
Chapter 2: Meeting the group or half of them

~ Rosari POV~

Then he just fainted like someone had cut his string off. The only thing I could do was to stare at his body, that was now lying all sprawled out on the floor in front of the door. Not long after that, a group of about 6 people came storming into the room. The girl from before Skye, was not in the mass, instead there were 4 new girls and 2 other boys.

I pulled up the blanket to my chin, so it could work like a shield against these strangers. They watched bewildered around the room before their eyes landed on me and then shifted to the boy (who was still lying on the ground unconscious). Their eyes were filled with understanding as they saw the situation before them.

"Oh, this is bad... damn it Peeta" One of the girls said with a frown. The group just looked irritated at the guy named Peeta.

That girl, Skye came rushing into the room holding a tray of food, she had the same expression as the other but a bit more panicked. Her whole body calmed down when she saw me, even seeing a bit of relief flashing through her eyes, but that was quickly changed to irritation when her gaze fell to the boy Peeta.

"What the hell is Peeta doing here" She asked the group angry. The guy with blond hair turned to Skye, trying to explain the situation.

"We don't know. One second he is in his own room and the next his here, screaming his head of like he had seen an ugly spider…(And there my friends, the groups eyes traveled to me)."

I looked down to the guy that was on the floor and felt my cheeks become red, at the realization that I must be the ugly spider he was talking about.

'Dang it why can't I stop blushing today.'

I looked up again and saw the whole group giving irritated glances to the guy who had spoken. The guy gave me an apologizing look.

"No! What I tried to say or mea-"

"Oh shut your mouth Caine" The girl on his left said with a scowl, annoyed by the guy's attempt to take back what he had said.

"Yeah Sam is right, nothing that comes out from your stupid mouth, ever comes out right" Skye said with the same expression as Sam.

"Ehm guys, I think we are scaring her with our arguments" a low and soft voice said. The owner of the voice came from a fragile looking girl that stood beside the Sam girl.

"Guys Emma's is right, we must have scared the wits out of her because look at her. She's pale as Blake and that is an issue." The guy that stood beside Emma said with a goofy smile looking weirdly at me.

' If I wasn't scared before I am that now, after seeing that guy's creepy face.'

Skye looked at me and then down to the tray she was holding, before placing it on the nightstand near me. I observed her every move, putting up my guards, just in case I have to flee. She glanced at the group and then to me, with a warm smile.

"This is my friends that I talked about before, remember" She looked at me expectantly, I nodded at her not trusting my voice.

"Good! Now let me introduce them. The one with the big stupid mouth there is Caine and his shy little sister Emma" She said while pointing her finger at the guy with blond hair and then to the small girl that had spoken before.

I didn't have the time before to take a closer look at their appearance. The guy was tall with a light skin color and golden hair that was short but not too short and two matching brown eyes. His sister on the other hand was short and had brown hair that reached to her elbow but like her brother they had the same eyes and same skin color.

Skye went on with the introduction. She told me that the girl that had snapped on Caine before was Sam. She had brown-reddish hair that stopped right above her elbow and chocolate brown eyes. She was tall but not as tall as Cain, she reached to his shoulder, and she seemed like a person with low patience.

"Hey Sam did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, because you look like the Grinch himself hahaha AUCH"

"Piss off Nick or I will punch you in the face next. At least I don't look like a trash, that has a body like a chicken" Everyone started to laugh at the guy that had creeped me out before. He gave Sam a scowled look, and she returned it with giving him the finger.

'Looks like I was right about her having a temper.'

I made a mental note to not piss her off.

"The one who got owned by Sam just now is Nick. You could say he's the group's douche bag and player. If you are smart stay away from him because he's a total pain in the ass." Skye said looking amused at the bickering show.

"Hey Skye stop saying nonsense, ME a DOUCHEBAG. You girls are only saying that out of jealousy because this guy, is out of limit too you girls!"

"No one in their right mind would want you and especially us. We wouldn't want to catch your stupidity!" Sam said with a smirk.

"Dude she just owned you again ohhh!" Caine said snickering.


Taking a closer look at his appearance I understood what they meant before, he had the typical playboy style. He was short compared to Cain but longer than Sam an Inch or two. He had a tanned skin with a body has athlete. His hair color was brown like his eyes.

"Oh save it Nick tsk, this is useless, I'm going" Said a new voice, harshly. The voice belonged to a brown haired girl with beautiful eyes. She had a body like a model and was just the right length, not too long and not too short. She gave me a glare and then walked out of the room.

"Wai- urgh." Skye tried to stop her but failed.

"That girl you just saw was Brittney, she can be harsh sometimes, but she is a kind girl, if you get to know her better, so don't take it in the wrong way please" Said Emma with a soft tone and a sad smile before she ran after her.

Skye looked a bit annoyed at the door and let out a sigh.

"Sorry about that, but what Em said is true, if you get to know her she is a very kind girl. This is some group members. The other is not here because they were busy with something and I have already introduced myself before."

I looked at the boy on the ground and sweat dropped because he was totally forgotten.

" Who is that?" I said for the first time and pointed at the guy on the floor.

Skye and the other gasped in union like they had been practicing for it.

"She talked" Everyone said at the same time, like come on I can talk, I just didn't want to speak before or had the need. I sweat dropped again.

"That thing(she pointed at Peeta like he was a peasant [A\N: poor Peeta]) is Peeta. He is the joker of the group and my stupid twin brother. He gets like this when he drinks energy drinks, and how he exactly got that(she gave a side glare at the group who flinched at her scary look) I can figure."

The group took a step back and raised their hands in surrender.

"It was Nick's idea" said Cain with a smirk.

The group nodded in agreement while Nick became pale as a corpse.

"Wait what no… eh okay it was me but hey... they(pointing at the group) was in it too and it was Caine who got the energy drinks and gave it to him!"

Before they could argue anymore, my sooo kind and lovely stomach just had to come in like a damn wrecking ball and throw me in a hole of shame by growling, again.

Everyone's gazes once again praised me with theirs presence, I could feel my face become beat red.

'Why just why did it have to make such an embarrassing noise!'

Skye's eyes softened and took the tray of food of the nightstand and placed it right in front of me.

"Eat" she ordered me and that I did, the food was two sandwiches and a big glass of fruit mixing juice. I could hear a sigh of relief when I ate, no doubt from the group who thought they had escaped from the tiger.

" I'm not done with you guys yet" Skye gave them a warning look.

"Hey Skye, what is her name?" Caine asked with excitement and sparkles in his eyes [A\N sparkles ahah]

"Her name is… um wait, she didn't say what it was or anything else about herself before you guys came"

Skye looked at me expectantly, so I just sighted and took a deep breath before I looked at them with a serious face, but before I could say something Nick stopped me.

"Wait can't we at least sit down before you tell us. Because we have been standing here in front of the door for about a half hour now and boy my leg feels like jelly!"

Everyone burst out laughing at his statement and walked more into the room [A\N poor Peeta, he is still on the floor]. They settled themselves on the sofa and chairs that were placed around the bed and looked at me expectantly. I looked down to my hands that were now fiddling with the blanket because of the nervousness. I sighted again and looked at them with a half-hearted smile.

"My name is Rosari...Rosari Matthew. " It was dead quiet for about 3 minutes, before someone broke It.

"Huh wait is that it, nothing else like, I don't know, anything!" Nick exclaimed in confusion. Everyone frowned and gave each other questioning looks. My gaze dropped yet again to my hands that were still playing with the cover.

"Ehm, the thing is, I can't remember anything, except what I have told you guys already."

I looked up from my hand and saw that their face had softened. Skye looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"So you don't remember anything, like your family or why you were falling from the sky or anything else for that matter?"

"No I don't"


"What are you going to do now, what I mean is, do you have a place you can go to or something?."

I shook my head, still looking at my hand with my shoulder sloped down in defeat. I could feel the guys stand up and retreat to the door.

'What am I going to do now? Where can I go.'

Nothing, there was no where I could go or a place I could call home, nothing. I lifted my knees to my chest and hugged them. It felt like there was a hole in me that would sooner or later eat me up.

I could hear whispers outside the bedroom's door, surely the guys were discussing how they could throw me out of the house.

After a while they came in with Skye on the front. They looked really serious. Skye sat beside me on the bed, with a sigh she looked at me again.

"Rose it's like this…"

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