
The Empire of The Multiverse

This is a Hobby of Mine, My Version of 40k independent Universe And All.

Shiro_Kusanagi_69 · Komik
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80 Chs

The Empire of The Multiverse

Chapter 50 - Thalassopolis, The Mermen

As they descended beneath the waves, Perthramar marveled at the intricate beauty of the underwater world. The Mermen Submarine glided gracefully through the crystal-clear waters, revealing colorful coral reefs, exotic sea creatures, and bioluminescent plants that illuminated the depths.

The journey was peaceful, and the Mermen guides shared stories of their world's history and culture. Perthramar listened attentively, genuinely interested in learning about this new civilization. He noticed that the Astartes, while maintaining their formidable presence, also displayed curiosity and respect for the aquatic world they were exploring.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the Underwater Palace, a magnificent structure that seemed to be carved out of coral and adorned with shimmering pearls. Guards in elaborate armor stood at attention, and a sense of grandeur filled the surroundings.

"Welcome to the Underwater Palace of Thalassopolis," Prince Aquarion said as they entered the palace. "We are honored to host you, Primarch Perthramar and your esteemed Astartes."

As they continued their underwater journey, Prince Aquarion began to share the history and evolution of the Mermen with Perthramar, the Primarch of the Iron Warriors. His voice, though aquatic in nature, carried the weight of millennia of civilization and culture.

"Our history, Primarch, is deeply entwined with the ebb and flow of the oceans," Prince Aquarion began. "Countless ages ago, our ancestors were indeed simple fish. They swam in the ancient seas, adapting to their environment, and slowly, over the course of eons, they evolved. Our gills and fins, which were once physical attributes, have become these tattoos you see today."

Perthramar listened intently, his immense frame almost ethereal in the underwater world. "Such a transformation is truly remarkable."

The Prince continued, "As the eons passed, our ancestors developed a deep connection with the oceans. We became attuned to the rhythms of the tides and the songs of the underwater currents. Our culture and society flourished beneath the waves, and we built magnificent cities in the darkest depths."

Perthramar nodded, his interest piqued. "Your civilization sounds fascinating, Prince Aquarion."

"Our connection to the ocean is not just physical but also spiritual," the Prince explained. "We revere the sea as a deity, a living entity that sustains us. Our technology and knowledge have been honed to coexist with the ocean's fragile balance."

As they approached the grand entrance to the Underwater Palace, Perthramar couldn't help but admire the intricate architecture and the bioluminescent flora and fauna that adorned the city. It was a world unlike any he had seen before.

The Mermen looked like regular humans except for their entire bodies save for their faces, which had tattoos of scales and gills that functioned as real gills and scales. They stood no taller than 7ft, with some exceptions. Their scales glowed when in deep water, serving as a natural light source. They also possessed the remarkable ability to move superfast through water.

"Primarch, I have told you of the origins of my people. How about yours?" Prince Aquarion asked as they continued to explore the grandeur of the Underwater Palace.

Perthramar paused for a moment, his immense form a stark contrast to the elegant underwater surroundings. "Indeed, I should. Imperium Dominus, or the Imperium for short, was built by my Father when he was young. He was born divine, gifted with the Honkai energy—a power that shaped the course of our civilization. Through him, our race, humanity, was guided and manipulated behind the scenes for centuries. He drove our evolution, and now we are known as the Homo-Divinitas, Divine Humans. The Honkai energy, once a deadly force, was harnessed and transformed by him, enabling the ascension of our race."

Perthramar's voice carried a deep sense of reverence for his Father's accomplishments. "My Father's birth marked the beginning of humanity's rise in the Universe. Over centuries, the Imperium expanded from our home planet to encompass our entire solar system, then the Milky Way Galaxy, and eventually became an Intergalactic Empire. Today, it stands as the Overlord of the Universe—the New Overlord, if you will."

As he spoke, Perthramar's eyes sparkled with pride. "I am one of the 20 Primarchs, born as divine progeny and the Imperium's greatest generals. It is truly a miracle, for a race to reach our status in the Universe would typically require millions of years to reach a Type 3 Civilization, let alone a Type 4. However, we achieved it within 300 years of existence, ruling the Universe with the light of justice, progress, and equality. My Father's ascension to Godhood further accelerated our conquests. To be honest, I don't believe his achievements can be replicated. As his son, I am proud to conquer in his name and uphold the values he champions—the values the Imperium upholds."

As they walked through the elegant underwater palace, Perthramar sensed a hint of curiosity in Prince Aquarion's eyes, as if he wanted to understand the Imperium on a deeper level. Perthramar decided to satisfy that curiosity in a way only a Primarch could.

"You look like you don't know what I'm talking about, but let me fix that," Perthramar said with a determined expression. He raised his massive hand and pointed a single finger at the Prince's forehead.

The gesture happened so quickly that even the Mermen guards were unable to react. In an instant, Perthramar transferred his own experiences and memories to Prince Aquarion. It was as if the Prince had been transported through time and space, witnessing the entire history of the Imperium Dominus.

He saw the rise of the Imperium from its humble beginnings, the tireless efforts of the God-Emperor to guide humanity towards greatness. Prince Aquarion experienced firsthand the trials and tribulations, the wars and conflicts, the sacrifices and triumphs that had shaped the Imperium. He saw the devastating consequences of warfare, the destruction and loss of life, but he also witnessed the unwavering commitment to justice, order, prosperity, and equality that the Imperium upheld.

The Prince's eyes widened as he absorbed the immense knowledge and emotions flooding his consciousness. He saw the Astartes, the superhuman warriors of the Imperium, as they mowed through battlefields with unmatched power. He witnessed the devastating weapons of mass destruction, the flayers, and deadly beams of light that wiped out entire armies. He gazed upon the epic scale of galactic wars, with armies numbering in quintillions clashing in a struggle for dominance.

"An Empire built on Justice, Order, Prosperity, Equality, and War," Prince Aquarion murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and understanding. The weight of the Imperium's history and values now rested upon his shoulders, and he grasped the magnitude of their mission.

Perthramar nodded in approval. "Yes, Prince Aquarion, the Imperium is a reflection of the principles we hold dear. It is a testament to the resilience of humanity and the unyielding pursuit of a better future. We have endured the darkest of times to bring about a brighter tomorrow."

Perthramar took a seat at the negotiating table, and Prince Aquarion followed suit, flanked by his trusted advisors. The atmosphere in the room was charged with a mix of curiosity, anticipation, and a hint of tension. The Iron Warriors Astartes stood guard, their imposing presence a testament to the strength of the Imperium.

"In joining the Imperium," Perthramar began, "you would become part of a vast network of races, all working together for the betterment of the universe. Our terms are simple: you would become an ally and protectorate of the Imperium Dominus. In return, you gain access to the extensive knowledge and technology database of the Imperium."

Perthramar leaned forward, his expression earnest. "This database includes information on advanced technologies, scientific discoveries, medical advancements, and much more. It's a treasure trove of knowledge that could greatly accelerate the progress of your civilization. We offer you our guidance and protection as you explore the cosmos beyond your world."

Prince Aquarion considered Perthramar's words carefully. "And what does the Imperium gain from this alliance?"

The Primarch nodded. "In return, the Imperium gains a new ally, a race with unique abilities and perspectives. We believe in cooperation and unity among the races of the universe. Your inclusion in the Imperium would strengthen our collective knowledge and resources, making us better equipped to face the challenges that may arise."

Perthramar continued in a formal tone, emphasizing the potential benefits of the alliance, "Furthermore, your profound expertise in the realm of underwater environments and your deep understanding of aquatic life are invaluable assets in our quest to explore and colonize aquatic worlds, a frontier that remains largely uncharted in the Imperium Dominus. You represent not only a civilization but a race with unique capabilities, a rarity in the vast cosmos."

He paused briefly, his gaze unwavering, "While we possess the technology to explore aquatic realms, your insights and abilities hold the potential to unlock new horizons and expand the boundaries of our understanding. As my Father, the God-Emperor, has consistently emphasized, progress is an unceasing journey, and it shall continue in perpetuity."

Prince Aquarion nodded, acknowledging the weight of these words. "Your words resonate with us, Primarch Perthramar Fireheart. We recognize the significance of the opportunities your offer presents. However, the decision we face is monumental and requires thorough consideration."

Perthramar inclined his head in respect. "Indeed, Prince Aquarion. The gravity of such a decision is not taken lightly. Please, take the time you need to deliberate. The Imperium Dominus remains open to further negotiations, way of life will be respected in any arrangement we forge."

The chamber of the underwater palace was filled with a hushed tension as the Mermen leaders convened to discuss the offer presented by Primarch Perthramar Fireheart. Prince Aquarion presided over the assembly, and among those gathered, a stern and battle-hardened Mermen with shark-like features named Chogoth voiced his concerns.

"Your Highness, if we accept their offer, the Mermen race might lose its autonomy," Chogoth began, his voice resolute. "We could be reduced to mere cannon fodder for the Imperium Dominus. It's a risk we cannot ignore."

Prince Aquarion, the thoughtful and wise leader of the Mermen, considered Chogoth's words carefully. "Chogoth, I believe that, as the head of the Mermen army, you are thinking for the best interests of our race, and I appreciate your dedication. However, we must also consider the reality of our situation. The Imperium Dominus, as the Overlord of the Universe, does not appear to treat its allies as mere cannon fodder. They have advanced technology and formidable combat capabilities."

The Prince leaned forward, his bioluminescent scales shimmering as he spoke. "I have seen firsthand the memories and experiences that Primarch Perthramar Fireheart shared with me. They are unlike any force we have encountered. Even if we were to gather the entire force of our planet, including the God Sealed in the Depths, we would still be at a severe disadvantage. The Imperium has faced and conquered entities like Star Gods and the Old Ones, beings akin to walking Gods of the Earth. We do not have much choice."

The scholarly Merman known as Xe'Th, who had remained silent until now, voiced his own reservations. "Your Majesty, do you not think that what he has shown you might be an illusion? With the might of their armada outside the planet Xe'Th, would they not have the capability to play tricks on our feeble planet?"

Prince Aquarion considered Xe'Th's words but then countered, "And yet, my friend, if they were to deceive us, would they go through the trouble of showing us the benefits of cooperation? I believe that there is sincerity in their offer. We have much to gain from this alliance, not only in terms of security but also in knowledge and technology. Information that we do not possess but is crucial for the future of our people. With their assistance, we could potentially explore the stars beyond the confines of our beloved planet."

The assembly fell into contemplative silence, the weight of the decision ahead heavy upon them. Ultimately, the fate of the Mermen race hung in the balance, and their choice would shape their future in the cosmos.

The council of Mermen leaders weighed the words of their Prince carefully, each bearing the responsibility of making a decision that would shape the future of their race. Cho'Goth, the General, looked around the chamber at his fellow advisors. Their expressions ranged from skepticism to contemplation. After a moment of silence, Xe'Th, the Scholar, spoke up again, "Your Highness, your points are valid.

The Imperium's might is undeniable, and the potential for technological advancement is tantalizing. However, we must also consider the preservation of our culture, our way of life, and the autonomy of our people." Prince Aquarion nodded, acknowledging the importance of these concerns. "I understand your reservations, and they are valid. But we must remember that we are not alone in this universe.

The Imperium Dominus has reached out to us with an offer of cooperation, not conquest. Autonomy, culture, and preservation will be priorities in our negotiations." Cho'Goth, still uncertain, voiced another concern,

"Your Majesty, what if we find ourselves at odds with the Imperium's values and goals? What if they demand actions or cooperation that compromise our principles?" The Prince thought for a moment and replied, "Then, my trusted advisors, we shall negotiate with wisdom and firmness, protecting our values while seeking common ground. We must remember that our race has always longed for exploration and understanding. This alliance, if carefully negotiated, could open doors to knowledge and possibilities we could never attain alone."

The chamber was filled with an air of anticipation as Prince Aquarion and his council listened to the Primarch's response. The Mermen leaders exchanged glances, their bioluminescent eyes reflecting their collective hope that their terms would be accepted.

Primarch Perthramar Fireheart, an imposing figure flanked by his Iron Warriors Astartes, began to address the Mermen's conditions.

"For the 1st and 2nd terms, it can be easily granted," Perthramar began, his deep voice resonating through the chamber, "Your autonomy and sovereignty will be respected, and we commit to mutual respect and understanding between our races."

The Mermen leaders nodded in approval at the acceptance of these terms. Their expressions showed relief and a growing sense of trust in the Imperium Dominus.

But it was the third term, the matter of technology and knowledge exchange, that held the most intrigue. Perthramar conjured an orb, the Imperium's Database envoy, and explained its purpose.

"This is the Imperium's Database envoy," he declared, "You can exchange your current technology, and it will be assessed, providing you with contribution points. These points can be used to exchange for resources, theories, and much more in exchange for the technology the Imperium has to offer."

The Prince and his council considered this proposition. The concept of the Database envoy was intriguing, offering a structured system for technology exchange. It seemed to bridge the gap between their civilizations and facilitate mutual growth.

"The introduction of the technology to your people," Perthramar continued, "I'll leave that to your discretion."

Prince Aquarion exchanged a meaningful look with his advisors. This offer aligned with their desire for gradual adaptation and a controlled introduction of advanced technologies.

Prince Aquarion spoke with a sense of resolve, "Primarch Perthramar Fireheart, we find your proposal acceptable. With these terms agreed upon, we are prepared to embark on a new era of cooperation and understanding between our races."

The Treaty of Thalassopolis, a historic pact between the Imperium Dominus and the Mermen of Thalassopolis, was now recorded in the annals of both civilizations. It symbolized a new era of cooperation, understanding, and shared progress.

The Mermen's autonomy and sovereignty were respected, ensuring their way of life would remain intact. Mutual respect and understanding were the cornerstones of this alliance, fostering trust between the two races.

The exchange of technology and knowledge through the Imperium's Database envoy opened up new horizons for the Mermen, enabling them to advance in ways they had only dreamed of. This structured system for technology exchange would be a bridge between their civilizations, facilitating mutual growth.

The ground beneath Thalassopolis shook violently, causing panic and destruction throughout the city. Buildings that had once stood proudly now crumbled, and the Mermen rushed to seek shelter from the unexpected catastrophe. Amidst the chaos, Primarch Perthramar Fireheart and Prince Aquarion stood, their senses alert to the source of the disturbance.

Perthramar's keen intuition had detected a peculiar magical signature emanating from the depths of the planet—an unsettling presence that seemed to be at the heart of the turmoil.

"This Magical Signature," Perthramar began, his voice unwavering despite the chaos around them, "comes from the deepest part of the planet."

Prince Aquarion's eyes widened with concern. "The deep sea god is constantly trying to break free from its prison. That is what's happening."

Perthramar nodded slowly, his brow furrowed in thought. "I think I know the origin of your people now, Prince. The deep sea god you fear is an old enemy we know, and one we are constantly at war with—the Old Ones."

"The Old Ones?" Prince Aquarion questioned, his mind racing. "You mean the former Overlords of the Universe, those Frog Men?"

"Indeed," Perthramar confirmed. "From the memories I gave you, they have the power to create life, manipulate reality, and wield an array of spells. I am surprised your race managed to imprison it. The Old Ones are notoriously adept at all kinds of magic."

Prince Aquarion's worry for his people and his planet was evident. "Are you sure, Primarch? The planet might not be able to hold your battle well."

Perthramar reassured him with a confident smile. "As an ally of the Imperium, when we are here, you need not fear anyone. And who said I am fighting it? I am simply going to imprison it in a stronger prison."

The depths of the Thalasso trench were an eerie expanse of darkness, illuminated only by the ethereal glow of ancient runes etched into the walls. The currents grew stronger as Primarch Perthramar Fireheart and Prince Aquarion ventured further into the abyss, their movements swift and graceful, one propelled by advanced technology, the other by natural biology.

Prince Aquarion couldn't help but marvel at the seamless integration of technology and biology displayed by the Primarch and his Astartes. It was a testament to the Imperium's mastery of both science and warfare.

"To think they can easily copy technology is something else," Prince Aquarion mused to himself as they descended deeper into the trench.

As they reached the edge of the trench, the true source of the disturbance became apparent—the runes sealing the trench glowed with an otherworldly light, and the powerful currents threatened to pull them into the abyss.

Perthramar, undeterred by the dangerous conditions, activated his formidable Battlesuit, a perfect imitation of the Mermen technology, allowing him to swim through the turbulent waters with ease. His Astartes followed suit, seamlessly adapting to their new environment.

"To handle foes with godlike prowess," Perthramar began, his voice transmitted through their communication systems, "the Imperium employs advanced technology and tactics."

He contacted his flag ship, the Iron Blood, and issued a command. "This is the Lord of Iron. Come in, Mothership."

The response came swiftly. "Yes, Primarch. What are your orders?"

"Drop the Honkai Gravitational Disruptors onto the planet, to my location," Perthramar ordered without hesitation. "And split the sea. I want this sea area devoid of water."

The Captain of the Iron Blood acknowledged the command with a resolute "By your will, Lord of Iron," and within moments, a massive pillar descended from the mothership and onto the planet's surface some distance away from Perthramar's location.

The pillar released a powerful energy, causing the waters around it to part, creating a vast, dry expanse amidst the previously submerged trench. The sea was pushed back, revealing the ancient runes and the sealed depths of the trench.

The noise and the sudden parting of the sea drew the attention of the entire Mermen race. King Thalassor, the regal monarch of Thalassopolis, led the charge. He and his royal guards arrived swiftly, riding hydro currents, armed with technologically advanced plasma cannons, aquatic creatures armed with weaponry, and a determined spirit.

King Thalassor, his body adorned in the gleaming armor of his station, held a magnificent golden trident. He approached the area that was now devoid of sea water, his eyes locked on his son, Prince Aquarion, and the formidable Primarch Perthramar Fireheart. His anger and concern were palpable.

"Aquarion! What are you doing? This is very dangerous! You risk dooming our entire race! Our forefathers sacrificed their lives to imprison the Ocean God!" King Thalassor's voice carried both anger and fear as he admonished his son.

Prince Aquarion, though he understood the gravity of the situation, remained resolute. "Father, we have allies in the Primarch and the Imperium. They offer a solution to our predicament, one that may free us from the eternal threat of the Ocean God."

Perthramar, standing at the edge of the abyss, observed the ancient runes and listened to King Thalassor's words. He couldn't help but analyze the situation further.

"I see the sealing magic through life force," Perthramar began, his voice carrying a tone of determination. "This makes sense, why it can hold the Old One for so long."

King Thalassor's eyes bore into Perthramar. "You tread on dangerous ground, outsider. The Ocean God is not to be trifled with lightly."

Perthramar, ever the strategist, sought to gather more information. "Tell me more about this Ocean God, King Thalassor. There are various Aetherians capable of feats of creation, but only those divine can truly create a sentient race."

King Thalassor's expression grew somber as he began to recount the legends of the Ocean God. "The Ocean God, I'm not quite sure how he came to be. According to our forefathers, the Ocean God was a being of immense power. The aquatic world was molded through his sheer might. He can control water as easily as one draws breath. Supposedly, he created our race. We did not evolve; we were created by him, or it."

The King paused, his eyes reflecting the weight of the past. "However, every three thousand years, he would slaughter our people and consume them. Each time he did so, he grew stronger, but at the cost of all the creatures in the aquatic planet. After each harvest, he would fall into a deep slumber, which we took advantage of to seal the brutal Ocean God in the depths of Thalasso, our Mother Planet."

King Thalassor's voice quivered with emotion as he spoke of the sacrifices made by their forefathers. "Not without great casualties, though. When our forefathers sealed the deity, he woke up, and even though his physical prowess was sealed, his control over the currents remained. Tens of thousands of Mermen lives were lost to achieve the sealing."

Perthramar absorbed the tale, his mind whirring with possibilities. The ancient threat of the Ocean God, now sealed deep within their planet, was a force they could not ignore. 

Perthramar's words resonated with a hint of reverence as he considered the possibility of the Ocean God being a deity from Valorath's pantheon. The intricacies of the divine were vast and often shrouded in mystery, but such a revelation added a new layer of complexity to their current mission.

As King Thalassor and Prince Aquarion watched, a sense of unease lingered in the air. They had placed their trust in the Primarch and the Imperium Dominus, but the task at hand was unlike anything they had ever encountered.

"Please do with caution, Primarch," Prince Aquarion pleaded, his gaze filled with a mix of hope and worry. King Thalassor, though concerned for his son's safety, nodded in agreement.

Perthramar acknowledged their concerns with a nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. He had faced countless battles and challenges in his role as a Primarch, but confronting an ancient deity was a unique and potentially perilous endeavor.

With the preparations completed, Perthramar communicated with his flagship, the Iron Blood. The captain stood ready to carry out his orders.

"Drop the Honkai Pylons," Perthramar commanded. "I need four pylons to enclose my space and anchor reality. We are dealing with an Aetherian, possibly a deity from the Pantheon."

The captain, ever dutiful, replied, "By your will, Lord of Iron."

In a matter of minutes, four colossal pylons were launched from the Mothership, striking their target with pinpoint accuracy. They formed a protective box around the trench. The next step was to secure the reality anchors, anchoring the very fabric of space and time, further ensuring the containment of the ancient deity.

"All systems are green, Lord of Iron," the captain reported.

The moment of truth had arrived. King Thalassor, with a mixture of determination and trepidation, stepped forward to fulfill the solemn task of releasing the Ocean God. His Golden Trident, a symbol of both power and responsibility, began to emit a radiant glow. It was not merely a weapon but also the key to the ancient seal that held the deity captive.

As King Thalassor moved to deactivate the runes of the seal, a heavy sense of uncertainty hung in the air. Prince Aquarion, though silent, bore the weight of their people's fate on his shoulders. The decision to release the Ocean God was not taken lightly, for it carried the potential for salvation or calamity.

"Primarch," he began, his voice carrying the gravity of his choice, "by doing so, we might doom our race, but also place its fate in the Imperium's hands. Please, save us all."

Perthramar, the Lord of Iron, stood resolute, his unwavering faith in the Imperium's mission evident in his words. He understood the gravity of the situation, and he was determined to see it through to the end.

"The Imperium does not abandon, nor do we fail," he declared with conviction. "Because if we fail, that means chaos has won, and we must never fail."

With those words, King Thalassor began the process of releasing the Ocean God. The ancient runes, which had held the deity imprisoned for millennia, slowly faded away.

The release of the Ocean God, Thalass'Val, was met with a declaration of vengeance. His booming voice echoed through the underwater depths, filled with anger and a thirst for retribution.

"FREE AT LAST! MERMEN! YOU WILL PAY FOR THE MILLENNIA OF YEARS I SPENT IN PRISON, I WILL SLAUGHTER EVERY LAST CREATURE IN THIS PLANET TO MAKE UP FOR THE YEARS LOST!" Thalass'Val proclaimed, his wrath palpable as he surveyed his surroundings. The waters were receding rapidly, and he could sense the presence of a powerful being standing before him.

Perthramar, the Lord of Iron, regarded the unleashed Ocean God with a stoic demeanor. He recognized Thalass'Val as a deity from the Pantheon of Valorath, a name that sparked a glimmer of recognition. 

"Aetherian, which God of the Pantheon of Valorath are you?" Perthramar inquired, unimpressed by the Ocean God's formidable form.

"Valorath? Young deities know our race very well. I am Thalass'Val, God of the Cosmic Oceans and Seas, serving as one of the Main Gods under the God of Magic, Valorath," Thalass'Val declared with a thunderous voice that reverberated through the watery depths. "Young deity, who are you? I don't remember a species of demi-gods like you."

Perthramar introduced himself with a sense of authority, revealing his lineage and title. As he spoke, his helmet encased his face, and trillions of nanomachines began to emerge, resembling the undulating waves of the ocean.

"Perthramar Fireheart, The Lord of Iron, Son of the God-Emperor Fafnir Augustus Aurelius, Herrscher of Metal, of Imperium Dominus," Perthramar proclaimed, his voice carrying the weight of his lineage and the might of his empire.

Thalass'Val, despite his immense size and power, was driven by a primal hunger. His colossal form began to summon torrents of waves, indicating his intent to consume the demi-god before him.

"Then come," Perthramar declared with unwavering resolve. "You will know the might of Imperium Dominus, the might of the Lord of Iron."

As the stage was set for an epic confrontation, Perthramar manipulated the very core of the planet. Gigantic pillars of steel emerged from the ocean floor, dwarfing even the colossal limbs of the Ocean God. The Lord of Iron, as the Herrscher of Metal, demonstrated his mastery over the very elements of the planet itself.

The clash between Thalass'Val, the God of the Cosmic Oceans, and Perthramar Fireheart, the Lord of Iron, was about to unfold in a battle that would test the limits of power and determination beneath the unforgiving depths of the sea.

I was sleepy making this, I might've missed a minor detail or two

Shiro_Kusanagi_69creators' thoughts