
a new life?

Today has been quite weird, I have forgotten everything about my life except for essential stuff and some survival info I got from watching the tube, also I woke up in a GODDAM forest, Naked and afraid.

For now, I have calmed down and have started to ass my odds, pretty sure i'm screwed, I recognize none of the plants here only the trees look kinda similar, but they have different leaves.

The trees look like walnut trees but with fig tree leaves, also no fruit on the new kind of trees, which is very sad for my stomach. The good thing is I was able to make a makeshift leaf skirt thingy with the fig type leaves and some young branches. Ohh ye the trees are also pretty short, well most of them except for some giant ass ones that look exactly like cacxvi (Tilia caucasica). One main difference is the size cacxvi trees can grow pretty big, but these are like cacxvi on steroids, they are about 100–150 meters tall, well enough of nature watching I have got to move and find some water.

I have been walking from one tree to another, there are almost no animals here. I have seen a Couple of large brown caterpillars about 30 cm in length on the trees and some darkish, dirty green coloured birds which seem to be the main predators for the caterpillars. Thankfully I haven't seen any other giant bugs, because that would have been very bad for me, running around the forest with a leaf skirt while 3 giga centipedes chasing me, that gives me the chills. PS, still no water, mouths getting dry and those caterpillars looking real juicy.

I continue to wander. There is no water, not even the sound of water, I can probably last for 2 more days. I thought about eating the caterpillars, but quickly changed my mind after thinking about how quick my death would be with food poisoning, vomiting or diarrhoea, ye life ain't easy, but what can I do gotta keep moving.

Looking back to when I got here it was when the sun was coming up, so if this place works the same as earth I have been wandering around for about 10 hours. It's getting dark, I'm going to stop my search for water for a bit and make myself a sleeping spot for tonight, the place underneath the cacxvi looks nice, just require some leaves and a few sticks.

Quickly I gathered sticks laid them, down put leaves on top and hooray I got myself a tribal pillow. My bed is just going to be leaves, I also found a big stick and have started to grind it on the cacxvi, the forests' quietness is making me paranoid. The makeshift spear will help me sleep better, if I can even fall sleep on my five-star leaf bed, well goodnight for now, sweet dreams me.


--cxcxv-- sound of leafs rustling--

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