
The Ever Lasting War

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THAGOAT_82 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

Prince Vs Takono

Prince: Let me know when you ready

Takono: *Yawns*

Takono: I'm kinda hungry

Prince: BRAT!

Prince Dashes at Takono and swings but Takono easily dodges

Takono: Dont think your the only one been training

Takono: Heh, Brother you might have the brains but when it comes to fighting I OWN YOU!

Takono uppercuts Prince and then he punches Prince in the stomach


Takono: Dragon PUNCH!

He punches Prince into the field

Takono: What's wrong your done already?

Prince jumps out

Prince cracks his neck

Prince(Mind): I gotta be careful for that last attack he used. It does a lot of damage

Prince: Nice but now it's my turn

Prince punches Takono in the stomach

Then he Throws a jab at Takono and Takono hits the ground

Takono(Mind): His speed as increased and that caught me off guard

Takono snaps his fingers while he was on the ground

A Time Stop occurs

Takono uses multiple fire attacks at Prince

Takono: Multi Fire Ball Attack!

Takono then punches Prince in the face

The time stop ends and Prince lands head first into the ground

Prince: Nice my turn

Prince rewinds time back 10 seconds and dodges all of Takono attacks

And before Takono can time stop Prince punches Takono in the face

Takono gets up

Takono: No time ability

Prince: Fine by me


Prince(Mind): I cannot use this particular move yet

Prince tries to dodge it but it was all a distraction

Prince(Mind): HUH A FAKE!?

Takono appears behind Prince and kicks him to the Nearest Tree

Prince: Your way stronger than before but not strong enough

Prince floats into the air

Prince: Final Fire Attack!

A Fire attack the size of a Volcano appears

Takono(Mind): H-… Ho- How can he do this he hasn't even master his fire abilities yet

Prince: Suprised?

Prince trows it towards Takono

Takono(Mind): I need to do something fast before I end up nearly dead

Takono then Snaps his finger and gets as far away as possible

When the Time Stop end he's is far away from there


Takono appears

Takono: What are you trying to do kill me?

Prince: I got a little carried away

Takono: You sure only a little?

Prince: I'm exhausted let's go home

Takono: Yeah me too

They arrive at the village 15 minutes later

Seiya: Damn what you guys do fight a army?

Takono: Hard work, how you feeling?

Seiya: Better had a few hours of sleep I'm back at 100%

Prince: Good because we gotta go out to a special clan in the morning so get your sleep

Seiya: But we just got back

Prince: And we're leaving again so gets some sleep

Takono: Can't I'm gonna go train see you guys in the morning

Prince: Ok I'm going to sleep

About 6 hours pass

Prince: Seiya get up time to go

Seiya: Alright

Prince: You too Takono up now


Prince punches Takono in the face

Takono: Fine I'm up

30 minutes pass

The three leave the village and leaves one of the Captains in charge

To be continued….