
The Edge of Everything ¹ | THE LAST OF US |

In the events of TLOU (HBO Max), Penelope becomes wrapped up in trying to find her parents and a cure for her lung problem. When Marlene dumps Penelope and Ellie onto Joel and Tess in exchange for some hefty and needed supplies, Tess and Joel decide to take Marlene up on the deal. Will taking two young girls across the country really be worth all the trouble? Will Joel finally shed his hard exterior and care for the two supposed annoying fourteen-year-old girls? Or will Penelope find her biological parents who take the valued place of Joel?

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4 Chs

two ; When you're Lost in the Darkness

Many hours later, Penelope woke up. In the same room. The sun brightening on the horizon out the window. Penelope felt her cannula feeding oxygen into her body, and she sighed. Her eyes were still closed. She felt dried blood on her face and rubbed lazily on her chin.

"Oh good, you're awake." A voice came from beside Penelope. She was feeling drowsy, and numb. Like she was on a cloud. She turned her head to the right, where the voice was coming from, keeping her eyes closed. It took too much effort to open her eyes, frankly, she was comfortable staring at the darkness.

"How are you feeling?" Marlene said, getting up to grab a glass of water for the girl.

Penelope groaned, shaking her head. "That's what I thought. Here. It's water, drink up." Marlene told the girl, and she reluctantly opened her eyes drowsily. She sat up, groaning in pain. She reached for the glass, to feel her arm being restrained.

"You'll have to use your other hand." Marlene chuckled at the girl. Penelope took the glass of cool water with her left hand and gulped it down greedily. There was a metallic taste to her mouth, she coughed and sputtered it out into the glass. Marlene made a face, taking the red glass of water from her and setting it down on the table beside her.

"So. What's your name girl?" Marlene asked Penelope.

Penelope groaned saying, "'M Penelope," her words slurred together. "Did you drug me?" Penelope asked the woman in front of her.

Marlene laughed, throwing her head back. "No. You're just being affected by the lack of oxygen in your system, Pen. So what's the deal with the oxygen tank and cannula? You havin' some breathin' issues?"

Penelope nodded. "Somethin' like that."

Marlene sighed, taking out keys from her pocket, going to unlock Penelope's wrist. "I'm going to unlock your cuffs, 'kay?" Penelope nodded, holding out her wrist so Marlene could reach it easier.

Penelope felt her wrist come free, and she rubbed at the raw reddish skin. She sat there for a moment, unsure of what to do. Marlene broke the silence in the room, saying, "Uh, well, we might have some oxygen tanks for you to use. Ya know. If you run out of oxygen." Marlene trailed off as Penelope sighed, leaning back into the bed, her eyes closed again.

Penelope sighed, breathing in deeply, sucking in any air she could get. Her chest loosened and didn't feel as tight as before.

"Alright," Penelope mumbled. She fixed the cannula on her face as Marlene exited the room. The girl stayed in the room, unsure of what to do. Her body felt completely numb. Sometimes a jolt of pain would come from her left leg. It would surprise her. She remembers falling, but she didn't think that she was injured.

Once Marlene came back, another woman came into the room carrying two oxygen tanks. It was the woman from before, with brown hair and a stern face. Penelope sat up and tried to look presentable.

"Here you go," The woman–Halie said to Penelope. She set down the two oxygen tanks by her bedside table and stood up. "While you were unconscious, I took a look at you–"

Penelope's eyes widened. This random woman that she just met, took a look at her while she was unconscious.

"You wh–" Penelope started, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Relax, Penelope. Not like that." Marlene soothed the young girl. "We're not that bad of people." Haile nodded in agreement and continued on.

"I found that your right rib has a hairline fracture in it. This must be why you're constantly on oxygen, yes?" Haile motioned to the long-haired girl. Penelope shook her head.

"No. My dad diagnosed me with low bloodstream or somethin' like that. I can't take much oxygen in, which causes my blood levels to drop. So having an oxygen tank forces my body to take it in or somethin'." Penelope slurred together, leaning her head back, wincing as it gets harder for her to breathe. "I never paid attention when my father would talk." Penelope scoffed, looking at the two women in the room.

The woman nodded and checked Penelope's blood pressure. It seemed alright to her. The woman began to mutter to herself. Penelope lay in the bed, uncomfortable from the ache in her ribs.

"You'll have to take it easy for the next few days, your ribs will be aching a lot if you move around," Halie told the child in front of her. Penelope nodded and closed her eyes in discomfort. "And you have a sprained ankle. Your left one. So be careful, alright?"

"Okay, I think that's enough doctoring for Penny today," Marlene spoke up to the woman, Haile nodded, leaving the room.

"I'll be in the room next door, so holler if you need anything," Marlene told Penelope as she walked towards the door. Penelope hesitated. Should she ask Marlene about her parents?

Before Marlene got to the door, Penelope called out to the women. "Um, Marlene?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Marlene turned around, nodding at the child to continue.

"Uhm, I don't know how to say this." Penelope paused as she gathered her thoughts. She exhaled and began to speak again. "My parents are Andrea and Scott. I don't know if their names are any important…but earlier today–or a day ago, I can't remember. My mother–who I thought was dead–contacted me. She told me to come here and tell you that they sent me? I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I was thinking, maybe they found a cure for my lungs? Or just something more important than that?" Penelope rambled to Marlene.

Marlene's face flashed with recognition of their names. "Ah. This all makes sense now. Your mother radioed me earlier in the week, saying she'd be sending her child to the Fireflies. I just didn't guess it'd be you."

Penelope nodded, her face brightening. "So, what'd they tell you?" Penelope asked.

Marlene let out a laugh, "I can't tell you, sweetie. I promised your mother." Penelope's face fell. "But, I'm glad that you came. Now I guess you'll be coming with us." Marlene explained vaguely, and Penelope felt irritation slowly forming at the bottom of her stomach.

She didn't let it show–hopefully–as she nodded pleasantly. "Where'r we going?" She asked.

"Can't tell you that either. Sorry, kiddo." Marlene stated. "But you'll be safe with us. Don't worry."

Penelope nodded as Marlene excused herself. Before she left the room, Marlene spoke. "I'll come and get you before we leave. It won't be for a little while though, so get some rest." Marlene spoke with a softness that Penelope did not know she needed. All of the growing anger melted away, as she was left alone in the room.

Penelope was left to her own devices. She was in a room with nothing but a molding cot, her oxygen tanks, and some festering thoughts of her parents. The sun was starting to set, leaving a yellowing hue in the room over Penelope's eyes. The windows had newspaper over them, making it hard to look outside. Still, the sun came through just as brightly.

The air to Penelope felt very stale. Like they hadn't opened a window in years. Penelope guessed as much. The room looked decades old, with flowery wallpaper that was being withered off with time.

Penelope poked at her fingers, drumming to a song her parents had introduced to her before they left. She can't remember the lyrics, but the melody was stuck in her head. Penelope had been growing antsy. Sitting in one position, alone. She let out a heavy sigh, staring at the ceiling. More like glaring at the ceiling. Penelope does like to be alone, but not when she was forced to. Plus she was somewhere that she's never been before, and also has nothing to entertain her.

She lets out a groan and grabs the blanket–more like a tattered sheet–pulling it over her head with a huff. She lay there, contemplating life. The puff of her oxygen tank was the only sound in the room.

The whole place was eerily quiet. If she strained her ears enough, she could hear people walking every so often. Penelope lost track of time, the only indication that time didn't stop at all was the sun. The sun fell a little lower, lighting up the room completely in an orange glow, causing Penelope to shrink into the blankets more. The blinding light caused Penelope to go momentarily blind–even through the thin sheet she had resting over her body.

Every so often, she could head talking. Penelope wasn't eavesdropping, just listening. She heard Marlene's voice, along with many more people. It was difficult to hear exactly what they were saying, but from their tone, Penelope guessed their conversation wasn't going pleasantly.

Penelope thought of nothing suspicious when the conversation quieted. Merely thought their discussion was over. That was until she heard yelling, then gunfire. Penelope jerked up at the sound, not expecting to hear any violence out of their conversation. The thud of bodies rang through the nearly empty room.

The door creaked open, a body leaning on the door, crimson liquid splattered all over the door frame. Penelope scrambled to the other side of the bed. Her movements were painful, as her ribs ached with every movement. Her nasal cannula got caught on her oxygen tank on the other side of the bed. She sat, hovering under the bed, waiting for her fate to come.

She heard multiple gunshots and pained grunts. Penelope breathed in heavily, on the verge of hyperventilating. Her hazel eyes were screwed shut, her face creasing with emotions. Her body curled into itself. Penelope's ears strained to hear what was going on, the sound more prominent now the door was forced open by a body.

Moments of silence came. The ring in Penelope's ears came with the silence. Penelope held her breath–a difficult task–and peeked her head out from above the cot. Penelope saw nothing but the halfway, and bodies laying on the ground, lifeless. With crimson liquid splattered around them. Penelope's body was still getting off its high from not having oxygen, and now having consistent oxygen forced into her body. Her limbs felt light, along with her head.

The adrenaline from the gunshots flowed through her body. Penelope's heart thundering in her ears, her eyes frantic as she counted the fallen bodies. She could only see three, but she guessed there were more. Her eyes switched from each body, widening in horror as she saw one person–still miraculously alive–fall backward with a thud, and a piercing gunshot.

Penelope let out a shriek, not expecting anyone else to be alive, and ducked under the cot, her hand over her mouth.

Many moments passed, and nothing happened. She heard staggered breathing like one of the men was still alive, but she couldn't be sure. Penelope stayed hidden under the cot, shaking. She tried not to make a sound, in fear of herself being shot.

Penelope creeps out towards the other side of the cot, reaching for her oxygen tank. She's on all fours, her plum sweatshirt still draped over her shoulders. Penelope stops as she hears the floor creaking. Her hand hovering over the oxygen tank inches from her reach. As she hears the footsteps fade, she swiftly grabs her oxygen tank in her hands.

She breathes deeply for a moment, catching her breath. Penelope inches towards the door, cautious of her every movement. As Penelope puts her weight on her left ankle, she lets out a hiss. She dismisses the pain and continues forward. Before she comes inches in front of the open door, Penelope looks around the room for any weapon, coming across none. Marlene didn't give Penny her backpack yet. For one, she doesn't have a weapon, and two, Penelope doesn't have her supplies and belongings.

Finding nothing, she creeps to the door. Penelope holds her oxygen tank in front of her as a weapon. It is pretty heavy and good for bashing someone over the head if needed. She pokes her head out the doorway, almost tripping over the dead body in front of her. Penelope tries not to react, searching for the person that could have done this.

As she creeps out over the bodies into the hallway, she notices a man and woman in front of her, maybe about ten feet away from her. Penelope takes in their appearance before her. The man's shoulders are rigid, his body in a defensive mode, with his hands clasped over a pistol. His steps are calculated and thought out. He also has a tattered tan backpack on his shoulders. While the woman beside him has a defensive stance, she moves in front of the man, walking a little quicker than him. The woman has long dirty blonde hair and a maroon shirt over her torso. She also has a similar backpack to the man's.

Penelope assumes they have nothing to do with the dead bodies in front of her, as they walk cautiously towards the sound of struggling. Penelope lags slowly behind the two, barely making a noise. Penelope follows the duo as they advance towards the noise. They stop, noticing a hunched-over body.

Penelope identifies the hunched-over body as Marlene and sucks in a breath. The woman beside the man swiftly turns her pistol to Penelope. Penelope gasps, dropping her oxygen tank with a thud, and throwing her hands up in surrender. The woman looks at the young girl in question, glancing over at the man beside her. The force of her oxygen tank falling to the floor jerked her head forward as she still had her cannula on. She winced, glancing at the two people in front of her.

The man looks at Penelope with confusion, taking in her appearance. Her long dirty brownish hair, her nasal cannula resting on her face. Her frantic, wide eyes switch between the woman behind the duo, and the duo with both their guns pointed at her.

Out of nowhere comes a cry. The door next to the man flings open, and a figure throws itself at the man, weapon drawn. The man reacts quickly, taking his aimed pistol off of Penelope, swiftly shoving his shoulder into the figure, and throwing them into the floor. The figure crumbles to the ground, backing into the wall swiftly. With a pained, "fuck" falling from their lips. The figure looks up and down at the man with their mouth open in exasperation. The two stare at each other for a moment, before being interrupted.

"Joel?" Marlene calls the man. Joel turns his head to the voice, keeping his gun trained on the child in front of him. Penelope notices that Marlene clutches tightly on her side, as crimson liquid spills from some sort of wound. She frowns, clutching her hands. Penelope's oxygen tank rolled from side to side on the floor, tugging on Penelope's nasal cannula. She reaches up to fix it–very slowly, afraid to provoke the people before her.

The other woman, still aiming her pistol at Penelope, motions to Penelope to move. Penelope bends down to pick up her oxygen tank, gripping it tightly to her chest. She swiftly moves between the woman, sneaking behind the man–Joel. Penelope mutters a small, "Excuse me, sorry." to the intimidating man in front of her.

Penelope has some trouble fitting between the man and the doorway, instead walking straight into the abandoned room–similar to the one Penelope was staying in for the time being–walking around the man–Joel she now knows.

"Penelope." Marlene motions to Penelope. She swiftly limps to the woman, afraid of the situation at hand. Joel watches as the other child moves behind him.

"Marlene?" Joel's voice comes out gruff, Marlene's name coming out as a question. Marlene holds her gun, pointed at the man in front of her. She pushes Penelope between her and the woman–who Penelope found out, was a nice lady named Kim.

Marlene ignores Joel, her eyes falling on the child below Joel with a gun pointed at her. "You okay?" Marlene asks the girl her gun still pointed at Joel.

The child on the floor seethes through her teeth. "Yeah." The child looks up at the man with hate, baring her teeth.

The child looks up at Joel, and down at his foot. The child realizes that her weapon–which Penelope notices is a switchblade of some sort–was located beside Joel's boot-clad foot. She reaches down swiftly, but Joel reacts quicker. He plants his boot-clad foot over the switchblade, causing the child to stop reaching for it.

"Ellie," Marlene speaks softly to the child. Joel gives Ellie a questioning look, furrowing his eyebrows at the mere child in front of him. Ellie keeps her full attention on the man before her, as she breathes out heavily from the adrenaline rush. When Ellie doesn't look at Marlene, she says her name again. More forcefully. "Ellie!"

The child–Ellie–looks over to Marlene in fear, as she notices Marlene's pain. Marlene motions for Ellie to calm down. At that moment, Ellie realizes there is something wrong with Marlene. She was holding onto her side–more like gripping it for dear life. Ellie tries to move to the woman, but Marlene dismisses her.

"Oh shit," Ellie breathes out.

"No, it's okay. I'll be all alright." Marlene dismisses her pain. Her face hardens as she addresses Ellie's actions. "And you can't be stupid like this."

Penelope watches as the two women in front of her lower their pistols. The woman who had her gun aimed at Penelope previously, finally spoke.

"So this is who Robert screwed us over with? The Che Guevara of Boston?" The woman's voice was deep as her words flowed from her mouth. Marlene leaned on the wall to her right, looking away from Joel and the woman.

Penelope glanced to her left to see Kim, with a blown-off ear. "Are you alright?" Penelope whispered to the woman in concern. The woman didn't appear to notice Penelope, so she leaned back, piercing her lips.

The woman behind Joel continued. "I mean, war must be goin' pretty shitty for you to be buying from scumbags like him."

"Yeah, it kinda has been." Marlene quipped back to the woman. "The merch was bad, and he obviously didn't take 'fuck off' for an answer."

Penelope pieced together the puzzle. The man–or men–who were lying all over the hallway had to be who this 'Robert' man was. He had to have something valuable for the Fireflies.

"What do you need a car battery for?" Joel's face hardened with the question.

Penelope observed the situation at hand. She noticed the girl, Ellie, eyeing her switchblade on the ground beneath Joel's foot. "Give me my knife," Ellie demanded the older man. The man simply ignored the child. Instead addressing Marlene. Ellie reached quietly for her switchblade, thinking she would go unnoticed. Joel swiftly clocked his gun at Ellie, looking at her swiftly.

"Don't." He warned.

Ellie leaned back swiftly, holding up her hands in surrender, piercing her lips. Marlene and Kim automatically jumped into action. Their guns point right back at Joel's head. The woman behind Joel reacted just the same. Instead aiming her gun at Penelope.

"Not at her." Marlene's voice came out clear and demanding. Joel looked quizzically at Marlene, and back at the child before him. "Point it at me." She spoke softly this time, nodding like she was encouraging them to shoot her.

Penelope stiffened as two people now had their guns pointed at Marlene. Penelope's arms had been growing sore from gripping tightly on her oxygen tank, but she simply ignored the pain–along with the infuriating pain of her sprained ankle. She had more pressing matters at hand than her physical health.

Penelope watched as Joel slowly aimed his gun at Marlene instead of Ellie. Ellie visibly relaxed, exhaling. Marlene and Kim slowly lower their weapons, Joel and the woman still having their guns aimed. The two didn't look like they were going to lower their weapons any time soon.

"And to answer your question, I need it for a better reason than you do. No offense, but Tommy's just one man." Penelope watches as Marlene sways to the side, leaning again on the wall. Joel's face hardens at the mention of 'Tommy'. Penelope's eyes soften. She figures Tommy must be important to Joel given his reaction.

"It's our business to know things." Marlene continues.

"'To know things'," Joel repeats back to Marlene. "You're the cause of it. You turned my own brother against me." Joel spoke bitterly. Obviously having some sort of history with the woman beside Penelope.

Marlene shakes her head. "Okay, Joel." She sighs and grips her wound more forcefully. Penelope reaches out apprehensively and steadies the woman by holding onto her arm.

"That was a lot of gunfire. FEDRA's gonna be on the way." Kim looks at the other Firefly in the room, speaking quickly.

Marlene looks at Ellie, deciding something in her mind. "I know." She replies quickly to Kim.

Ellie winces, gripping her pained shoulder, exhaling through her teeth. She looks over to Penelope in question, not noticing her before due to the action. Ellie watches as Marlene nods, piercing her lips before speaking quickly.

"We were gonna move Ellie outta the zone tonight. We also got a stray coming with us. Penelope." Marlene looks at the child on the floor wincing in pain. She looks to her side, seeing Penelope watching Ellie. "But we won't make it anywhere like this. Not for a while anyway." She paused as she looked at Joel.

"So now I'm thinkin'... you're gonna do it." Marlene finishes. Kim looks at Marlene in surprise.

Joel looks back at the child on the floor, wondering what could be so important with the kids. "The hell we are," Joel replies with some bitterness.

"I'm not goin' with them!" Ellie protests, looking at Joel and the woman in apprehension.

Penelope's eyes widened. She'll be going somewhere with Joel and the woman who had their guns pointed at them? No way. "What?" She replied, breathlessly.

"Let me take them." Kim protests Marlene, in some sort of desperation.

Joel looks at the woman behind him, saying, "Tess, we don't have time for this."

"Oh, you don't have time?" Marlene challenges, raising her voice.

Before another fight could break out, the woman–Tess–replies. "Who are they?"

"To you? They're cargo." Marlene states with authority.

Penelope and Ellie watch the conversation bounce from person to person. Ellie's mouth was wide open in confusion, and Penelope gripped her oxygen tank for dear life. Her hands were itching to fix her nasal cannula, but decided it would be best to watch the conversation than internally freak out.

"We don't smuggle people. Sorry." Joel replies to Marlene with a matching tone.

Kim looked over to Marlene, finally speaking up. "I can do it." Kim insists.

Marlene turns her head to Kim, speaking, "Kim, you don't have a fuckin' ear on your fuckin' head. Could you please?" Marlene spoke fiercely, tired of the situation at hand. "There's a team of Fireflies waiting for Ellie at the State House. Penelope's parents should be there too."

Penelope's ears perked up at the mention of her name and her parents. They're so close? A glimmer of hope sprouts in her chest. She hasn't felt any glimmer of hope in years. Penelope is brought back to the harsh reality as Joel scoffs.

"I know what's out there. We were going with an entire squadron for that very reason. But now I don't have a truck, I don't have a squadron, FEDRA's five minutes away. What I do have is you." Marlene speaks with venom on her tongue. "And I know what you're both capable of. For better or worse."

The adults in the room look at each other with challenges, Marlene pleading with her eyes for Joel and Tess to take the job. Ellie looked at Joel with confusion. Penelope was unsure of how to take this situation at hand. Just twenty-four hours ago, she was in her parent's apartment, reading an old book she had found lying around in the apartment. Now she was here, going with some random people who were capable of things she didn't even know about. Not the ideal situation Penelope wished to be in at the moment.

Ellie looks at Marlene in fear, quietly asking, "What are they capable of?"

Marlene ignores Ellie and instead continues to convince Joel and Tess to take Ellie and Penelope out of the Boston QZ and to the State House. "You get them there safely, and they'll give you what you need. Not just the battery. The whole thing. Fueled-up trucks, guns, supplies. All of it."

"I swear." Marlene nodes, knowing this is exactly what Joel and Tess want. She repeats. "I swear ."

There is a moment of silence as Marlene and Joel share a look. Marlene stared down at Joel. Joel turns to Tess, and she motions to the corner of the wall, for some private conversation. Joel looks at Ellie on the ground, and swipes his foot on the ground, kicking away the switchblade. Ellie reaches out for her switchblade, but she was too slow.

"Asshole!" Ellie seethes out of her teeth.

Joel slowly walks over to Tess, still aiming his gun. His eyes glide from Ellie to Marlene, then to Penelope and Kim on the further side of the hallway.

Marlene looks at Ellie with a look of disappointment flashing on her features, and Ellie lowers her head. Ellie's features softening. Penelope finally allows herself to relax–only a tiny bit. She lowers her oxygen tank in between her legs, untangling the cannula tube that had been puffing every so often, making it harder for the oxygen to flow through. Penelope didn't notice the lack of air flowing through the tube, but as the situation cooled down, she started to notice.

Penelope's breathing became a little uneven as she tried to calm down, gulping more and more air through her nose. She reached up to her face fixing the wire resting between her lips and nose. Instead of overthinking, and hyperventilating, Penelope tried to focus on Marlene instead. She reached out to the woman and asked, "Will you be okay?"

Marlene sucked in a breath, looking at Penelope. She reached to her shoulder, only a head and a half shorter than the woman. Marlene nodded and called out to Joel and Tess.

"Y'all talk it through, but please remember that I'm bleeding out."

Tess turned around abruptly, walking over swiftly to the other women in the room. Penelope flinched at her movement. "Okay. Here's the deal." Tess paused, Joel placed his pistol back in its holster, seeing as there is no current threats in the room. "We'll get them to your crew, at the Statehouse."

Penelope watches as Marlene advances on the duo, her mouth open with anticipation, but also limping on her feet.

"But before we hand them over, they give us everything that we want. If not, we kill them, there and then." Penelope's eyes widened. They'd kill her? And Ellie? This is some messed up situation Penelope found herself in.

Marlene doesn't waste a second. "Deal."

Penelope and Ellie look at the older woman in surprise. Penelope doesn't say anything. She's too busy trying not to hyperventilate. Instead, Ellie calls out in surprise. "Really? That fast?"

"You are all that matters." Ellie scoffs, and rolls her eyes at the woman, looking straight ahead.

"My team will not jeopardize that. Remember what I told you?" Marlene questions the child in front of her.

"Now, go get your backpack," Marlene instructs Ellie, nodding her head back into the room Ellie came out of moments ago. "Now Ellie," Marlene speaks when Ellie doesn't move from her spot. After a moment, Ellie huffs. She stands up swiftly, stomping back into the room she came out of.

Penelope stands there for a moment, unsure of what to do. She doesn't have her backpack or any of her belongings. Hell, she doesn't even have shoes on. For a moment, it seems as if Marlene had forgotten about her, even though she said that Penelope would be going with Joel and Tess. "Um, Marlene?" Penelope calls out to the woman.

Marlene turns to the girl, after momentarily forgetting about her. "Your backpack is in the room behind me. Go and get it." Marlene instructs the girl, breathing heavily. Penelope nodes. She bends down with some trouble, her ribs aching her. Penelope picks up her oxygen tank and swiftly walks into the room right behind her with a noticeable limp in her steps.

Penelope can hear the adults talking in the hallway as she searches the room for her backpack. Penelope found her backpack thrown under a table with a map. Her green canvas backpack stands out amongst the browns and tans in the room. Penelope grabs it, unzipping the biggest pocket by the straps. She makes sure all of her supplies were left in there before she picks up her oxygen tank and makes room for it. She finds her tattered-up canvas shoes shoved in the side of her backpack. She slips them on, wincing as she moves her ankle in the wrong direction. After she is done, she looks around for her father's coat.

Penelope searches the room, looking in every nook and cranny, finding nothing. Penelope feels panic beginning to bubble up in the pit of her stomach. Her father's jacket is all that she has left of her dad, so she tries to push down the feeling of anxiety crawling up her throat. She exits the room with her green backpack on her shoulders over her plum-colored sweatshirt.

"Marlene? Do you know where my coat is?" Her voice comes out very high-pitched, anxiety making her voice shake. Marlene looks at Penelope with annoyance, her side hurting her with every passing moment. Marlene definitely does not have the time to be bothered with Penelope. She looks at Kim, who nods her head.

"It's right here," Kim responds for Marlene, heading into the same room. She walks out of the threshold, handing the piece of fabric to the child. Penelope visibly softens, her shoulders loosening.

"Thank you," Penelope replies with gratitude. She wraps it around her waist before looking at Joel and Ellie.

Joel looks at Penelope with a hard glare. Tess led the way out of the apartment complex. Ellie and Penelope share a look, quickly walking behind Tess. Ellie looks back to Marlene, who nodded to the child reassuringly. Joel was the last one to leave. He looked at Marlene with a nasty glare and made sure Penelope and Ellie were right behind Tess.

* * *

Penelope follows Tess through the rain, every so often limping through the puddles on the sidewalks. Over the last few moments, Penelope's ankle had gotten worse. It turns out, ignoring your pain does not make it go away. Her father's brown coat was soaked, and her plum-colored sweatshirt was becoming even more soaked underneath it. In the Boston rain, Tess, Penelope, Ellie, and Joel walked to Joel and Tess' apartment.

It wasn't a long walk, but in the rain, walking became more difficult. Not to mention the FEDRA soldiers who were placed on every corner. Penelope looked back to Ellie, seeing her pull her hood up closer over her head. Penelope shook her head and fixed her itching nasal cannula.

The air in the Boston QZ was very humid and muggy. The rainy sky mixed with the hotter weather from earlier in the day clashed. The muggy air became a little more difficult for Penelope to breathe, thankfully her oxygen tank was working a little better than her former one. Both of the oxygen tanks were stuffed in her backpack, making it look over-stuffed. Penelope prayed to whoever is up in the skies, begging that her backpack didn't look too suspicious.

The quartet swiftly walking through the Boston rain make it to Joel and Tess' apartment in one piece. Penelope follows Tess up the stairs to their apartment, Ellie following right behind Penelope. The two young girls approach a door, waiting for instructions.

Tess opens the door for the two girls. "Give us a minute, alright?" Tess asks the two girls as they enter the apartment. Tess quickly slams the door shut. Penelope jumps, wincing as she puts too much weight on her sprained ankle.

Ellie yelps, "What the fuck?!"

Penelope says nothing, too stunned. She makes her way through the darkened apartment. As the sun was setting, apartments grew darker. Penelope wandered around the room, her Converse sneakers squishing unconformably from stepping in so many puddles. She wandered to a window, noticing something blue on it. Ellie on the other hand began touching everything. From a book on the table to random trinkets around the room.

As Penelope approaches the window with what she's identified as a blue butterfly on the window, Ellie walks beside the girl, more interested in the book beside the radio. Ellie picks up the book, flipping through the pages. Penelope looks at the girl, abandoning the butterfly for a moment. Penelope wandered over to Ellie, looking at the book she was holding. On the pages, there was a scrap of paper hidden in the book. There were 60s, 70s, and 80s on the page, with a 'B/F' on the top of the page. She looked at Ellie quizzically, unsure of what this note meant.

There's a yell in the hallway, Joel opens the door furiously, entering the apartment. He sighs making his way to the couch. He ignores the two girls in the room, setting down his backpack with a thud, he moves to the couch, sitting down heavily.

Ellie doesn't waste a moment to annoy the older man, and asks, "So, who's Bill and Frank?"

Ellie breaks the tense silence, her main goal is to annoy the crap out of Joel.

"The radio's a smuggling code, right?" Ellie looks over to the radio where Penelope still sands, unsure what to do in this foreign room. "'60s song they don't have anything new, '70s, they got new stuff. What's 80s?" Ellie continued to annoy the man.

Instead of answering Ellie's question, Joel sauntered over, and snapped the book shut, tossing it out of Ellie's reach. Ellie stood there for a moment, stunned. Ellie was successful in annoying the annoying man, giving Penelope a smirk.

Penelope still stood at the window, looking out to the Boston QZ below her. Every so often, she would spin the blue butterfly around, liking the feeling of the cool plastic. Jole looked over to the girl, with her backpack and coat still on, like she was ready to leave at any moment. Joel noticed the glare of blue as Penelope moved around the butterfly. His former daughter's butterfly. A wave of protectiveness and anger consumed the man as he looked at Penelope.

"Hey! Kid, get away from that." Jole barked at Penelope. She jumped a foot backward.

"Sorry," Penelope whispered to the man, intimidated by his presence.

The two girls set down their backpacks beside the table. Penelope found a seat to sit in, setting her backpack closer to the seat she was sitting in, her oxygen tank not being able to reach from the table. Ellie stood for a moment, not sure where to sit. The only other seat was the seat Penelope was currently occupying.

"What are you doing?" Ellie pestered Joel.

Joel was currently walking back to the couch, his shoes thudding on the floor. He looked exhausted. Like a walking corpse to Penelope. She didn't dare say anything to the man, afraid he might hurt her. She is honestly surprised that Joel isn't already annoyed. Especially surprised he hasn't killed Ellie. Penelope will admit she finds Ellie funny, but sometimes her pestering jokes and sassy quips can be a little annoying. Even for her.

Joel sighed, laying his body out on the couch. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the annoying girls in the room.

"Killin' time." His voice was full of annoyance as he answered. Penelope shook her head, reaching into her backpack for her book.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Ellie wines, throwing her hands.

"I'm sure you'll figure that out," Joel responded. He shifted on the couch, it shifted under his weight.

Penelope pushed over to the corner of her seat, motioning for Ellie to sit with her. Ellie sighed. She grabbed the book she had annoyed Joel with moments ago. Ellie looked at Joel one last time, noticing his broken watch. "Your watch is broken." She stated.

Penelope looked at Joel's left wrist. Ellie was right, his watch was broken. Penelope pierced her lips and looked down at her book. She felt the cushion sink under Ellie's weight as she sat beside the girl. Penelope shifted to the side, moving to give the other girl some space on the small seat.

"You don't have to move, I have enough room," Ellie told Penelope, considerably lowering her voice.

Penelope gave Ellie a small smile, looking up from her book. The two entered a small silence–a rare occurrence for Ellie to be this quiet. After about ten minutes, Ellie grew antsy at the silence. The only sound was Joel's muttering in his sleep, Penelope's oxygen tank puffing from her backpack, and the pitter-patter of the coming rain.

Ellie sighed, slamming her book shut in frustration. Penelope looked up from her book, before Ellie's outburst, completely consumed by it.

"You alright?" Penelope broke the silence between the two, looking at Ellie in concern.

Ellie nodded, leaning back further into the seat. Ellie didn't say anything. She only looked out at the window in boredom. Penelope reluctantly looked back to her book, rereading the same paragraph about ten times over, unable to concentrate.

Penelope broke the silence again, asking Ellie, "Have you ever been outside the QZ?"

Ellie looked at Penelope. She thought for a moment before answering. "Nope. I've been stuck in the QZ all my life. What about you?"

"Uh no. I've been here my whole life too. But my parents lived before the infected came. How about yours?" Penelope asked, closing her book.

Penelope watched as Ellie's eyes became blank. She realized she might have not mentioned her parents. "Oh, sorry for bringing that up." Penelope quickly said. She dismissed her other words.

" No, it's fine. Don't worry. I was in FEDRA school my whole life. I'm an orphan." Ellie said bitterly, responding to Penelope's question. Penelope nodded, unsure of what to say. "So, did you go to FEDRA school?" Ellie finally asked.

Penelope shook her head, responding. "Uh, no. I taught myself stuff for school." She nodded. Penelope decided to try not to bring up her parents again, seeing as Ellie grew a little bitter on the subject.

"Oh so cool!" Ellie responded enthusiastically. "You taught yourself?" She asked, leaning towards Penelope. Obviously interested in the way the conversation was heading.

"Yeah! My–uh," Penelope paused for a moment, contemplating whether to bring up her mother. She decided quickly. Her story wouldn't make sense without mentioning her mother. "Mom taught me some things, but other than that, I taught myself." Penelope nodded, looking proud.

"Granted, I'm no teacher, so I don't think I'm too smart. There's only so much you can learn by yourself." Penelope paused for a moment, nodding and smiling. She notices that Ellie had her full attention on her, fascinated that this girl in front of her taught herself.

"Well, I'm not that good at math, and I never learned how to use a gun correctly–" Ellie cut her off.

"You know math?"

"Yeah, I do?" Penelope replied with uncertainty.

Ellie straightened up. "So cool!" She paused for a moment. Ellie jumped, an idea coming to her mind. "Could you teach me? You know, teach me math, and I can teach you how to use a gun?" Ellie reached for Penelope's hands, pleading with the girl to teach her.

Penelope's mind turned to mush. For one, she's never had a friend, this whole conversation being foreign to her. Two–Ellie, this girl who she just met is holding her hands. And three, she had to teach someone? No way. Penelope had a hard enough time learning geometry and slope intercept formulas on her own. What makes Ellie think that Penelope could teach her?

Ellie sat there, with a look of pure excitement on her face. Her body basically vibrating.

Penelope couldn't say no to Ellie.

"I can try to teach you, but –" Penelope was cut off.

"Oh my god! Really?! Thank you so much!" Ellie jumped in her seat, shaking Penelope's arms in excitement. Penelope laughed at Ellie's reaction.

"Hey, I said I'd try . That doesn't mean that I'll be successful." Penelope had severe doubt in herself. But she would try.

Ellie ignored her last sentence, calming down. The two girls sat in comfortable silence. Ellie went back to reading the book she found, in the 80s section of the book. Penelope back to reading.

Penelope was at the climax of her book, on about page 150, starting earlier in the day on page 48. When Ellie sighed. Obviously bored. Without looking up, Penelope answered. "What's up."

"This book is boring," Ellie stated, looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Penelope replied without an ounce of sorriness.

Ellie scoffed playfully. "Sure you are."

Ellie sat there. Bored out of her mind. Penelope sat beside her, completely enjoying herself reading the book in silence. Ellie clicked her tongue in boredom, making random sounds. Clearly trying to annoy Penelope.

Penelope on the other hand, knew how to tune people out completely and become consumed in what she was doing. So instead of responding to Ellie's antics, she tuned her out. After about ten minutes of Ellie being a complete fool, Ellie noticed what Penelope was doing.

"Hey!" Ellie called, pulling the book out of Penelope's hands.

Penelope yelped, "No! Ellie, please! It's at a good part!" Penelope whined. Ellie laughed triumphantly, closing the book without a bookmark in it. "Oh my god, Ellie. What have you done?!" Penelope wasn't mad, just simply annoyed. Her face clearly showed it. Ellie shrank under Penelope's stare, a tentative smile on her face.

"Sorry…" Ellie handed Penelope her book back. "I'm so bored Penelope!" Ellie called out, grabbing onto Penelope's shoulder and shaking her body with her words.

Penelope laughed, her eyes closed. "I can see that."

The two girls talked for hours, about anything and everything. Ellie talked about what it was like in FEDRA schools, and Penelope told Ellie what it was like to work with the seniors. The two girls were having fun as the sun began to set. Finally in better spirits than they were earlier in the day. Penelope's ankle and ribs still ached, but there was nothing she could do about the pain.

The sky became darker, the two girls became restless. They had no idea what they would be doing with the two adults–now one as Tess is nowhere to be found in the apartment. Joel slept on the couch, and Ellie roamed the room once Penelope returned to her book.

Ellie sat on the arm of the chair, and Penelope comfortably curled up in the seat, taking up most of the seat. Ellie was looking out on the gray and dreary landscape beyond the windows. As the rain came down, the more dreary and dull the temperature became.

Joel started to stir on the couch, Penelope not noticing. But Ellie did.

"You mumble in your sleep," Ellie spoke up.

Penelope looked to the girl in question, folding a corner of the page she was on. Penelope glanced over to Joel on the couch while stuffing her book back in her bag. She had been on the last few chapters of the book.

Ellie continued to talk, to no one in particular in the trio. "I've never been on the other side of the Wall." She sighed, resting her head on her hand. "Look how dark it is." Ellie turned to Penelope. Penelope nodded. She did have to agree, the outside looked so dull and lifeless. No colors. Only gray and brown.

"You guys go out there a lot?" Ellie directed this question to Joel. Ellie wouldn't admit it, but she was nervous to go out there. Outside the Wall. She waited for Joel's reply.

"I guess," Joel spoke after a moment. He sat up leaning his body against the sofa nonchalantly. Penelope looked at the man. In this light, in the mundane setting, this man before her didn't look like a major threat. He looked like a grown man with a tired face. With graying hair, and an exhausted stance. To Penelope, it looked like this man was holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. Penelope wondered what had made him this way.

Was it something that happened before the outbreak? Or during it? Was it something to do with his broken watch that Joel looks at often with a melancholy look? Or did it have nothing to do with anything? Was he just a bitter and grumpy old man?

Penelope looked to Ellie, dragging her eyes across the room in thought. "When was the last time?" Penelope was the one to ask. Penelope would admit. She was afraid. She has never been a mile away from her house. Penelope was quite frankly terrified.

Penelope had been trying to avoid the nagging feeling in her stomach. She had talked with Ellie for hours. She had entertained herself with reading. Anything but listening to her thoughts.

Penelope looked at Joel with dreaded eyes. Joel didn't answer for a moment.

Everything about Penelope's mannerisms reminded Joel of someone. Ellie could tell. The way he looked at her for a moment with heartbroken eyes, then would let his face fall. The way he would be so guarded around the younger girl confused Ellie. She didn't dare say a thing yet.

Joel finally replied, a heavy sigh escaping his mouth. "Maybe a year. What's it matter?"

"But you know where to go?" Ellie spoke, making sure they would be okay.

There was a pause.


There was silence between the trio. Ellie looked back out the window, and Penelope messing with her nasal cannula on her face. Joel sat on the sofa pondering. After a moment, Joel broke the silence.

Joel addressed Ellie, "So, what's the big deal with you anyway? You some kinda bigwig's daughter or somethin'?" Joel's gruff voice flowed across the room in the girls' direction.

Ellie looked behind her to Penelope, giving her a smirk. "Something like that." That was all Ellie said in return for Joel's question.

Penelope's face slowly grew into a tentative smile. "What about you?" Joel addressed Penelope. "What's up with your baggage?" Joel motioned to Penelope's oxygen tanks and the wire connected to them.

Penelope nervously itched at her cannula, before answering. "I have some sort of respiratory issue. If I don't have my oxygen tank and my nasal cannula I could die." Penelope answered simply. She didn't want to get too into her medical condition. Hell, she didn't even know much about it herself.

Ellie perked up, coming up with an idea. "Oh, the radio came on when you were sleeping."

Joel straightened up on the couch. Penelope side-eyed Ellie, clearly not remembering the radio turning on once.

"What?" Joel asked. "What was the song?"

"He kept sayin', like, like, 'Wake me up before you go-go?'" Ellie replied to the man.

Joel looked down with worry. " Shit ." He hissed. Penelope glanced up at the man.

Ellie laughed, looking at Penelope and Joel in triumph. "Gotcha. '80s means trouble."

Jole stands up and advances on the girl, annoyance clear in his stance. Penelope stiffens as the man comes closer. "Listen–"

Before he could say a word, the door opened, and Tess walked through the door. She closes it behind her, a look of tiredness on her face. Ignoring the situation in the room Tess speaks. "The spot under Lancaster looks good." Tess addresses Joel, and Joel with his finger still pointed in Ellie's direction hangs in the air. He stands up, straightening.

Tess looks at the two girls, Penelope curled up in the chair, not so comfortable now. And Ellie is now standing by the side of the chair. "You two got jackets in your packs?"

Penelope stands up out of the chair, uncurling like a cat, and stretching before leaning down into her backpack to grab her father's coat. "Mhm," Penelope replies.

"Yeah," Ellie responds to Tess.

"Okay, get it. It's time to go."

The trio grabs their backpacks and coats. Ready for their adventure.

Penelope shrugs on her father's coat, along with her backpack. Her oxygen tanks make her backpack heavier than before. By about twenty pounds. Nothing fun for the sandy-haired brunette.

The quartet headed out of the apartment. They walked slowly and quietly. Ellie and Penelope walk between the two adults, Joel on Ellie's right, and Tess on Penelope's left. Walking through the dreary streets of the Boston QZ, FEDRA vehicles patrol the streets.

Over the speakers, Penelope heard: " ...mandatory curfew to fight infection and insurrection. Observe mandatory curfew to fight infection and insurrection. " It occurred every night. This a reminder that FEDRA still controlled everything about people's lives in the QZs.

Penelope stood behind Ellie as Joel pushed open a trapdoor covered in dirt. It fell as Joel peaked his head out to make sure the coast was clear. He struggled to set it aside and bring himself up and out of the hole in the ground.

After climbing out of the hole, Joel reached down, giving Ellie a hand out of the hole. Ellie ignored the man. Instead, watching her step. Penelope was after Ellie. She, on the other hand, struggled to get out of the hole. Her backpack was too heavy for her, causing Penelope to slow down. She glanced up at Joel's hand and reached out. She assumed it was for her. But once Joel hesitated to help Penelope up, she realized his hand was outstretched for Tess. Not for her.

Penelope quickly tried to exit the hole in embarrassment. Tess followed after Penelope. Ellie and Tess got to work, crouching down and dragging the trapdoor over the hole they came out of. Once Ellie straightened up, she exclaimed in awe. "Hole shit. I'm actually outside."

Penelope crouched down close to the ground hiding the hole the quartet had just emerged from. Penelope observed her soundings. There were many blaring lights emerging from the QZ walls. Tess swiftly pulled Ellie down into a crouching position. It is unsafe to be standing straight up out in the open when you are not supposed to be somewhere.

"Jesus Crist," Slipped out of Tess' mouth as she glanced over to Joel. Penelope and Ellie were side by side, leaning on rubble by a bright yellow bus.

"Okay, we're gonna take the left edge around the buffer zone," Tess spoke to the two girls, looking at one another to make sure they were listening. "You stay close and you follow my lead."

The two girls nodded, Ellie, answering for the both of them. "Yeah. Yeah, of course."

Penelope looked to her side, just behind Tess to find the hollowed-out ground. It looked like a pathway to her, and once Tess said, "Let's go."

She led the way under the bright yellow bus. Ellie followed right behind Tess, Penelope scrambling to follow the two girls. Joel was the last one under the bus, looking behind the group to make sure they would not be seen.

Ellie crouched down, sometimes walking on all fours after emerging from below the yellow bus. Penelope stayed in a similar position, her left ankle becoming very sore from the weight on it.

The group walked by the bus' side, staying in the shadows.

Penelope tripped over a piece of concrete, stumbling into Ellie. The two girls steadied themselves, sharing identical looks of utter fear. Penelope's breath hitched, as she threw herself to the ground, noticing a truck with blaring lights come near them. Joel grabbed onto Penelope's backpack, and dragged her to the side of a car, taking cover. Tess on the other hand pulled Ellie to her. The two clasping hands.

As the car drove away, Tess crouched up and looked through the tinted and dusty car window to make sure the coast was clear. After deciding the coast was in fact clear, she looked to Joel. Tess got up and started to advance. Ellie followed right behind the woman.

Penelope glanced over her shoulder, Joel still gripping tightly to her backpack. He nodded to the young girl, and she moved to follow Ellie after Joel let go of her backpack strap. Penelope jogged to Ellie and held onto her backpack nervously.

The group makes their way to some sort of above-ground sewer–or some sort of metal tube. Their footsteps thud against the metal tubing as they walk through it. Penelope had her head down when Tess quickened her steps and tried to blend into the side of the tube. Ellie and Penelope followed after the woman, getting the gesture. At that moment, another car with blaring lights came passing by.

Penelope was surprised they were not noticed yet, considering her oxygen tank was as loud as it is. At each and every moment, Penelope was afraid they would be caught and killed, because of her stupid oxygen tanks. She tried to brush off her fear as Tess looked at the light's shadows.

Ellie and Penelope's eyesight followed the bright shadows of the light on the walls, both their mouths agape. Once the bright lights were gone, the two young girls looked to Tess for directions, completely unsure of what to do. Tess looked back to the girls and gave them a nod. She got up. Ellie and Penelope followed after the older woman–like baby ducklings.

Joel was the last one out–as per usual–making sure everyone would be alright to advance. The rain was coming down heavier now, soaking Penelope's hair and her father's coat. The group jogged through the rain, not seeing any lights or threats at the moment. A rumble of thunder lit up the sky as the quartet blended themselves into the shadowy walls. Penelope flinched at the loud rumble of thunder. Back in the QZ, it wasn't as loud as the thunder was now, outside of the Wall.

More rumbles of thunder came, making Penelope constantly jump. She was gripping tightly to the cord of her nasal cannula as they rounded the corner. She glanced to her left, and right as the thunder lit up the sky. Her eyes widened as she saw a FEDRA soldier urinating on the wall. Tess noticed too and ushered the two girls quickly out of his line of sight.

"What the hell?" Penelope heard the man mutter under his breath.

Tess was unsuccessful as they heard shouting. "Hey! Don't–don't move!" The soldier began to turn, hurriedly zipping up his pants. In the process, he dropped his gun with its flashlight attached. Penelope avoided his presents, instead glancing from Ellie to Joel, unsure what to do. The group stopped.

"Don't move!" The soldier shouted to them again.

Tess held up her hands in surrender, along with Joel. Ellie and Penelope followed their actions, Penelope dropping her cord in the process. The soldier had his gun pointed at them as the thunder illuminated them in the night sky. The soldier slowly pulled up his visor, getting a better look at the group.

Penelope saw as the man's face flashed with recognition. "You gotta be shitting me!" The man said, in disbelief.

Joel quickly walked forward, looking to defuse the situation. The soldier turned on his flashlight again, as Joel began to speak. "Okay, let's talk this out–" Joel was cut off by the soldier.

"Turn around." The man in front of the group ordered. "Get on your fuckin' knees."

Penelope looked to Tess, unsure of what to do. Completely scared shitless.

Joel grew angry as he said, "Hold on!" He held out his hands in surrender, not reaching for any of his weapons. Penelope watched the scene unfold. She looked to her side to Ellie who was looking at Tess.

"What did I fuckin' tell you, man?" The soldier was freaking out. "I said stay the fuck home. Get on your knees." The man pointed his finger at Joel in a threatening manner, his gun still pointed to the group.

"Now hold on–" Joel tried to argue.

"Just get on your knees," Tess looked over to Joel before turning around and getting on her knees with her hands behind her head. Penelope watched the woman, immediately fixing her stance, afraid of being shot right then and there.

"Get on your knees," Tess repeated to Ellie and Joel. The two followed her orders. Tess turned her body to the soldier saying, "Listen, you let us do this run… we'll split the cards with you." Tess promised the man.

The soldier was not having any of their bullshit. "Oh, will you?"

"Yeah!" Tess replied to the soldier, trying to get out of this sticky situation alive.

"I'm so blessed." As he said this, he reached for some device. "Hands on your head. Eyes forward." The soldier repeated the instructions to Tess. When she didn't move, the soldier grew impatient.

"Hands on your head!" Penelope threw her hands straight to her head, playing with a strand of hair in fear. The soldier held out the device and held it to Tess' neck.

"Really, man?" Tess scoffed as the device was held not so gently against her neck.

"Yep. We're doing this by the book." The soldier replied. "Jesus Christ." Tess let out as the scanner zapped her neck. Penelope looked to the side where Tess was, seeing the screen turned green.

"Alright, what about three-quarters?" Tess was looking up at him over her shoulder.

"Unauthorized exit. They'll hang you for that." The soldier said smugly as he moved on to Joel.

"Fine, everything off of this run, and half off on all the pills." Joel's voice was gruff and angered. Penelope looked at the man in fear. Penelope was the last one in their group. Ellie was in front of her.

The soldier looked applied. Penelope noticed, watching him from the corner of her eyes."Half off?" The soldier scoffed, the scanner zapped Joel and the screen went green. "All off. Risk my job for half off." The soldier muttered under his breath.

Penelope noticed Ellie pull something out of her jacket pocket while the soldier wasn't looking. Penelope was too afraid to say anything, or even question her. The man walked over to Ellie with the device, getting ready to scan her. Once the man was right behind her Ellie let out an inhumane sound and stabbed something into the man's leg.

Penelope let out a shriek of surprise and scrambled away from the commotion. The soldier let out a yell and hunched over pulling the blade out of his leg. Tess yelled for Ellie, instantly standing up and reaching toward the girl. Joel does the same, reaching for Penelope.

Penelope was behind Joel, Ellie beside the two, and Tess holding her hand out in front of her to the soldier.

"Get out the fuckin' way!" The soldier seethed, pointing his gun at Ellie. Joel stood in front of the girl, using his body as a shield from the soldier. "Woah, woah."

Tess moved to Penelope and pulled her to the side.

"We can fix this." Joel tried to convince the soldier, motioning to Ellie behind him.

The soldier was not having it. "Move."

When Joel didn't move, the soldier repeated. "Move." Aiming his gun directly at Joel.

At that moment, Penelope noticed that Joel's expression had changed. In a split second, Joel jumped onto the man, using his body weight to throw the solder to the ground. Ellie and Penelope shrieked. Penelope watched in horror as Joel threw punch after punch at the soldier. Ellie watched on with mixed emotions. Penelope on the other hand grew more and more afraid.

Of what? She didn't know. Everything, maybe. Nothing. She just grew afraid.

She watched on with a blank face, not even flinching anymore as punch after punch came. The man's body flew up and down from the force of Joel's punches, his face caving in. The thunder illuminated the two bodies. Blood covered Joel's fists. Blood all over the man's face.

Joel grew tired of punching the man, finally coming to his senses. Penelope glanced at Ellie with a blank stare, not even present at the moment. She felt the raindrops fall heavily on her head. But she wasn't there. Her fingers and toes grew numb, her body now becoming freezing. She was still breathing, but not focused on anything.

Penelope watched as Jole looked behind him to Ellie, breathing heavily with blood covering his fists. The body below him limps.

Tess moved Penelope to the side gently, lunging for the discarded device beside Ellie. She pulled out from the muddy ground, noticing the device was red.

Ellie was infected.

Penelope came to her senses, blinking rapidly. She looked from Joel to Ellie, then to Tess. Ellie was scrambling away from Tess. Screaming repeatedly, "No, no! No, I am not sick!"

Penelope felt her stomach drop.

Ellie was infected?

"Joel! Joel!" Tess called to the man in fury. Penelope backed away from the commotion breathing heavily.

"Look! Look! This is three weeks old!" Ellie pulled up her sweatshirt to reveal an infected bite mark on her right forearm. From afar, it looked like Ellie was in fact infected. Penelope didn't know what to think. Tess dropped the device, gripping onto Ellie's arm.

"You are infected?" Penelope whispered, horrified.

"Nobody lasts more than a day! Does this look a day old to you!?" Ellie pleaded with desperation, afraid that she could die right here and then. Tess would not hesitate to kill her, Ellie knew that. "You would've killed me!"

"I should fucking kill you!" Tess seethed in anger. "When did it happen?" Tess tried to ask the young girl in front of her.

Ellie was not having it. "It doesn't matter! You have to trust me! They're gonna catch us if we don't run!"

Joel stayed quiet, returning from whatever fog he was in before.

Penelope distanced herself from Ellie, fear radiating through her body. She felt shivers crawl down her spine. She was afraid of Joel for one, brutally beating her to death if she proved to do something wrong. And she was also afraid of her newfound friend.

Her first friend.

Penelope's eyes danced from Ellie's exposed forearm to Tess who was yelling at Joel.

Penelope couldn't hear anything. All she could do was breathe.

Tess yelled to the man. "Joel, we gotta move." When Joel didn't respond, Tess said again, "We gotta move, Joel!" And reached for Penelope. She dragged the young girl behind her as sirens sounded around them. Tess pushed Ellie and Penelope through the cement barricades, as Joel reached down for the dead man's gun.

Tess reached for the wired fence, pulling it open for Ellie and Penelope. The two girls slipped through the opening, walking through the scenery.

"Joel!" Tess called to the man behind her, as he slowed down.

The four of them walked through the abandoned streets of Boston, breathing heavily.