
Prologue Part 2

A few minutes later I was walking by the river when I felt something bite into my head as blood slowly flowed from the wound. I fearfully grabbed what ever was on my head and threw it to the ground.

I looked down at what had just bitten me, I was surprised to see a black cat on the ground. I stood there shocked for a few seconds then I heard a girls voice as it cried:"Don't hurt her, she's my cat!"

I didn't know what to think as I turned around to see a gorgeous girl with cat ears who's beauty surpasses any models.

Her eyes was a blue mixed with black and long beautiful eyelashes. Her long white hair looked silky smooth. She looked around the same age as me. She seemed to be a little lacky but her beauty made up for that. She wore a katana on her back at a horizontal/vertical angle just above and across her...Well you know what I'm talking about.

Her pretty eyes stared at me, I panicked at the sight of seeing a pretty girl. Out of panic, I turned around and grabbed her cat as it started purring in my arms.

I apologized with a mysteriously calm emotion:"I'm sorry about that, I thought it was some kind of a monster."

I thought I was dead for sure but she anxiously grabbed her cat from my arms and started to fearfully walk away.

My heart was beating at an insane rate, she was so close to me that I could smell her. Her sent was what smelled like strawberry mixed peaches, they was somehow mixed into a perfect harmony.

This is my only chance...

I have to ask her to help me get to Kadesh, otherwise I won't get there because I'm pretty sure I'm lost.

I knew I would never get a chance like this again. I nervously reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

She was surprised at what I did and so was I. I had never touched a girl but now I was touching a real beauty.

"...Can I ask you a question?"

She nodded in response to my question as her face showed extreme fear as if she was looking at someone who was about to murder her.

"Yes." She said with fear.

Why was she making that face? Did I do something to make her terrified? Was it because I hurt her cat?

"Can you help me get to Kadesh?" I asked nervously.

This was the most important thing. I didn't know where it was. I didn't even know where west is in this world. If I don't get her to show me I'm screwed. But why did she look terrified, do I look that scary?

"Why me? Don't you hate me!"


Eh, what! Why would I hate her, did I do something to make her think that?

Seeing me acting confused, the girl put down her head as her cat jumped from her arms and she said:"Do you not know what us people with cat ears are? EVERYONE HATES US!"


What does she mean?

"Everyone knows why but I'll tell you anyway because you look soo confused. They blame us for the devil making his kingdom here and causing havoc all over the country. They said we performed the spell to bring him here but we didn't do anything!"

The birds stopped singing. Did she scream loud enough to frighten the birds?

I looked away for a second to see if there was anything unusual but there wasn't. Turned back around and stared at her.

She started sobbing, what do I do? I didn't know what to do so I picked up her cat and handed it back to her as she wiped her tears and fearfully backed away from me.

She stood at the edge of the woods now, as I stood in the open by the river.

What do I say? What do I do to make her feel better? I should of played more dating sims...Wait would that even help me in this situation. But do I really look that scary, to where she doesn't even want to be close to me?

... Wait, I think I heard something important here.

"What did you say? Devil? Not a demon?"

"Yes that's right. It was a spell to summon him here but it was really the kingdom that did it because it's said that who ever kills him will get one wish granted no matter what it is. But they failed and blamed the Whiskers clan."

Huh.. so that arm writing wasn't lieing to me! Wait... Whiskers clan...Ah he he!

"Why would they do that?" I said holding back the laughter building up in me.

"For the wish but, no one really knows."

This can't be happening to me! I just wanted to play video games but now I have to fight and defeat not just any demon but the devil himself! I hate this world! I should of never got that game!

I guess I should just lay low for a bit but the sooner the better and I can get the wish and go home. But first I must go to whatever this Kadesh is.

I knew I had balls when I asked her this: "If you take me to Kadesh you can be part of the squad I'm going to make."

Wow, I'm really asking a girl with cat ears to become part of my squad if she says yes then I'll rethink about this world being all that bad but, I doubt that because she's afraid of my dashing looking and thinks that I'll hurt her.

I waiting eagerly in anticipation for her answer as I felt like I was possessed for a second then she finally spoke:"I'll take you to Kadesh and be part of your squad but if this is a trick then I'll kill you."

Uh, Eh... Did she really just say...yes.

My voice was shaking by the time I asked her this:"Are you serious!"

I think I might have scared her because her faced looked shocked when I said that but I didn't really care.

She walked from the edge of the woods to about five feet away from me and said:"Yes, I'm serious but, I wasn't afraid of your so called dashing looks."

I still can't believe this!How I... Wait, how did she know I thought she was afraid of my dashing looks?

I stared at her in disbelief as I fearfully asked her:"How...How did you know that?"

She stared back at me and smiled as she cutely said:"I possessed you and looked into your soul for a second, to find out if you was doing that so you could kill me. But you wasn't so I accepted."

I backed away from her. As fear over came me.

Eh...Huh...I was actually possessed that easily but wait, what kind of world did I just come to. I hope it isn't a world where everyone can posse people.

She must of noticed my concern as she tilted her head and said:"Don't worry only Whiskers Clan members can use possession magic."

I was glad because it seemed like everyone hated the Whiskers clan and the clan kept there distance from people...Hold up, did she just say magic. Did I just land into a fantasy world? I wonder what type of magic I'll have?

"What kind of magic do you use?"

"I use possession magic and healing magic."

Wow in anime she would be the ideal wife or girlfriend but since I won't be staying here long I'll just act like she my friend...Never mind I might consider staying here!

"How did you learn both magic powers?"

"By using the skill points I earned from leveling up by doing quests and I used them to learn the healing magic and to upgrade it. But I was born with possession magic and didn't have to upgrade it because it was maxed out."

There was a pause as she looked at my happy/excited face then she continued to say more.

"I know your not from this world. I saw your soul and it looked like you had a glamorous life before coming here."

I was shocked she could see that far into my consciousness. I wasn't even possessed for a second and she saw that much...Wait I hope she didn't see the part were I thought she was beautiful...Wait if hers is maxed out then...I just lost my only chance at getting a girlfriend...And maybe my dignity.

"I don't have to tell you much then, do I?" I said as she leaned towards me and whispered in my ear:"No, just one thing. How do you plan to defeat the devil or as me call him around here"The Demon King"?"

Huh...I guess I never really thought about that because I had just know about it since like twenty minutes ago.

I thought about it for a second as a soothing breeze rushed past me before calmly saying:"I'll do quests to level up, use my skill points to learn different types of magic and when I get strong enough I'll go and kill him."

She looked at me in shock but then her face changed to a more serious look before she said:"Do you really think it'll be that easy?"

"Why, is he really that strong?"

"Yes, he is. He took down twenty of the Capitals strongest magic knights in just a few seconds, we were lucky he didn't kill them. We don't even go to the country he's at because anyone that goes there never comes back."

"How strong where the magic knights?" I asked with wonder as I stared at her.

"They was each above level 40 and they all started their lives at level 20 from birth."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes it is because you can become anything you want to with that level from birth because it's easier to level up." She said with a face full of amazement.

If I know anime like I know I do then if you start at a level from birth it's like your still at level 1 with the exp it takes to level up. If I go and I'm level 20 then leveling up will take the same amount it would if I was level one. Is that why she was amazed?

I better be a high level...But my anime knowledge is telling me two things. One:I'm going to be a high level or Two:I'm going to be a low level.

I was going to ask some more questions but then I realized something. We just had a whole conversation without moving or hardly any facial expressions then I realized something more important. We've been having the whole conversation and she even agreed to be part of my squad but, I don't even know her name.

I stood there looking awkward and red faced from embarrassment as I asked her this:"What's your name?"

She must think I'm something else asking her name this late in the conversation. I think I'm something else too because this is my first time talking to a girl this long even though I'm already 17.

"I'm Tabatha Whiskers, Its a pleasure to meet you...What's your name?"

I can't believe this when she said that her face turned a little red...Wait does that mean that she likes me already.

In a calm and cool voice I told Tabatha:"I'm Asher Hanji, it's nice to meet you too."

"Now that we know each other."

Tabatha paused and turned in the opposite direction I was heading and said:"Let's go to Kadesh...Asher."

We started to walked on our four mile journey to the town of Kadesh.

My journey has started as my road to becoming the Hero of Earth 2 began.