
Something is Brewing

"Hurry! Hurry! They are catching up with us, quick"

My sister's words ring into the night air as we stumble our way through the woods fleeing from our childhood home. Our parents are gone, having stood their ground to protect us, and now here we are trying to out run the very beasts who killed them.

Suddenly out of the woods comes a voice "This way, they can not track you this way". Deep and strong sounding, I do not question the voice and grasping my sister hand I pull her towards it, into a tunnel that weaves its way under ground.

We hear the sounds of a heard of stamping feet thunder above us as we push deeper into the tunnel. 'Have they passed?' I thought pulling my sister towards the sound of the deep voice that continues to repeat. "Come quickly, don't fall, we must get you out of here."

A light ahead reveals that it is truly a man, though he is unlink any man I have ever seen, he is of large statue and bears pale green skin. His jet black hair runs down his neck to the nape, and he wears tattered clothing under quite common leather armour. He is beautiful, and yet fearsome in the same moment. I can see his muscles ripple as he runs, and I am suddenly aware that I am loosing my balance. My sister notices, and letting go of my hand grabs the back of my corset keeping me steady. We continue to run towards the light.

The light which comes from a little door at the end of the tunnel, a door that slowly opens as we near and enter what looks to be a small home. We hurriedly bring ourselves to a stop before making contact with the fireplacr and notice there is a tall older gentleman behind us who mumbles an incantation as the door closes and suddenly light streams in from the windows I did not see before.

"Damion you have done well" I hear the old man say as suddenly my sister falls into my arms and we sink to the floor trying to catch our breath. "Yes Damion, you have done very well indeed. Who would have guessed that the royal family was hiding all this time in the lost woods." The old man smiles at us, "I am Simon, Great Wizard of the north, and you must be Thea and Anna, the druid princesses."

Confusion sets over my sisters face and I am sure I have a look to match. Princesses, how could that be? And how did he know we were Druids, as we only ever practiced in secret. I look at Anna and know that she holds no answers, but we are to tired to do much else we cling to each other as I feel sleep overcome me and sink deep into the warmth of the old man's rug to process the events of tonight.