
The family

he has found found his queen

Dhaka_Walker · perkotaan
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50 Chs


how they grow up

Will the boys be still toddlers talking and walking or running, it is a calm Sunday morning, and Kari and Viktor are fast asleep while their sons are in the beds, but Parker's ex-wife shows up next door to them demanding to see their kids. " they are my kids to Parker, I have a right to see them, this that b*tches doing, he smacks the taste of her, " she is my sister and you are the b*tches, she more than a mother and wife then you! what have you ever in your life done for us? size sat on your *ss on the phone! Two cops walked up, she brought cops, Kari and Viktor got up out of the bed, " what the heck man, they put their clothes on and walked out of the gate up to them, " you can either let her see them or, " how about you take her noisy *ss way from my house my kids and nephew and niece is sleeping, two can play Jasmine you want to bring them here to take them away from him, we will see you in court for a custody hearing, I do have the finest lawyer in Seattle, what is going to give them up to them and move on leaving my family alone or lose them in court? asked, Kari. " you not best for them you do not put them first like always, they happy with me and here, they don't want to go with you, said. Parker, " boys you both married tight and have kids, what if your wives spend your money, talk on the phone all day like her, how would that make you feel? asked, Viktor. " you left that out, we wouldn't be married anymore and I do like he did take the kids for a while from you, we may be cousin Jasmine, it is your mother fail you she never show you how to be a wife and mother, Parker take her offer and take my cousin to court for custody rights, the judge will not grant it to her, I testified on your behalf, he told him, " she doesn't do anything we wouldn't be together anyway, I wouldn't give her the time of day, no way I would be interested in her, you let's go leave him alone he raise them right and taken care of them, said his partner, " can I have your lawyers number? as they drag her back home, they walked in their house, " mommy daddy!! all six called. " stay upstairs and wait at your bathroom for us, said, Kari. she give him his card, "I'm sorry for that, I didn't expect her to come down here with her cousin trying to get me arrested, she been blowing my phone up. said, Parker, " I told you to leave that slut alone Parker, I saw right through I'm so in love with your brother, said. Kari, " it's okay P, tell you what let's create a day where we get together to have fun and eat, let's make it official on Sundays, you got get your dress and yourself, we get our dressed, babe fixes the Nevada grand slammer, and we play games, eat, and watch movies, said, Viktor. " we going to need to go to the store baby, for that. said, Kari, give us a few minutes bro, we need to go shop, then we call tell you to come over, said. Viktor, " I can watch the boys until you get back. said, Parker, " where is the six V at? " upstairs by the bathroom where we need to get them washed and dressed, you go do the same here, bro. they walked up the stairs, " it's okay Parker we got you, if you want I kick her butt again. " no, Kari I do not want the mother of my nephews behind bars, she laughed, " she too chicken to have arrested, he got up and hugged his sister and left, they take them into the bathroom to get them washed, Parker walked into the door. " dad you okay? asked. Jimmy, " yeah son, " why can mom leave us be and let us be happy, size she didn't want to be a mother anyway. said, Becky, " I don't know Becky, we going to spend the whole day with Aunt Kari, Uncle Viktor, Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton, so let's get washed and dressed. they walked upstairs into the bathroom to wash, Kari and Viktor loaded the boys into the V hum and left for the store, " mommy mommy, called, Venton, " yes Venton. she answered him, " where are we going? asked. Venton, " to the store bud to get stuff for the slammer breakfast that mom is going to fix for us, I still want to give you daughters I get them to remodel the house, said. Viktor, " that one what about selling our cars and getting another v Hum, said. Kari, they pulled up the store, " I am hungry mommy and daddy, said, Vance, she open up the bag and give them smoothie pop that Viktor also made for them, they start to suck on them, " mm I don't want to sale the truck, said. Viktor, " either do I, but if we talking more, we need to do what we can, said, Kari. they put them in the carts and walked inside the store to shop, Suzanne call parker to check up on them, "(hey how you all doing?) asked, Suzanne, " (we good mom thank you for the dinner package,) said. Parker, " (everything still hot, ) asked. Suzanne. " yeah, the kids enjoy it too, ) after they got everything from the store they headed back to Nevada castle, they finished their pops but were still hungry, Viktor pulled into the gates, and up to the house, they got out of the car and walked inside of the house, they put the boys in their high chair. " ( that's good, what Kari fixing you, ) asked. Suzanne, " (some they called the Nevada slammer, we going to hang out with them today, after this morning,) said. Parker,