

Devil spirits, fiendish monsters invisible to the ordinary eyes, coexist with humans, feasting on human souls and flesh. While they still remained unknown to the human race!    Exorcists, humans who had been tempted, are able to see this demons, and had somehow tapped into devil energy, the one power that could kill a devil spirit, worked hard in protecting humanity and redeeming peace.  Alexander Vincent, a carefree and hotheaded 16 years old teenager, embarks on a life changing goal to become the greatest exorcist ever. After he discovered that his body was a vessel, used in sealing off a part of a demon lord, and that this seal had been tempered with, which would bring forth the reincarnation of the demon lord.  He lives a life of competing with the demon lord over who should take charge of his body, for a whole day.       Join this carefree and hotheaded protagonist, to discover if his sheer, and unbreakable willpower would break?

Doors_of_ideas · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Veil of darkness.

Vincent, Brian, and Henry and his goons were immediately summoned to the principal's office. Mr Parker was unhappy, because of what he had witnessed. "How dare them fight inside the school premises!" He said to himself, feeling really upset. 

 He had listened to their pointless explanations, without gaining a single clue to what they were insinuating. From his perspective, he felt that they were fooling him just to get away with what they had done. And he, who he was going to punish for the incident was...

"Vincent, how dare you and Brian assault a fellow student. A senior for that matter. It seems like you two now feel like you're above the school's rules and regulations." Mr Parker promptly said.

 "But sir.." Henry wanted to speak, but he was quickly interrupted by their principal.

"No buts, Henry. You and your colleagues acted out of self defense. Brian assaulted you first. So now you may demise yourselves. Leave me to these troublesome two." He responded, referring to Vincent and Brian.

 Henry gave Vincent a last stare before exiting the office. The latter could tell that Henry felt sorry. 'That's new.' Vincent thought to himself, regardless of the situation he found himself in.

"And to you two." Mr Parker added, withdrawing his attention from the exiting lads, towards the duo in front of him. "Brian, you're suspended from this school, until further notice. The school will be in charge of informing your parents. And you Mr Alexander, you've violated two of the school's major rules. You assaulted a female student, fought inside of the school's premises. You're hereby expelled from wonder ville high school." Mr Parker concluded. Although, he had passed down a mighty punishment upon Vincent, which worried him bitterly. He still felt a bit of relaxation. He had finally accomplished Sharon's father's request, and was sure that he would be greatly rewarded in full.

"Alright, sir." Vincent gestured his head forward and backward, slowly, nodding in the process. Mr Parker stood up from his seat, he gently patrolled his office. Heading towards the bookshelf that rested besides the window. He caresses a book with his fingertips, retreating his gaze from the book towards the boys. "That would be all." He promptly responded. He gestured his head towards the bookshelf again, that was when his eyes caught to something outside the school surroundings. No! It wasn't a thing. It was rather an activity. In awe, Mr Parker's lower jaw dropped; "What in the world!" He exclaimed, fixing his eyes to what was going on.

 The lads looked towards the window from their standing point, they were immediately shocked by what was before their eyes. 

 A veil of darkness descended upon the entire school surroundings. It was as if an eclipse occurred. The moon obstructs sunlight. But this wasn't a lunar eclipse, it was something out of the ordinary. A barrier force of darkness surrounded the entire school surroundings, casting a veil that reflected sunlight from consuming the school. Making it seem like, night has befallen only upon the school. 

 Students and teachers trooped out of their classrooms and offices, to satisfy their curiosity, and when their eyes witnessed the sudden happenings, their faces were filled with puzzlement. 

"What the heck!" "What's going on?" "It's the end of the world!" "The sun has been stolen from the sky by God almighty!" "How would the world survive without sunlight!" The students and teachers commented promptly to what befall their eyes. The school's exterior light bulbs automatically switched themselves on. The environment became brightened, illuminating the surroundings. The students and teachers spotted three men, standing outside the school gates, besides a car. These men were aliens to them, they were dressed up in all black, entirely.

 "Who are those men?" A female student asked. 

 "Grim reapers…They are death reapers, sent to take our souls. It is indeed the end of life. The judgment day has befallen humanity." A fat looking male teacher immediately responded to the situation, filling the hearts of the students and his fellow teachers with fear. Everyone was indeed frightened.

 Vincent, Brian and Mr Parker were amongst the crowds. They too had hurried out of the school buildings to see for themselves what was happening. Brian immediately glanced at Vincent. Vincent understood his stare, he very well knew what Brian was driving it. He could clearly read the expression on his face; 'Is this a demonic attack too?' 'Are we going to die?' 'What do we do?' He knew those were the thoughts that pondered inside of Brian's mind.

 "Order everyone to evacuate into the school buildings, to their classes." Vincent inclined, suggesting an option to their principal.

"How dare you little brat give me orders." Mr Parker thundered, acting superior, when deep down he was cowering in fears. His face was already secreting sweat profusely.

 "Look sir, if you don't do what he says, we're all going to die in the next minute." Brian promptly replied, interrupting their conversation.

 "H-How does that affect me." Mr Parker added. His voice enveloped with panic, he could feel the cold chills surging from his feet up to his abdomen region. His words were stoic, but his voice quiver in fright. 'Why am I cold from my waist to feet?' He wondered to himself, panicking just immediately. But of course he tried to conceal it, hiding his body's sudden reaction, but this also resulted in more sweating. His sleeve was half soaked.


A well prepared, unexpected slap descended on Mr Parker's cheeks. His absent-minded-ness was immediately cut short by the sudden hot slap, jerking him back to reality. He held his cheeks, embracing the sharp pain that followed after the impact. His eyes were all watering, but he held back the urge to scream. He was slapped on the right cheek, but it felt like his cheeks suffered the same fate. The left check was gravely affected too. After a minute of embracing the pain, he looked towards his right, to see who had the audacity to slap a principal. To his awe, it was Vincent, the latter's sclera was red, his veins beeping in rage. "How dare y..?" The principal became shut, seeing the fuming lad. 

 "How does it affect you?" Vincent repeated what Mr Parker had said, only that he was directing as a question. Mr Parker was driven by fear, an aura of fear, beaming out of his control. 'What has become of this kid? Is he the same boy I scolded earlier? Who is he?' He wondered to heart. At the moment his entire shirt was soaked in sweat.

 "You know, I don't give a damn if you suspend or expel me. I don't fucking care!" Vincent yelled out loudly. "But do you know what I give a damn about. Well no life is worthless, every single human being's life is meaningful, and far from our different assumption. I won't take it likely with you, if you utter such nonsense again." He thundered. 

All the students were shocked by Vincent's reaction. They looked at him with heavy eyes!

"Fine." Mr Parker responded with a faint tone. "Alright everyone, go hide in your respective classrooms. Don't come out until your guts give you the tingle." He addressed the crowd.

"Now, hurry up, to your classes students." He added, raising his chin. He felt proud of himself, it felt to him as if he had made the greatest accomplishment of his life.

 The students quickly moved to their different classrooms immediately after their principal was done giving them orders. Stomping their feets to the floors, they trooped into their classrooms, leaving only the teachers behind, and Vincent and also Brian.

 "I will go see if I can get in contact with the cops." One of the teachers said,

"Let me come with you."

"Me too."

"Me too."

"Wait for me." 

And in no time, all the teachers were gone. Surely they all ran for their lives. 

"So what now?" Brian inquired, fixing his eyes to the men outside of the school's gate.

 "Yeah tough kid, what do we do? As much as I am not running away like the others, it doesn't mean I am not scared. Mankind is always afraid of what they don't understand, so don't judge me!" Mr Parker muttered, still quivering in fear.

The men advanced further, until they were a few meters away from them. 

"My name is Derek Blood. This is Eight, and he is Nine." The man in shades introduced himself and his comrades. "We're here to retrieve Alexander Vincent, under the CULT's authority."

"Who are you? And why would you think we would easily hand Vincent to you." Vincent inquired, not willing to reveal his identity to them. "What do you want with Vincent?"

"Well I was actually addressing the adult, and not the other way round. But it seems like you are quite familiar with devils and exorcists, given by the way you ushered this man to send the other students away. You're quite aware of how dangerous we could be." Derek inclined, grinning wickedly. "Why hesitate? When you're fully aware of how powerful any of us could be. Give us the boy and we might just only put the school on fire, roasting you all!"

"Hand over Alexander Vincent." He added.

"Wait, burn down this school? My only source of income. Isn't that judgment too harsh?" Mr Parker inclined, interrupting them.

 Derek smirked evilly. "Eight, send them to tear the entire school apart. Let them feed on the students. Our guy won't die easily, we would be able to tell who he is, when all the mice are dead." He inclined.

 "Let's start with these three in front of us." Eight said, withdrawing the old tattered doll from his pocket. "But clearly, you do know you can't fool us right."

"When I could clearly see the negative energies emanating out of you. You could have just let them all die by fire, rather than in the hands of monsters that would devour their souls and flesh. This is the end for them all, Vincent." Eight continued. "Nine, get the boy!"

Immediately, Nine dashed towards the trio, in an attempt to grab Vincent. His speed was inhumane to the eyes. That a single step from his foot has brought him in front of Vincent. His lips engraved a maniac smile, like a psychopath. He gestured his hand further, to grab the boy, but immediately…

"Dimension storage! Release!!" A familiar voice erupted beside Vincent, and an umbra immediately enveloped the floor beside him. A figure pulled out of the darkness upon the solid floor. Pulling out, the individual's identity was revealed. It was none other than 'Nathan Sean'! In his grips rested the most valuable treasure in his arsenal, the 'BLACK TOOTH' sword.

 Swimming out of the solid ground, Sean swung his sword, deflecting Nine away, smashing him to a distance. But Nine's agility kicked in, allowing him to descend on his feet unharmed. He was quick enough to escape making contact with the sword. It was its wind pressure that had swept him away. The men assembled themselves in an array, glaring at the individual that had just joined the party.

"Nathan Sean!" They exclaimed in unison. It seems like they were familiar with him.

"The CULT's dogs." Sean responded awkwardly. His face engraved with a frown, that gave out the impression that he was deeply raged.

 'Sean.' Brian said to himself inwardly, recalling who he was. The man who had saved them from the monster at the alley.

 "Exorcist Sean." Vincent muttered softly to himself, his eyes gazing upon the man who had just appeared from the ground in front of him. But Sean heard him. He turned his head backwards, smiling at Vincent. "I told you I would be there." He spoke out boldly, immediately retiring his eyes from Vincent, back to the men. 

"What brings a member of the cult to wonder ville. You're indeed far from home, dog!" He exclaimed, glaring at their cold faces. Derek suddenly smirked. "You too young cub."