
Tales of The Land and Its Monsters

One upon a time, in a far away galaxy, existed a wide land, a land so wide nobody had ever seen its end. This flat land was unlike the planets around it, like the ground and the things on it. It was commonly called "The World Chessboard" and yes in fact the planets were "The Pawns" numbered from 1 to and infinite number.

But the true top ranked Gods and Deity knew what its true name was, they were true immortals and witnessed the calamity that fell on this land ages and ages ago. Even the actual strongest being in the galaxy can still remember his fear of these monsters:

"our world was invaded by monsters, but nobody thought of them as a threat, to be honest even myself just thought of them as flies, we just had so much people nobody though we could lose, but their number kept increasing and in only a few years we were almost anihillated. We repelled waves after waves, seas and seas of monster, but it was not enough. Although we could put up with their number thanks to our superior strength, backed by the government. their leaders were too strong for us; each of their attacks could touch several millions of people. They were known worldwide and i can still remember two of them perfectly: kirie irwin and P.o.P. I saw every single one of my teammates getting brainwashed one after the other. They took control of the world since then and we all became one of them. And even you behind this screen, u can't escape your destiny."

This calamity renamed the land and till now its name is still te same: "Flat Earth" named after these monsters.


1- u calm down

2- second it's a biased story and u shouldn't take it seriously

3- the story is bad so what, i had nothing to do

4- don't rage kiddo lmao

One Shot btw

njnknocreators' thoughts