
The Evolution of Genius: Every Night, I Get Smarter!

This is the story of how I became the greatest genius in the history of humanity, destined to go down in the annals of history for all eternity! This is the story of how I made humanity what it is today. It all began on a fateful night in New York. With a certain peculiar dream. The Universe is grand and mysterious. What's important remains hidden... _________ P.S. Watch out, contains descriptive R18 scenes. [ completed ]

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134 Chs

The Cruise

"You don't have to do this. But you know what we talked about last night. How you need to be more open to new experiences?", Oliv told Casandra

She took out two beers from her back, "You guys can drink, I need to get us back to port"

"I can do it." Casandra opened up the bottle of beer. "I want to do this." She nodded her head. "It will be fun."

"You should probably take a look at some of the dare cards before you decide," I suggested.

Casandra picked up the dare cards. "Lick whipped cream off another female's breasts."

I liked the sound of that one. I saw Oliv glance at me and imagined her smearing cream over Casandra's breasts and then licking her nipples clean.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any cream with us..."

Casandra picked up another card. "Drop your pants down and ask someone of the opposite sex to spank you." She blushed.

To avoid eye contact with me, she grabbed another card.