was awestruck by his training. The kid looked no more than 20. If he could really take pain like he said he trained then his training should've been living hell. " Why did you train with that witch of a trainer of yours."

Pyron chuckled. "She's a witch all right. I trained cuz I needed to be stronger."

Light saw his sword suddenly get enveloped in black energy when he clashed with the huge arrow. He didn't know how but his sword could easily clash with an arrow that was about three feet long. He accelerated his arms to get a stronger hit but he felt he wouldn't need it. The sword sliced right through the arrow. He looked at Ceray hoping he would be surprised but Ceray just smiled like he knew this was going to happen. Ceray upped the ante. He made 2 more crossbows all about the same size and shot arrows at him. Amazingly, Light held his ground. He could slice the arrows with his upgraded sword. He used his thousand swords technique and got close to Ceray. Ceray must've sensed his plan so he already had two swords in his hands.

" Your sword maybe strong now but not for long. The energy will go away after some time unless you master it." Ceray said.

He received no answer. He suddenly saw Light's sword in front of him. It already lost the dark energy. Ceray quickly countered it. But then he saw that Light wasn't holding it. Light threw the sword at him! He turned back but quickly but in vain. Light was already behind him with a mach powered punch. He punched Ceray right in the face. Ceray was knocked down about ten feet. Light saw that he passed out.

Light wasted no time. The entire C-cass crew were guarding the mansion but Light could easily find a way in.

About 5 minutes after Light went in, the entire army passed out simultaneously. Ceray was observing the phenomenon. " You didn't need to be so harsh, Charlotte. They were rookies."

"What? You wanted me to shut off their brain function? And you look like you fought someone. Rare to see the one man army getting punched."

"My nephew needed the motivation."

"So….you think we need to step in just yet? Project Shadow King is already in motion."

"Well I slept for the most part anyway. And that girlfriend of mine is gonna kill me if I'm late."


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