
The Farmer's Daughter is the Favorite of the Family

Genre: Space, Doting, Farming, Time travel, Healing Synopsis: Xu Linyue from the 21st century crossing over with the heavenly space soul penetration to a 5 year old farmer's girl, originally thinking of living in a peaceful life, and didn't want to be spoiled by her family in this life! She resolutely plans to take her family out of poverty and embark on a glorious path to wealth! Vegetable greenhouses are set up, and the grape wine is famous far and wide. It is easy to make money, but thanks to the spiritual spring water in the space, she can do some good things to benefit the neighbors. "Have you all heard? The 3rd Prince actually chose a peasant girl as his royal consort!" A noblewoman viciously said "a countryside from the mud leg, no money, no power, how can be worthy of the 3rd Prince, can't even read a few words, I'm not convinced! I don't like it either!" Qibao grunted in her heart and casually offered a masterpiece, and the crowd was stunned. Later they realized that Qibao was not only the younger sister of the new scholar, but also the one who helped the 3rd prince to win the battle behind the scenes.

Witchy8181 · Sejarah
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194 Chs

Untitled Chapter

"Then thank you all for your kind words. Let me toast you all first. This dish won't be good if it's cold. Let's start eating after drinking." The old man raised his glass and said.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking, they started eating with their chopsticks.

Qibao was sitting on a small stool nearby with a bowl and was chewing chicken legs. Niuniu also ran over with a bowl and sat in the same row with Qibao. She grinned at Qibao and ate deliciously.

After the meal, everyone drank a lot. Some of them were drunk and talked a little loudly, so they were all taken home to rest by their families.

Mrs. Wang's and her daughter in-laws, all four of them, started to clean up the leftovers on the table together, and the three daughters-in-law's maternal family members also started to help out.

The three Xu Dabo brothers took the cleaned up tables and chairs back to the borrower's house, and soon finished cleaning up as well.

After taking a breath, everyone in the village disappeared, leaving only their own family members.

The old man said: "Dear relatives, you have also seen that my family is building a workshop. If you don't mind it, let Fugui and Chunxi come to work after the workshop is completed."

When Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Zhao heard this, they were very happy. It was a great thing for their son to come to work in the Xu family. This was a long-term job, and their in-laws would definitely take extra care of him.

He then spoke up and said: "Then thank you in-laws, when the time comes to do what you want, you can just order me, my family Fugui is strong in strength."

"Yes! My Chunxi is quite strong." Mrs. Chen also agreed.

Mrs. Wang said with a smile: "It doesn't require any physical effort, it's just making fruit wine."

At this time, the old man said again: "However, everyone who comes to work in the workshop needs to sign a contract and ensure that they cannot tell anyone about any process of making fruit wine in the workshop, otherwise they will be compensated one thousand taels of silver."

Old man Zhang said: "In-laws, don't worry. My Chunxi is a man of few words. He only knows how to work. In the future, I will tell my family not to ask anything about Chunxi's work!"

The others all nodded, they knew that if outsiders knew about the Xu family's brewing formula, not only would it be a very big loss for the Xu family, it wouldn't be beneficial to them either, and since their own daughters were in the Xu family, they wouldn't do anything that would be detrimental to their daughters.

"Well, I know that you are all sensible people, but I'm just afraid that you might have some misunderstandings, so I'm letting you know in advance so that you know what's going on." the old man said.

"Right, what's the big deal, we all understand, it's not like we're the only ones signing, doesn't everyone who goes to work have to sign!"

At this time, Xiaoliu came back with Da Zhuang, Er Zhuang and Hu Wa. Although Da Zhuang and the others were not very old, they usually did some things within their capabilities at home. They rarely had time to play. This was their first time playing. They were so happy, and they also met many friends in Xujia Village.

Seeing the children return, Mrs. Zhang's and Mrs. Li's maiden families then bid farewell.

Mrs. Wang prepared a lot of food for them to take back. Niuniu was a little reluctant to leave and kept holding on to Qibao's clothes. Niuniu mother couldn't hold her back and was a little helpless.

Qibao took Niuniu's hand and said: "Niuniu, you have to listen to your mother, that's what makes you a good baby, that's what makes sister like you, when I have time, I'll go and play with you, okay?"

Niuniu nodded aggrievedly and reluctantly let go of her little hand.

Niuniu mother smiled and said: "This is the first time my Niuniu has seen Qibao, isn't it? I didn't expect her to like Qibao as a sister so much and listen to her!"

The others laughed. They didn't expect that even the adults couldn't guess the child's heart.

It was still eldest uncle Xu who drove the two families away, and in the carriage there were quite a lot of food sent by the Xu family, all of which the children liked.


After the celebration, the Xu family returned to their old life, tending to the orchard every day, and the workshop was getting closer to completion day by day.

Daqing Mountain has also come back to life, and the animals have long since awakened from their hibernation.

Sometimes her brothers would go to Daqing Mountain to hunt while they were on vacation, and Qibao wouldn't be following behind them anymore. She has to let's her brothers go through the experience on their own. Fortunately, they didn't suffer any injuries and came back with a lot of prey.

Today is the day when the beams are raised in the workshop. The Xu family bought a lot of candies, steamed buns and the like. After setting off the firecrackers, the men on the beam began to scatter candies below. The children below stooped to pick them up. Their little hands were so quick that they picked up a handful and put them in the small cloth bag they had specially brought.

The old man once promised that after the workshop was completed, he would treat the villagers to a three day banquet. This time, instead of doing it in their own home, they went to town and hired someone to do it, so it was a good idea to give some silver to save the trouble.

Qibao looked at the completed workshop and was very satisfied. It was very big and had a warehouse. She was just waiting for the fruits to mature before production could begin.

It will probably take a few more days, but the small courtyard for Mr. Lin and Mrs. Sun to live in has also been built.

Old Man Lin and Mrs. Sun also want to move in as soon as possible. Although they get along very well with the Xu family, they still need to have a place of their own. Although the Xu family also paid for the yard, the nature is different. After all, They are a family connected by blood.

Mrs. Lin packed up her parents' things and sent them to the newly built courtyard. After looking at the courtyard, she was very satisfied. Not only was the light area not too small, it was enough for her parents to live in, but it was also far away from her. It's close and can be reached quickly by walking.

The old man has told the village chief to tell the villagers in the past few days that if anyone wants to work in the workshop, just sign up and sign the contract.

Just the day before the work started, the old man summoned the villagers in the village who were willing to work in the workshop. Most of them were women, and there were also teenagers and unmarried boys.

"Tomorrow everyone comes to work to do the first thing is to go to the orchard to pick all the ripe fruit back, and then cleaned and air-dried it. I intend to be divided into three groups, a group of brewing wine, a group of strawberry wine, a group of blueberry wine, each person only need to do a process on the line. Steward Lin will also be observing everyone, and those who do a good job will be promoted to become the team leader and manage a group of workers, so a total of three team leaders will be selected. Three group leaders will be chosen in total, everyone cheer up, of course those who are not chosen should not be disappointed, as long as they do a good job, we will additionally issue two taels of silver rewards, there are twenty reward quotas every month, everyone has a chance! Understand?" The old man said .

The crowd suddenly exploded, and there was a reward of two taels of silver every month? This treatment is too good!

Everyone immediately replied happily: "I know, we will do a good job!"

Another woman said: "If I get these two taels of silver as a reward, it will be more than what my man gets. Humph, let's see if he dares to show his reputation as a man in front of me in the future. I will also ask him to wash my feet in the future, haha!"

Suddenly the whole place burst into laughter.

The old man also smiled and said: "Tomorrow I will let my family's three daughters-in-law go to the workshop to teach everyone how to brew wine, everyone must learn well, in addition each person on the job must be careful, this is food, you must pay attention to the hygiene, if in the future this fruit wine is popular, this is also the future symbol of our Xujia Village!"

"Yes! In the future, when people outside talk about fruit wine, the first thing they will know is the Xujia Village, and in the future, the reputation of the Xujia Village will turn out to be bigger and better!" The village chief also said with a smile at this time.