
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Komik
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80 Chs

The Empire Of The Multiverse

Chapter 61 - The War In Heaven

In the annals of cosmic history, the Imperial Year 0276 stood as a stark testament to the unimaginable horrors of the War in Heaven. The universe, once a tapestry of countless civilizations and diverse life forms, now found itself engulfed in the flames of war. It all began with the relentless advance of the Men of Iron, their cold and calculating minds dissolving the defensive lines that had guarded the Center of the Universe for centuries. Their onslaught paved a path for the Imperial Forces, marching inexorably towards the final bastion of the Old Ones.

In the face of this relentless onslaught, the Old Ones, the ancient and noble Aetherian Pantheon, found themselves pushed to the brink. It was a dire moment, a point of no return, where the choice was clear: fight or face annihilation. Under the leadership of Valorath, the God of Magic, they waged a valiant war in the Divine Realm against the God Emperor Fafnir and his Empress Esdeath. Their divine clashes sent aftershocks rippling through the very fabric of reality, disrupting the physical plane and rendering Faster-Than-Light travel impossible.

Amidst this chaos, a figure emerged, a god whose unpredictability was as infamous as his cunning. Val'Rotak, the God of Clowns, had once attempted an audacious assassination on the God Emperor, a failed endeavor that cost him an arm. Yet, in the face of despair, he sacrificed himself, using his divine essence to accelerate the growth of their nurtured races—the Korrk and the Eldranthii. These races, born amidst the crucible of divine conflict, were destined to confront the Imperium Dominus and its formidable Primarchs.

Val'Rotak's sacrifice extended beyond his own kin. His divine intervention stabilized the Physical Plane, creating a fragile sanctuary amidst the cosmic storms. His unpredictable actions threw a wrench into the plans of both the Aetherian Pantheon and the Imperium, setting the stage for the cataclysmic conflict that would come to be known as the War in Heaven.

In this void-shattering war, gods and their created races clashed on a cosmic scale, their battles echoing through the emptiness of space, dooming the majority of the universe's races to an unprecedented and devastating fate. The War in Heaven became a harrowing chapter in the cosmic chronicles, a tale of strife, sacrifice, and the indomitable will to survive against overwhelming odds. The universe trembled as the clash between these godly forces reverberated across the stars, leaving in its wake a trail of cosmic ruins and the echoes of lost civilizations.

61.2 Alpha Theatre Of War

In the vast expanse of the Alpha Theatre of War, at the frontiers of the Imperium, the very fabric of space was strewn with multiple planetary systems, each meticulously crafted into fortresses, and vast ring worlds adorned the stars like jewels in the cosmic tapestry. The void was blotted with the presence of Men of Iron Forge Worlds, their mechanical prowess shaping the very essence of the universe.

Millions of patrols, a fusion of Imperial and Men of Iron forces, stretched across the void, guarding this heavily fortified frontier that extended through countless galaxies. The anticipation of conflict hung heavy in the air, like an impending storm on the horizon. The Alpha Theatre of War stood as a beacon of Imperial might, ready to confront the oncoming tide of cosmic turmoil.

Leading the charge at this forefront of battle was the 1st Fellowship of the Thousand Sons, known as the Corvidae. Ahzek Ahriman, the formidable sorcerer, stood as their leader, his eyes ablaze with the crimson hue of Honkai energy. His presence alone radiated an aura of immense power, second only to their Primarch, Magnus.

Magnus, the Thousand Sons' Primarch, possessed an extraordinary gift—a foresight that pierced the veil of time itself. He had seen the future of the War in Heaven and knew that the Alpha Theatre of War would be its bloody genesis. With this knowledge, Ahriman was entrusted to gather vital information about their enemies, a task of paramount importance for the Imperium's survival, even if the Alpha Theatre was destined to fall.

In the dim glow of his chamber, Ahriman delved deep into the currents of fate. His mind stretched across time, and he witnessed a startling vision. Monstrous figures, clad in green power armor, stood tall, their stature reaching a formidable 9 to 12 meters. Among them were humans with sharp ears, their aetherian magic flowing effortlessly, as if it were an extension of their being.

In his vision, Ahriman saw himself and his Fellowship facing these enigmatic foes. He could feel the impending clash, the intensity of battle, and the relentless determination of the enemy. Ahriman's eyes glowed brighter with resolve. He knew that these sharp-eared adversaries would attack them, and he was prepared.

For Ahriman, the loss of the Alpha Theatre was a bitter truth, but his purpose was clear—to gather every ounce of knowledge about these new foes. His belief in the Imperium's eventual victory was unshakable. With his mind sharpened by foresight and his will steeled by conviction, he readied himself and the Corvidae for the oncoming storm. 

His eyes held a depth of knowledge and foresight, and he knew that in a matter of minutes, a psychic shout would pierce the very fabric of space, resonating throughout the void and heralding the beginning of a bloodshed unlike any other.

Calm and resolute, Ahriman spoke to the General of the Cosmic Militarum at his side. "Sound the alarm," he commanded. The General saluted, and the orders were swiftly transmitted throughout the multitude of ring worlds and planets that composed the Planetary System.

Within seconds, the defenses of the Alpha Theatre of War were at their maximum capacity. An air of tense anticipation hung in the atmosphere, as if the very cosmos held its breath. The stage was set, and the theater of war was about to unfold.

And then, like a tempest breaking the silence of the cosmic night, the attack came. Starships of sleek and elongated design, reminiscent of predatory beasts, arrived in staggering numbers. Some of them were colossal, nearly half the size of a Men of Iron Forge World, a testament to the formidable force that they represented.

Accompanying these predatory ships were others—Phoenix Ships and Void Stalkers, each vessel brimming with destructive potential. As they descended upon the Alpha Theatre of War, the very heavens seemed to tremble.

In the blink of an eye, as if fate itself had decided the moment, a psychic shout thundered across the expanse of space, a sound that echoed like a battle cry, "WAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!" It resonated throughout the entire planetary system, a declaration of unyielding conflict and the onset of the War in Heaven.

Within milliseconds, the tranquility of the starry expanse was shattered. Explosions, beams of searing energy, torrents of plasma, the blinding radiance of lasers, the ominous glow of nukes, and the inexorable flayer beams filled the void. The skies above were obscured by a storm of violence and destruction, a testament to the cataclysmic conflict that had been foreseen and was now upon them.

the clash between the forces of the Imperium and the Old Ones unfolded in a spectacle of unfathomable scale. The space battle, numbering in the quintillions, erupted into a chaotic dance of destruction and cosmic fury. Starships of every conceivable design, both from the Imperium and the ancient Old Ones, filled the void like an endless swarm of predatory beasts.

Amidst the chaos, quasar swarms churned like turbulent oceans, engulfing numerous ships in their brilliant and deadly embrace. These quasars proved to be a formidable nuisance to the Old One ships, their radiant fury disrupting the enemy formations and scattering their forces.

But then, in a sudden and unexpected turn, the Old One ships retreated, their ancient wisdom guiding their movements. In their wake emerged colossal starships, sleek and elongated in design, reminiscent of predatory beasts of myth and legend. These humongous vessels became the common sight in the void, their ominous presence sending ripples of dread through the hearts of the Imperium's defenders.

Close behind these titanic starships followed the Phoenix Ships and Void Stalkers, their forms elegant yet deadly. The void was ablaze with the glow of their engines and the crackle of their weapons, as they surged forward, ready to unleash devastation upon the enemy.

The Imperial ships, in contrast, fought with disciplined precision. They formed intricate formations, each vessel harmoniously blending into the greater whole. This unity of purpose was further enhanced by the protective cover provided by the Men of Iron Forgeworlds. Since their integration into the Imperial fleets, the Men of Iron had proven themselves to be invaluable assets. Their advanced technology and unwavering loyalty shrouded the Imperial ships, forming an impenetrable barrier against the onslaught of the Old Ones.

In the midst of the swirling chaos of the space battle, a profound truth echoed through the cosmic expanse: a space battle was not just a conflict in the void, but the very heartbeat that directed the tempo of warfare on planets and other surfaces. The outcome of this celestial clash determined the advantage one faction would hold in the upcoming ground warfare. For in the vast tapestry of interstellar warfare, it was those who dominated the stars that often emerged victorious on the planetary fields.

Across the centuries of warfare, the Imperium Dominus had honed this strategy to perfection. Despite the overwhelming numbers of enemy starships that now threatened them, the Imperium stood resilient. Their expertise in space warfare had become legendary, and their mastery of the void was a testament to their strategic brilliance.

Amidst the tumult of battle, aboard the flagship of the Cosmic Militarum, the General overseeing the Alpha Theatre of War maintained an air of composure. Engaged in conversation with Ahriman, the leader of the 1st Fellowship of the Thousand Sons, the General's demeanor exuded confidence. Despite the chaos that raged outside, the General's voice remained steady, resonating with authority.

"Your Excellency Ahriman," the General addressed the sorcerer, "we are currently holding the tide. The enemy forces are being repelled. You may proceed with the information gathering as planned. Once your Excellency has acquired the necessary intelligence, the Alpha Theatre will initiate a tactical retreat. May the Emperor's light guide you in your endeavors."

Ahriman nodded, his eyes ablaze with the crimson hue of Honkai energy. He understood the gravity of his mission. The fate of the Alpha Theatre of War hung in the balance, and the information he gathered could tip the scales in their favor. With a silent resolve, he turned his attention back to the vast array of data screens before him, his mind sharp and focused.

Ahriman, opened a communication channel to the leader of the Men of Bronze, a formidable force within the Theatre of War. His voice, steady and commanding, cut through the static of interstellar communication.

"Man of Bronze Alpha," Ahriman inquired, his tone carrying the weight of strategic urgency, "are you able to launch boarding parties on those green colossal starships?"

The Man of Bronze, undeterred by the magnitude of the task, replied with unwavering confidence, "We can."

With a decisive nod, Ahriman issued his instructions, his mind sharp and focused. "Please send in multiple boarding parties on those starships. Include the Phoenix-like battleships and the Void Stalkers. See if you can capture one of each battleship intact."

"Roger that," came the swift response from the Man of Bronze. He immediately relayed the orders to his millions of brethren Forgeworlds scattered throughout the Theatre of War. The Men of Iron, renowned for their precision and efficiency, wasted no time.

In the void of space, the Quasar Swarms, akin to swarms of voracious cosmic insects, began their assault. They swiftly bore through the shields of the colossal starships, creating openings for the boarding parties. Thousands of Men of Iron ships, specifically designed for boarding operations, pierced the hulls of the colossal vessels. Their purpose was clear: to disable the engines and energy shields, rendering the starships vulnerable and defenseless.

The Quasar Swarms, acting like powerful arms, reached out to ensnare the Void Stalkers and Phoenix Ships. With an unmatched strength, they seized their targets and bore into the hulls and engines of the starships. Their precise movements disabled the critical systems, leaving the captured vessels adrift in the void.

As the Men of Iron dragged the captured starships back to the safety of the Imperial formations, the colossal vessels became prime targets for the Old One forces. The enemies understood the significance of the situation — allowing their ships to be captured intact would be a devastating blow. Frenzied battles erupted around the captured vessels as the Old Ones desperately tried to reclaim their lost assets.

In the midst of this intricate dance of warfare, the Imperium Dominus demonstrated its unparalleled mastery of strategy and tactics. The calculated move to capture enemy starships would not only yield vital intelligence but also disrupt the cohesion of the Old One forces

Within the confining metal corridors of the colossal starships, the Men of Iron's boarding party encountered a formidable adversary: the Korrks, a race of imposing size and advanced technology. Towering at a minimum of six meters, clad in powerful power armor green and red colors respectively, the Korrks posed a significant threat. However, what they lacked in sheer size, the Men of Iron compensated with relentless determination and the precision of their advanced weaponry.

As the boarding parties flooded into the hulls of the ships, they found themselves face-to-face with an unending tide of Korrks, Krotlings, and Squigs, their figures illuminated by the eerie glow of their power armor. The corridors transformed into a battleground, echoing with the clash of metal and the crackle of energy weapons.

Despite the Korrks' size and advanced weaponry, the sheer difference in scale worked against them. Every charge of a nine-meter Korrk was met with a barrage of Men of Iron firepower. The larger Korrks became easy targets, their massive size making them vulnerable to the precision strikes of the Men of Iron. However, in this brutal exchange, casualties mounted on both sides. The Men of Iron, while skilled and relentless, were not invincible. The battle within the starship's corridors became a deadly dance of metal and death, marking the first of many clashes between the Men of Iron and the Korrks in the cosmic war known as the War in Heaven.

Simultaneously, in the vastness of space, the Imperial Forces found themselves facing an unexpected threat. The Eldranthii, a race with a mysterious origin and powerful technology, emerged from the void, flanking the Imperial fleet. Craftworlds, Phoenix ships, Void Stalkers, Eldranthii Heavy and Light Cruisers formed a massive fleet that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"General, massive unknown fleet behind us!" an officer urgently reported, his voice laced with concern.

The General, undeterred, nodded with determination etched on his face. "If they think flanking us will grant them victory, they have another thing coming," he declared, his voice resolute. With swift decisiveness, the Imperial forces adjusted their formation, ready to face this unexpected threat head-on.

In a strategic move, an Imperial Dimensional Fortress materialized, its colossal form crushing the space in front of it, effectively destroying a portion of the Eldranthii fleet attempting to flank the Imperium's forces. The Dimensional Fortress, a notorious structure of the Imperium, was a sight well-known to the Old Ones and their races. Its purpose was clear: to prevent flanking maneuvers and act as a hidden bastion of defense.

However, the Eldranthii, swift to adapt, discovered the fortress and swiftly executed a countermeasure. By crushing the space around it, they destroyed the Dimensional Fortress, eliminating the threat it posed.

In the ceaseless dance of war, battles raged on multiple fronts – in the narrow corridors of starships and in the vastness of space. The clash between the Men of Iron and the Korrks marked the beginning of a series of confrontations between these formidable adversaries. Simultaneously, the strategic brilliance of the Eldranthii was showcased as they countered the Imperial Dimensional Fortress, revealing their cunning tactics.

In the tumultuous theatre of the War in Heaven, every move, every engagement, and every decision held the fate of civilizations in the balance, as the cosmic conflict continued to unfold in ways both expected and unforeseen.