
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasi
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146 Chs

Chapter 10. Aylans Kingdom (3) Part-1

'In reality, there isn't a need for security.'

Tom had strength similar to a Hero while Ellin had also trained enough to stand toe-to-toe with the average Holy Knight. With the two of them, it would be more than safe to travel… The problem, however, was that they were too conspicuous in trying to deal with this incident.

The Werewolves looked at each other, while Wolf watched Tom, seeing him shake his head.

'It'll be a bigger headache if you step in,' was the message implied through their silent exchange, and Wolf was tactful enough to understand and nod in agreement. There was bound to be chaos if Werewolves appeared, but they still needed to do something, so they opened their mouths and howled.


The howl of the Werewolves rang throughout the forest and beyond, surprising and frightening the bandits.

"W-wait… What was that? A wolf? Was that a wolf?"

Hearing the uncertainty in the bandit's voice, Tom didn't miss the opportunity to fan the flames.

"That sounds like the cry of a Werewolf."

"A Werewolf? Like the Demon!?"

"Yes, I ran into one while traveling. They're horrifying and violent things. When they see a human… they just rush in mindlessly, hoping to tear into their flesh."

Seeing his men losing their cool, their leader frowned and said,

"Are you sure that's really a demon? Isn't this bastard lying…?"

When the bandit leader voiced his doubts and turned to the forest, another set of cries was heard. Whatever it was, it sounded like it was slowly approaching their location.


The bandit leader's face suddenly grew pale.

"I-is it a wolf? Or is it really a Werewolf? Let's just book it for now! No, they might still be far away! The kids…! At least, take the kids! It'll be dangerous if we miss this opportunity! It'll be winter soon! We won't be able to do this work once war breaks out! If we're going to survive in the mountains over winter, we need to grab everything that looks valuable!"

At their leader's command, the bandits grabbed the lightweight children. These young ones were nothing more than walking sources of gold. They would sell them as slaves to keep themselves warm through the winter.

"Wait…! What are you trying to do with the children!"

"Please, anything but them…!"

The parents shouted at the bandits who were trying to take their kids away. They grabbed onto the bandits' legs and begged, but the bandits didn't want to wait around any longer if demons were nearby. They began to swing their weapons wildly.

"Let me go! I'll kill you?!"

"Shit, these bastards-!"

The bandits kicked at the refugees. Ellin was surprised by their actions as a woman, who looked like a mother, endured a flurry of kicks while protecting her daughter.


Ellin just watched the scene, dumbfounded, before one of the bandits noticed her and tried to drag her along as well.

"Ey! You come too, bitch! E-ey…?"

But his anger turned to confusion when he felt the strength leave his arm. Looking back, he found his wrist bent in a strange direction, as though his bones had been turned to dust. The muscles in his arm couldn't retain their shape.


After staring at his limp arm for a moment, the bandit began to scream in pain after the shock wore off. Ellin jumped in surprise, then smiled at Tom awkwardly to show that she had reacted unconsciously.

"S-sorry… I wasn't aware of it… but since it's already happened… it should be fine?"

"…It should be okay if we keep it at an appropriate level."

Ellin nodded in response to Tom's warning.

"I got it! It's fine if we hold back a bit, right?"

Tom shook his head helplessly.

When the bandits looked at her in shock, Ellin threw her body toward the mother and grabbed the bandit that had kicked her by the head, slamming him onto the ground. The bandit's skull cracked like a watermelon, and blood gushed out. As the mother and daughter trembled in fear, Ellin reassured them.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, ah, yes. W-we're fine."

The mother and daughter looked dumbstruck, but they tried their best to nod their heads.

"T-this bitch…?!"

Seeing Ellin began to fight back, the bandits hesitated. In reality, they weren't all that experienced with banditry. They mainly picked weak targets to ambush, and as their targets gave up all too easily, they hadn't expected it to be different this time either. But for there to be such a struggle…? All because of a woman as well! They couldn't help but be hesitant.

"Shit, what are you all doing! They said a Demon is coming! Don't dawdle because of a single woman!"

"B-but, boss…!"

The bandit leader looked at Ellin, and upon seeing her face properly for the first time, his face turned red as he stared at her, stunned.

"I see. I understand now why you bastards won't give her up. Okay! I'll bring the bitch with me! There wasn't much of a haul today, so I can ease my nights with you at least…!"

The bandit leader approached Ellin and held out his hand. His thick muscled arm twitched as he grabbed her shoulder and pulled on her roughly, but she didn't budge an inch.


The bandit leader looked surprised, and Ellin took the opportunity to grab his hand. His arm immediately bent and the awful noise of bones breaking could be heard.

"Uwaaaa! It hurts! It hurts…! I-it's broken… Uwack!"

The refugees spectating the fight were left shocked by the turn of events. This slim woman was fighting the large bandit leader who was twice her size, and winning. Those that weren't aware of the situation might have believed it was just two people acting.

Halsem looked at Ellin and trembled in fear. They were people that had turned a whole territory into a desolate land. Mere bandits were no match for them.

'W-we have to run! Getting caught by these two is terrible news!'

As he hurriedly got back on his wagon, someone grabbed Halsem's shoulder. He jumped in surprise and turned around with a stiff expression.

"… It's been a while, Mr. Halsem."

The one who had turned the Golden Fief into a desolate wasteland and drove the continent into hysteria, the Devil of Lania, was smiling behind him.


Canibar Territory, a border territory of Aylans, was more of a strategic military fortress than a city. Also, as it stood between the rest of Aylans and the Holy Kingdom, it had become crowded with refugees.

Accordingly, there were often many visitors arriving at Canibar, but they weren't always good people. During these tumultuous times, spies from neighboring nations or an agent of the Holy Kingdom might enter as well. This was a period that required the most caution, but the lord that governed this place continued to accept all foreigners.

The Lord, Count Shabel Canibar, was a gracious man, well-known for his great character. He was also soft-hearted, and thus, refused to callously abandon the refugees. That did not mean he was completely incompetent, though. Instead, he was vicious to his enemies, and he was a veteran of defensive wars with his oppressive tactics, giving him the moniker 'The Iron-clad Castle Wall'.

Despite the hassle, Shabel had each and every refugee thoroughly searched before letting them through. Currently, he was thanking the ones who had saved the refugees that were ambushed by bandits.

"I am grateful. You've protected our Aylsandians as they fled the borders. I'm not sure how I should express my gratitude…"

There was a table with a cup of tea in front of Count Shabel. There was also a small pouch filled with money, as remuneration. It was a token of gratitude from Count Shabel for helping the refugees safely arrive at the Canibar Territory after they were ambushed.

"In any case, it is truly amazing. You've helped others in such a way. Even without any financial incentives! So the name was…" Count Shabel spoke to one of the three people sitting on the sofa before him. "…Mister Halsem? Are you a merchant…?"