
Chapter 6: A Jinchūriki...thingy..?

The frigid night sky stretched out above, its ebony canvas adorned with a myriad of twinkling stars that seemed to defy the pressing darkness below.

Within this stillness, a symphony of hushed footsteps resonated, disrupting the serene silence that enveloped the surroundings.

'I don't understand....'

A silver veil of moonlight cascaded upon the earth, casting a spectral glow that guided their path toward an approaching figure—a wrought iron gate, standing tall and imposing.

'They were just fighting a while back...'

Such thoughts revolved around Megumi's mind as she secretly glanced at the silent newcomer in their party.

He was just briskly following her sensei and pressing forward with little regard of his surroundings.

Meanwhile, the sensei in question was busy skipping ahead without a care in the world, while humming a joyful tune as she nonchalantly carried the only unconscious member of the group, slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes

Quite a contrast between the two individuals.....

Megumi sweat-dropped at this before sighing

There were no words to describe the terror and concern that washed over her as that man suddenly struck her sensei out of nowhere, sending them both crashing through that floor.

Without being able to see what was truly happening and only being able to hear the sounds of their underlying conflicts and the bone-chilling echoes of their clashes, made her worrisome sentiments only worse.

Never had she cursed her inability to fight and move than she had then

She had confidence in her sensei, but this was different. She didn't understand why, but that man....he was different from the others..... She could even see it in her sensei's eyes, and that scared her...

When the noises ultimately subsided and silence had prevailed, she nervously bit her lips as her pulse raced in her chest anxiously of what had occured, the result of this clash

She clung to the confidence that everything would proceed as usual and that her sensei would welcome her with her usual goofy smile.....She was hoping....but even so, she struggled to shake off that nagging feeling that lingered in her chest, a constant reminder of the possibility of that worst-case scenario coming to pass

The other man greeting her with his presence rather than her teacher....

So you can imagine her disbelief at the sight of not one person, but both of them appearing before her with no visible hostility or injuries. The only thing that seem to be damaged in their entire interaction were their clothes.

...and as expected, on her inquiry to her sensei about what was going on, all she got was that stupid cheerful, carefree smile and some vague answers.

That he was going to come with us now

That he wasn't the enemy....





She got nothing

Nothing to her about how that man attacked her out of nowhere and had a rather 'rough tussle' with her (rough and tussle being a HUGE understatement), judging from the sounds she heard....and oh yeah...


....might she also add, that both of them were attacking each other with the intent to KILL!!!

She almost drowned in the aura and the blood lust at the end, the mountainous pressure almost crushed her, it was that intense....and yet they both just come up here unbothered and unfazed, as if they simply just had a normal chit-chat about the weather.....

So please forgive her for being so 'overdramatic' and for FREAKING THE FUCK OUT AND BEING SO DAMN CONFUSED!!!




....This was really bad for her mental health, this much stress at her age was surely not good.....*sigh*

Her gaze involuntarily drifted back to the enigmatic stranger, her mind entangled in a web of curiosity, uncertainty and caution. He was an anomaly....A complete random variable

She was preoccupied thinking when all of sudden, in an instant his eyes snapped to hers, catching her staring at him, making her visibly flinch.

Not soon after, her cheeks flushed hot in embarrasement. Flustered that she got caught she swiftly turned her head to the side, avoiding to look at him anymore.

She couldn't help but wonder who he was and where he had come from. He seemed to have a certain air of mystery about him. She said it before, but she'll say it again... There was something special about him, something that set him apart from the rest of the world.

She shook her head

Whoever he was, she was determined to find out....The truth about this enigmatic stranger..


"You don't want to know who she is?" Satori's playful inquiry floated through the air as she positioned herself on the chair, her front body pressed against the backrest, accentuating her curves. Her hands caressed the edges, while her head rested sideways, allowing her gaze to wander toward a particular direction. The black blindfold adorning her eyes once again

In the distance, a man leaned against the wall, his arms casually crossed. The crimson armour that had previously encased him was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a simple yet alluring black ensemble that clung to his form. She didn't know where he put it, the moment she left him for a bit, it was gone.

'My my, another mystery,' Her eyes twinkled in delight. She couldn't wait to figure this man out

With a stoic demeanor, the man's gaze shifted from Satori, briefly acknowledging her presence, before finally settling on the individual to whom she had referred. His expression remained impassive, revealing nothing of the thoughts that churned beneath the surface

She was a young pretty woman of average height, with a slim and slender build. Though Madara didn't fail to notice that she had actually had a toned and lean physique hidden underneath.

She had delicate features and smooth unblemished skin, her nose was small and slightly upturned at the tip. Under her thin lips, there was a trace of smudged blood hinting at the existence of some kind of conflict beforehand

However, her long hair was one of her more distinctive features. It was styled in a flowing fashion and loose curls that fell down to the middle of her back in soft waves, with a few strands left out to frame her face. The outer layers of her hair were a vibrant shade of pink, while the inner layers were a deep black color. The pink and black hair contrasted dramatically, making it one of her most striking features.

Her outfit at the moment, consisted of a simple white T-shirt and a pair of faded denim pants that were slightly baggy on her frame. She wore a pair of bright red sneakers which had white laces.

Bound and seated on a weathered wooden chair, she appeared momentarily vulnerable, her hands tightly secured. Her head was slightly drooped, and her eyes, shut in an unconscious slumber. The position she found herself in, leaning forward, inadvertently accentuated her chest

The memories of her fading marks and eyes lingered in Madara's mind, leaving an indelible impression. The brief and abrupt change in personality, he felt another presence in her...There was something else inside her

Unaware on what was going on in his mind, and getting no answer. Satori took it as a yes

However, before she could say something, a moan interrupted her. Her head turned instinctively towards the source of the sound, and there she saw...

The pink-haired woman on the chair stirred, a groan escaping her lips, her eyes slowly fluttering open, revealing a gaze still clouded with remnants of sleep and confusion. She groggily looked around, dazed and disoriented. As her awareness sharpened, she realized her surroundings. She realized she was sitting on a chair, and noticed the presence of a smudged face peering at her.

Narrowing her eyes, she strained to focus her vision, and gradually, the face before her became recognizable. It was the woman...the woman who had been with Megumi. Recognition mingled with something else

However, her attention was soon diverted as her gaze swept across the room, eventually landing upon another figure she had failed to notice before.

This figure exuded an air of quiet stillness, blending effortlessly into the backdrop of the room. His presence was so unassuming that one could easily overlook his existence unless they laid eyes upon him directly. And yet, there was an undeniable aura of intrigue surrounding him—a magnetism that captured her subconscious attention even in her current state.

'He's hot....' She subconsciously thought, still dazed and not clear in the head.

"Well, what do we have here? Sleeping Beauty has finally woken up....or is it the Beast? Which one is it?" The white-haired woman infront of her uttered out, as she rested her chin on her arms.

Finally, tearing her gaze away from the figure, she shifted her attention to the source of the voice. With her energy drained and voice laden with drowsiness, she muttered, "What? Wait, aren't you-"

"Name's Satori Gojo. I'm in charge of the first-years at Jujutsu Tech," Satori interjected confidently

She then continued, noticing the previous stare of hers beforehand, "And he there, is my husband... Madara Gojo" She finished with a warm smile gracing her face, as if she had just revealed a cherished secret.




Madara paused for a few seconds, time seemingly freezing. His mind still not having processed her words, thinking maybe he had just misheard. But then the sudden burst of laughter from Suki proved his thinking wrong

"Oi!" A loud grunt with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief escaped him. Satori couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding~" she hurriedly reassured, her giggles subsiding, though a mischievous glint remained

However, amidst the unfolding scene, the other person in the room paid no attention to it, lost in her thoughts. Satori's previous words echoed in her mind, reverberating with an undeniable significance.

'Jujutsu Tech.....'

"Fushiguro..." she whispered, her voice barely audible, as she delved deep into contemplation. Suddenly, as if jolted awake by an electric surge, she snapped out of her daze. "MY FRIENDS?!"

With a surge of jolt, she attempted to rise from her seated position, only to be met with the realisation that she was bound, unable to free herself. Panic set in as she frantically wriggled her hands, struggling against the tight restraints. Though, no matter how much she moved them, she couldn't get free.

Her gaze swept across the unfamiliar surroundings, now taking in every detail carefully. It was a dimly lit, concrete rectangular room, devoid of any discernible exits or visible doors. The walls were adorned with an assortment of cryptic tags, some hanging from the ceiling. The only source of illumination came from a cluster of paper lanterns scattered along the perimeter of the room, casting eerie shadows.

She turned her attention to the chair she was bound to, looking behind to see her hands secured tightly behind the backrest with thick ropes intertwined with the same mystical tags. The ropes were fastened to sturdy metal nails deeply embedded into concrete.

"What? What is this? Wait, no... No!" Her confusion mingled with a growing sense of panic. However, amidst her own turmoil, she refused to let herself be consumed by fear. Prioritizing the safety of her companions, she voiced her most urgent concern. "Is senpai okay?!"

'Huh, would you look at that?' Satori thought amused and impressed before opening her mouth, "I'm not really sure you should be worried about someone else right now.....Itadori Yui"

Her gaze bore into Yui, intensifying the weight of her words, "After all, its been decided that you'll be secretly executed"

Yui's features contorted in bafflement, mirroring her profound shock. "WHAT?!"

Satori's smirk deepened at the dramatic response, her amusement unfettered. "Well... let me explain everything from the beginning."

Yui shook her head and attentively focused her attention.

"Well, to begin with. Megumi and I were given the task of collecting a cursed item of significance, and it just so happened to be located near your school. Megumi went over there, but alas, she couldn't find it. She panicked, she gave me a call, she less panicked. Then, as she pieced together the clues, she sought you out. You told her stuff, she told you stuff, and it turned out that some kids at your school had the item. You both... well, you both panicked quite a bit... *Sigh*... You really do have a tendency to panic too much. Relax, enjoy life."

With each word Satori spoke, Yuji's expression shifted towards a blend of incredulity, perceiving the lack of seriousness in her words, but she didn't say anything. Still holding on to a sliver of hope that some information of importance that could answer her current situation and questions would be brought up

"Anyway, then both of you rushed to the school. Megumi insisted that you stay behind due to the danger, but you defied her advice and ventured in. And what did you find? Megumi getting her ass beat by a Cursed Spirit as your friends were held hostage. You save your friends, you get the Cursed Object and Megumi kills the evil monster. Yay! That should have been the happy ending.....but no, another cliche event occured. Another stronger Cursed Spirit emerged. Woah, who would have thought?

Now, you too were getting your ass beat, but then you suddenly get a stroke of genius, or stupidity?.....I don't really know, haven't figured out that part yet, but yeah, you eat the Cursed Object that the Cursed Spirit came for, which by the way is incredibly unhygienic and frankly disgusting. Anyway, then whoosh! You get a power up, and you kill the Cursed Spirit! Well something inside you killed it, but somehow, you suppress that someone.....

....and then I come in, and you know the rest. The end!"

Yui's face crumpled into scepticism and disappointment with each word she uttered, and when Satori finally concluded, Yui looked at her with bitterness and hopelessness.....It was totally safe to assume, Yui was completely done with this

After a brief pause, her voice dripped out slowly with surrender and resignation as she uttered, "Your recap and the current events don't align at all..."

Satori scratched her head, offering an innocent smile. "Hey, I did my best."

Yui's eye twitched in annoyance as she yelled out in indignation, "You didn't even answer if my friends were alright! And, who exactly that man is in the corner!"

Satori, unaffected by Yui's outburst, responded with a nonchalant tone, "Your friends are safe, none of them have died. As for the man in the corner....Let's just say, he's a friend of mine"

She continued, "Now listen, I have done something about your execution. It's still on, but I've got it suspended"

The look in Yui's eyes transformed, "Suspended? So you're not killing me right now?"

"Yep~ I'll explain from the top, do you know your current situation right now? The one about the little someone inside you?"

"Bits," Yui replied, her voice laced with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

"Perfect. In that case, I'll explain everything," Satori stated, her gaze shifting towards Madara. With a casual gesture, she slipped one hand into her pocket, "Then, you'll be able to understand too"

Slowly, she extracted a crimson, wrinkled finger from her pocket, with a long, sharp black nail, the sight of which sparked recognition in Yui's eyes while Madara's narrowed with heightened senses. He could sense a sinister aura emanating from the digit....It was unusual

"This is the very Cursed Object that you consumed," Satori revealed, looking at Yui, her voice tinged with an eerie tone. "And based on its appearance, yes, it is indeed a finger. The finger of the Queen of Curses, Ryomen Sakuya."

"Ryomen Sakuya?" Madara murmured, his voice breaking the silence for the first time. He couldn't help but feel intrigued, for whatever the finger belonged to, it emanated an unmistakable power—a power he could sense in his very core.

Satori turned her head to meet Madara's gaze, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Yes, that's her name. In summary, she was the big bad wolf—the most formidable curse in history."

Madara's eyes glimmered with interest, but soon, dimmed "You said 'was.' Does that mean she's no longer alive? She's dead?" he asked with disappointment clouding his expression

"Well, dead? Not exactly. She was sealed," Satori revealed, capturing Madara's attention once more. "According to the ancient legends, she was an immensely powerful and fearsome demon thousands of years ago. A major thorn in the side of sorcerers at the time. Though, I'm hazy of the details, let's just say, the sorcerers somehow managed to triumph and seal her away. They divided her power, scattering it among twenty fingers. And right now, we possess six of them."

'Kind of similar to a Jinchūriki then' Madara thought

"Twenty?" Yui interjected as she took her gaze away from Madara, "Oh, each finger and toe?"

"No, Sakuya has four arms" Satori corrected, turning to her, "Anyway, this is where you come in play Itadori Yui. After much debate among the higher-ups, they have decided to make you consume all twenty fingers before ultimately ending your life."

"And why can't you just simply destroy the fingers on your own?" Madara inquired curiously

Gojo's lips curled into a smirk as she flicked one of the fingers into the air, propelling it forcefully towards the wall. The impact created a crater and reduced the paper tags affixed to the wall to ashes, yet the finger remained completely unscathed.

"As you can see, we can't," Gojo responded, her gaze fixed on the aftermath of the failed attempt. "It's indestructible."

In that moment, a massive sword, pulsating with a vibrant blue aura, materialized from Madara, barely fitting within the confines of the room. With a swift motion, the sword struck the embedded finger, resonating with a resounding crash that shattered the section of the wall into a cascade of debris.

"Hey!" Satori exclaimed, immediately rising from her seat, one hand held up to prevent the loose dirt from spilling further into the room. "We're underground, you know?!

Madara paid no mind to it, as he calmly approached the rubble, effortlessly lifting a rock to reveal the finger beneath it....It was completely unscathed

"How interesting," he remarked, picking up the digit and turning around nonchalantly. Almost absentmindedly, he slapped the standing wall beside him, causing it to crumble into dust, only to be instantaneously replaced by a newly formed wall of solid stone, that replaced the broken section as well

Satori slowly lowered her hand, while Yui watched in awe at the magic-like power.

Returning to his original position, Madara tossed the finger at Satori, who swiftly caught it in her grasp

"Though, it doesn't really matter," he stated, his voice laced with a mix of indifference and disdain. Leaning against the wall, Madara closed his eyes, seemingly unbothered by the situation. "If she was sealed in the end, then that means that was all she was worth. In the end, just a pathetic weakling who got defeated. A four-armed weakling with strong fingers."

However, as those callous words left his lips, an unexpected and violent reaction from Yui shook the room. She jerked forward with such force that the metal hook anchoring her in place actually dislodged slightly, causing cracks to spiderweb across the floor.

The sudden disturbance immediately drew the attention of both Madara and Satori. Madara's eyes snapped open, capturing the sight before him. Strangely enough, they both saw Yui returning to her normal state, as if the reaction had been only momentary.

Nevertheless, a wild smirk stretched across Madara's face as he swiftly flashed in front of Yui. His left leg balanced precariously on the edge of the chair's seat, while his right hand cupped Yui's face, his fingers lightly squeezing her cheeks, inadvertently causing her lips to pucker, as he pulled her closer. Their faces were mere inches apart, as if they were about to kiss, and the intimate proximity made Yui's cheeks burn with a deep blush.

Yet, Madara's gaze wasn't focused on Yui's blushing features. Instead, his eyes delved deep into her own, as if searching for something hidden within them.

Perhaps overwhelmed by embarrassment, Yui tried to divert her gaze, attempting to break the intense eye contact they shared.

"Look at me," Madara sternly commanded, his voice holding a compelling authority. Almost instinctively, Yui's body obeyed his words, her eyes locking once again with his. Madara continued to peer deeply into her eyes, his gaze unwavering and penetrating.

"You can hear me, can't you?" he asked after a while, his tone still firm, "You heard me back then when I called you a pathetic weakling. Are you angry? Do you want me to take those words back?"

Silence filled the room, with no discernible reaction from Yui.

"Well, I won't take it back. Because you, indeed, are a weakling. You lost. You're vulnerable. Even if you have other pieces of you out there, I can still easily take the life of this one. Yes, it wouldn't be much, but still wouldn't change the fact that a part of you died. Your current situation is nothing short of embarrassing and pitiful." His voice dripped with mockery as he continued condescendingly, "You can seethe with fury all you want, but it won't alter the undeniable truth: right now, you are beneath me. You're weak.. Well, no matter what the circumstances, I would always be stronger, regardless if you were in your prime"

He then chuckled, an unsettling sound that hinted at a twisted amusement, as if he thought of something comical, "And you know what the funny thing is? No matter how angry and hateful you are right now... There is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Absolutely nothing."

As if relishing in his dominance, he turned his head and leaned in closer to Yui's ear, his breath grazing her skin as he whispered, "You are inferior."

And that was it, he could see it. As he pulled away, his eyes locked with hers once more, he witnessed the deep swirls of rage and hate churning within her eyes, a palpable aura of killing intent emanating from her. The intensity of her emotions only served to amuse him further. Slowly, he relinquished his grip on her face, letting his leg down and taking a step back while maintaining a smug smile.

Satori's voice chimed in from his right, "Was that really necessary?" A hint of amusement in her tone, she seemed to enjoy the spectacle as much as he did.

Madara didn't bother to answer. Instead, he returned to his spot, leaning against the wall, his eyes closed, savoring the moment as a satisfied smile lingered on his face.